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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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"Sorry about that... it was not directed to be offensive toward you, but it has been bugging me so much. I am just feeling unhappy around them sometimes, I am interested in hearing about the culture and their stories but... It just doesn't get the same treatment back, I tend to talk about things in such in-depth and I am eager to tell them, but I just get the feeling it is always falling on deaf ears because it is right after that replaced by another one of their things, I just miss the times where most would show interest you know?" Jack said with shame.

'Don't be, if there are moments where they don't heed someone's warning, let them realise their mistake when it backfires, the best thing you can do is keep these things to yourself, and avoid contact when things get narrow, it is one of the reasons why you need to avoid groups in general, a person is only going to listen so much to you.' The voice told him.

'I guess, but-' Jack thought before he was cut off.

'Just keep quiet for now, you are not required to say anything, let them worry about their problems and you worry about yours. Once we return I need you to find a secluded location, you think you can do that? I want to meet you eye to eye instead of being forced to this method Jack, we need to have a proper introduction.' The voice said.

'Yeah, I can do that.' Jack thought back.

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Evelyn landed on the ground inside the city "Are you sure you're alright? You've been acting a bit strange lately. I noticed it start after... the head injury. It seems like you're starting to think the equestrians are just gonna leave you but they're not. Trust me." She said. "I'm worried that that hit of yours did more damage than I first thought it did."

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I am not sure to be honest, but I have been feeling a bit off after that head injury, really fast fatigue, and sudden mood swings seem to happen. But then again i am known to be a bit weird by others. I do know they are not going to leave me but things have been pretty tense as of itself lately..." Jack said.

"I am sorry about back there earlier, i just seem to react pretty bad on the situation, with my sister and all." He said.

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"It's alright it happens to the best of us. You're lucky though. There's still a chance she's ok. We'll get to her as soon as we can promise. I know Maple wants to as well." Evelyn said. "Do you want to go somewhere? Perhaps to where the equestrians are? SO you can tell them what you told me?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"We can go to them, but i am not sure if i can really tell them, i told you those things in a moment of a feeling building up, but now i am just to uncertain for it." Jack admitted.

"I think i just have to take things easy for now, you are probably right about that head injury because it really seems to affect me in a way." He said with a sigh.

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"Maybe we should get that looked at... I think Maple went there anyway..." Evelyn picked up Jack... But set him down. "Alright I can;t keep lying to you... You didn't get hit in the head... Somehow Windphaser cut the other voice inside your head out of rage of it seeming to want to turn you into an unfeeling killing machine... Can't say I liked what he did but I don't want to support it either... It's up to you to think if that was justified or not..." Evelyn felt bad for not telling him soon and worried he was going to collapse again.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack was looking a bit petrified by her sudden revelation.

"I... I remember it now better, but that means..." Jack said as he started to realize what all had transpired during that time.

"Unfeeling killing machine? What are you talking about Evelyn? He was trying to help me, but Windphaser suddenly attacked him just like that..." Jack said with a bit of a disturbed look on his face.

"I am not angry that you lied to me, but I am deeply disturbed by the fact that Everyone is accusing my own mentor of such things, he might have a pretty aggressive personality but he doesn't do such things..." Jack said as tears started to stream out of his eyes.

"After everything... And this is how everyone is repaying him..."


Edited by Trazyiana Jones (Mickey Adaptus)
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"I don't mean to take his side but... He did come off that way... I mean our minds are shared and I didn't like what he was saying to you myself but I believe you if you say he has a good meaning to his... Plan." Evelyn smiled "It's ok. I think he just got upset and his Raukan blood started to boil so he made a bad choice. You haven't know Wind for too long but I do have to say it was a poorly executed choice of greeting."


Woody was angry "I told you... I'm going. I know what it's like to lose a sister... He shouldn't have to go through that..."

"But imagine if I lost you ." Maple pleaded "Please stay here and rest for this battle... Please."

"No. My choice is final. I need to help. I'll stay out of the thick of things though using support magic like healing to help you all." Woody said turning and leaving his defeated sister who didn't know what to say at this point.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"He is just very misunderstood, he is not really liked by many, but his intentions are not so dark as everyone believes them to be. Even if he does tell me some rather disturbing things, he does it to inspire me so that i won't give up. Remember how i said earlier about no one paying attention to the dangers of the conversion process? He is aware of what it is becoming and decides to do something about it, he might be a bit of jerk to others sometimes, but where others are busy with other things to not notices certain dangers, he goes straight to the point and doesn't let anything stop him, He saved countless of lives by this, he even deserted his military position in order to fight this war his own way." Jack said.

"Even when i was imprisoned, he was there for me, and i learned that beyond all that selfish attitude and strong headed opinions, i can see a true hero, he doesn't care for boasting, glory, fame or any of that nonsense, he fights because he want to preserve a future for those who are left. Even now he is trying to help me, his methods might seem crude, but the unfeeling killing machine part is not true, he is not trying to turn me into something like that, he is trying to awaken my inner abilities that i seem to carry with me." Jack said as he looked down.

"I just... Can we please go to the others? I am just feeling a bit bad at the moment.." Jack said.

Edited by Trazyiana Jones (Mickey Adaptus)
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Evelyn listened to Jack's speech about his old mentor. "Don't worry. I said I'd give him a chance now. I'm even willing to step in the way no should something like this happens again. You've got nothing to worry about for now. Yes. Let's go find the others now Maybe they'll help calm you down too. It was only Windphaser who reacted like that anyways." Evelyn lifted Jack into the air carrying him to where Luna and Celestia were. Since Jack liked Luna so much it seemed like a good idea.

