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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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"Well, You need to tell yourself something... It was that risk or let her get infected... I know she'd want to at least try this rather than jsut let that infection spread inside her. You did the right thing. But for now you're right... All we can do is hope... Hope for her... Celestia, Luna and the others too... I hope they're ok... I should maybe try to radio them... I should've a long time ago..." Twilight added with worry.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You are right Twilight, anything is better than getting infected after all. But you shouldn't blame yourself for not radioing them sooner, they are busy after all, especially with where they are at. You might want to soon, i haven't heard anything of them either." Caerson admitted.


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"I think they'll be fine. I mean this is Celestia... AND Luna we're talking about. Both of them are much stronger than any normal pony. Hay, They're just as strong as the elements but all packed into a single entity." Twilight said excitedly "So really... Why worry about it." She had a big smile on her face. "What's the worst that could happen?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson had a bit of a mixed expression on his face from worry and intrigue.

"Well... They are strong, but they are not exactly in a safe environment, the planet that they are at is making the dangers in Equestria look a little mild compared to what they would have to face there, they are very lucky they are residing into a very big city but... the environments outside there are harsh, very very harsh, lots of deserts, and wild life has become home to very big infected creatures." Caerson said

"We don't have to worry so much tough, as long as they stay in that city then they shouldn't really have alot of problems, but if they go outside there, it won't be a picknick so to say, but at the same time they are with a very big group, not much can happen to them unless someone decides to run off to who knows where." Caerson added.

He then tought for a moment.

"Sorry about that, i feel like honesty is just something i must voice in times like these."

He looked at of the window.

"Come to think of it, how has Cadence been doing?" He asked Twilight.


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"She's been really stressed... She's been managing both The Crystal Empire and the rest of Equestria. That means she alone has been fixing everyponys problems. It's been rough on her to take it all suddenly and by herself at that." Twilight looked at Caerson "She can handle this all... for now at least."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I can imagine, especially with everything that has been going on. I am afraid there is more bad news to this matter, while Canterlot and the Crystal Empire are safe, the other towns and smaller cities will not last that good, individual ponies will be hunted and cornered like rats when they either travel or when one of the towns should fall."

"Despite the destruction of most conversions centres around Equestria, the enemy is still swarming around like wildlife, they are operating through Equestria by additional means, this could prove bad for all us." Caerson admitted.

"It is just horrifying how they manage to operate on planets, they are capable of buildings their structures in a very short time, and knowing exactly where to strike, but nobody know's when. And then for the matter that their physic link is, in theory, an communication ability that is used every single organism that is infected, wich means nobody can hide for long, it is only a matter of time before they launch major attacks."


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"I know... I've seen it happen before my eyes... It's not something I like watching happen but there's not a lot I can do... It's... Scary to be honest." Twilight smiled awkwardly "well if I'm not by myself we can save lives but there's the constant worry about... Infection, death others..." Twilights voice trailed off.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Indeed, such fates should have never befallen in Equestria, it should have stayed contained in our own planets, but sadly that was not the case in the end." Caerson said, he had an bit of sad expression.

"Say, now that i asked about Cadence, about her daughter, Flurryheart? I haven't heard about her for a very long while." Caerson said, interested in how she was doing.


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"Flurry? huh... Now that you mention it... I don't think I've seen her around... She hasn't been talked about much either... I think she was talking about doing something... I don't remember what she was talking about but she's been gone since..." Twilight explained "Perhaps we could talk to Cadence about it. I'll bet she knows."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You want to ask her right now? I don't have anything to do at the moment, and as far as I know, you are not busy with anything else at the moment right? I had been working with Zecora for the last few days so i wasn't really aware of anything else happening." Caerson explained.


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"I think that'd be the best. Cadence will surely know where she is. After all, Flurry is her daughter... I'm worried though..." Twilight said looking at the window Caerson had been looking at. "If we need the elements again... Fluttershy... She's... Well... I can only hope she's ok... A... Anyways... Cadence is in the throne room... Let's go say hi." Twilight started to head that way and didn't check to see if Caerson was coming with her.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson waited for a moment, then started following her.

'No matter the paradise, dark events will always enfold.' he thought.

"Fluttershy will be ok, i am sure that of that, her daughter must have inheritated the strong will of her mother." Caerson said, he was strongly aware Fluttershy was not ok, but he was also aware it would be downright bad for him to push that fact even more further then it already has been said.



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"Let's hope so. And yea Maple will make sure nothing happens to her... Same with Luna and Jack..." Twilight told him "Cadance might be busy when we get there... Don't acknolage her when we walk in... Wait until she says something to us... Or don't I think she'll be ok either way..." Twilgiht opened the throne room door

When sh heard the door cadance imediatly looked up Moving a large stack of papers out of the way "Oh Twilight. Thank goodness your here... I really could use a break..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I could imagine, running an entire kingdom like this, it is not easy." Caerson said as he walked in the throne room, most of his face hidden behind his hood.