Luna said something to Celestia which jack had no idea what was. Followed by luna saying "... I believe that is how it pronounced but it has been over 1000 years since I used this language."

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Thanks," Jack said with a smile.

When they eventually landed, Jack looked at Luna and Celestia

"Hey guys, I heard a bit about a language thing, are you 2 discussing the mystery about that warp gate and the activation words?" Jack asked them with curiosity.

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"Yes. We know it is ancient and it has similarities to ancient equestrian but It's not quite." Luna said still looking through pages.

Celestia nodded "I still believe that it's a precursor language to our own." Celestia was most likely correct there.

"No... I don't think so... I was told we formed our own language not that we were taught it." Luna flipped through pages while brushing off 'Tia's idea.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Couldn't have Starswirl the bearded have told everyone that? Perhaps he was trying to make everyone believe it originated from Equestria to hide any traces of their secret bond with the Circle, from what i have seen they where they where very strict with removing all traces of their existance within Equestrian records. Meriel would probably say the same thing since she knows more about this then i do." Jack said.

Edited by Trazyiana Jones (Mickey Adaptus)
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"That's a good point." Celestia declared "It also explains why we naturally spoke the same language when our kinds first met."

Luna seemed defeated but she wasn't gonna back down. "It could have just been a coincidence." She retorted "Do you honestly think that every single one of the many races here all derived from the same one language? I know that that is very unlikely so I'm sticking to the fact it's just a coincidence,"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Celestia's theory does actually make sense, we could look at this way, how did the first Pony get born? For all, we know some of the races of Equestria are offsprings from an alien species that happened to populate on Equestria way before there were any other species. Such things are unknown, but doesn't mean they are impossible." Jack said.

"When 2 from both different species get children, there is either the chance it will be born as one of the species, or... A hybrid species will be born, that could actually explain the evolution of most species out there."

"And as for the language, this is an easier one to explain, the ancient language that I am a little familiar with is very old, it predates to times where not many species were out there. Wouldn't it be that ancient Equestrian hasn't been loosely based on that older language but had its own things added as well? That is what my theory is." Jack said.

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Luna scoffed "So you're saying that there was a pony before there was Equestria? Becuase that doesn't make sense and these genes appear from no where after all... I'm just saying it'd be exteme to say that because from what this says our mother would be that pony. Which would make everypony in Equestria related... Do you both realize how that sounds..."

Celestia realized Luna was getting upset "Something the matter? You seem to be taking this really personally."

Luna sighed "I don't know I just feel like it's impossible if we all came from one person then why are there 7 races of us... Maybe even more. It's not like we came from a red-maned alicorn..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It's not that absurd Luna, my race actually comes from 3 types of people, and these 3 came from one being. It is how the cycle of evolution goes for some races, of course not all races have this thing, but my theory for the races of Equestria? Some might be descended of other races and evolved further into something different, while other races could have been brought to birth from itself. It is not something to think bad of, think of it as a good thing because then you know who has done the good deed of bringing forth such a race in the first place!" Jack said with a smile.

His smile after a while faltered a bit as he realised something from their conversation.

He walked to Celestia

"Are you planning on telling Luna about that one thing that you told me?" Jack whispered quietly in Celestia's ear, not sure if Celestia would or not.

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"You mean that our mother was in that book? I already told her that. Wait were you referring to something else?" Celestia asked confused a bit now.

Luna looked at Celestia "Right. But still I don't think she was the first pony she left the planet at some point."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I am perhaps more referring to how she died, if you haven't told her about that part, you need to be careful with how you tell it, this is not something that can be taken lightly, especially when it comes to family." Jack whispered back to Celestia.



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Luna shook her head "It doesn't matter how. It just matters that she's gone... But that was something I suspected anyways since we never met her anyways." Luna kept reading. "I think I got it. It says 'Let light guide the way.' I think But I'm guessing a few of the words."

Celestia nodded "Good work sister. Now, what do we do with that knowledge?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'She took it rather well, alot better then I would have myself.' Jack thought.

"That is it!" Jack said with a smile.

"I think at one point we would have to try it out, granted that it also needs Eldritch magic to power it. Will we probably have to test it out after we rescue my sister? That seems like a good idea to me." He said.


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"Yea that sounds best to me as well." Luna added, "Let's go prepare for that it's going to be hard."


Shining armor read some of the reports "hmm... We still need to rid the planet of the infected right?"

Candance nodded "Correct! That should be easy enough... How has MoonShadow been taking the loss? Not well?"

Shining nodded "Yea... Maybe this will take his mind off it. I'm going to go make that speech now." The white unicorn left the room and looked outside at the army and sighed.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson meanwhile was working on some type of weapon, it was about the size of a rifle but looked unique as it had a more advanced feeling to it.

The barrel seemed to rotate and there where things attached to the barrel that had a blue glow to it.

He had been working on it for very long, without much sleep, he intended on finishing it no matter what.

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Shining walked right past the room but later Moonshadow sulked into the Room. "I saw you working on this earlier." He asked sounding upset but trying to distanct himself. "What is it?"


Shining walked up to all the soldiers "Quite a lot of them..." He took a deep breath. "I can do this..." He stepped onto the announcement platform and froze up.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It is quite a powerful weapon when fired, it should fire a couple of vibrations that should be capable of throwing someone's mind in decay, and by that extension make their movements almost numb from the lack of brain waves that are being sent out to said body parts." Caerson said.

"Granted that it has not yet been test fired, because it draws energy from the alternate realm in order to make this possible, it is strong, but dangerous nonetheless." He said as he started working further on it.


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