He then looked around, specifically at the paper stack and other things, the guards looking at him with mixed signs of being tense and uncomfortable when seeing him.

"Me and Twilight where wondering where your daughter, princess Flurryheart is at, and what she is doing." Caerson asked her with intrigue. 


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Cadence looked shocked "Wait... you haven't see her?" She looked worried out of her mind now "Please tell me you're joking..."

Twilight took a step back "Is... Something wrong?"

"Look we sent a spacecraft... Out of Equestria... To go find and rescue the others... Our Scientests.... the ones who read teh books the others found managed to reverse engineer the tech and we fixed one up... Flurryheart wanted to go but I told her no... If she's not in the castle..." Her voice trailed off

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Then she is now in space, in a spacecraft. Does she even know how to pilot such a machine? Being in space is one thing, but if she doesn't know... she could be stuck there." Caerson said with a worried tone.

"This is bad... You might want to be carefull on how you will tell Shining Armour this, he would be furious if he found out his daughter is now in space, where nobody is able to help her if raiders decide to attack her spacecraft.." He said, pacing around in rising tensity.


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"We sent a group too... But very few ponies wanted to take such a journey... I didn't WANT flurry to go... I told them to keep her off the ship... Now it's too late..." Candence sighed "I... Don't know what to say... I'll get back to my... uhh... duties now...* Cadance sulked back over to the large stack of papers and started working again.

Twilight looked sad. "Wow... Now I feel kinda bad for asking" She told Caerson

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Hold it there, do you still have the technology or the codes used to reprogram that ship? I could trace her location, then I could perhaps atleast find out if she is safe or not, does that sound something to lighten up this problem a bit?" Caerson asked Cadance, hoping to put her at ease a little more.


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"Well... None of the ships we could repair had an auto-pilot but there was one person who could fly it well..." Cadance replied, moving papers from the stack and looking over them "Twilgiht should know him as 'Capper' I believe it was..."

"No way! He can do that?" Twilight interrupted "I'll need to ask his other skills..."

"Anyways!" Cadence snapped back bringing attention back to her "If you could keep an eye on her for me I'd be able to work in peace knowing she's safe."

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Hmmm, interesting, that there is someone who actually understands technology of my own race, i would expect only Twilight to have such kind of knowledge from that kind of tech.. O well, i guess i will have to some more research on that." Caerson noted.

"I will see what i can do, but i can't promise anything." He said as he walked away, heading to the courtyard.


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Twilight followed Caerson "I think cadence meant he learned quickly rather than knew naturally... Though they managed to fix up one of the ships that's impressive." she looked at the room the two had build Maple's body in "I'm going to radio the others... Make sure they're ok... see you later."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Please inform me about what they told you, I want to know what is going on out there. See you later Twilight." Caerson said as he walked into the castle courtyard, he was walking around when suddenly he stepped on something, it was some sort of blue flower.

'Huh? This flower is rather out of place, that is weird. But then again, I don't know anything about gardening, surprised they are still bothering to maintain such a garden when everything is at stake, but i am not one to judge, i tend to look at practical uses instead of decorative ones.' Caerson thought.

He then started walking back, not knowing he stepped on a poison joke, not even knowing what that was, the effects itself would happen sooner or later, but for now, nothing had happened yet.

But then the other question arose, who placed that poison joke there?



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Meanwhile, Capper had finished teaching a pegasus to pilot the ship in space which was rather easy. "I'm gonna take 5... Need something to drink." Capper turned and walked into the storage room

At that same time, there was a loud *CRACK* of Flurryheart bucking open the wooden box she'd hidden in. She got up and shook off the cloth she covered herself in.

"Well Kid..." Capper said as Flurry revealed herself "I gotta congratulate you... it worked. As far as we know they have no idea you're up here."

"You seem... a little too experienced at this..." Flurry said climbing out of the box "But whatever... Thank you so much... I know mom wants me to stay safe but I just want to help the others

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson was wandering through the halls of Canterlot castle when, he suddenly felt something strange, he quickly went inside one of the bathrooms, wich was only usuable for ponies, and he stared in the mirror, but to his shock, all he saw was black... he tried to wave a hand before his eyes, but still he saw nothing, he started moving around the room, feeling alongside the walls and then was going trough the hallways, not seeing anything, somethimes walking straight into castle servants.

It looked in all aspects just weird and sad at the same time, he was moving his hands trough the air, trying to touch things that weren't there, almost like he was some sort of mime.

"Curse this, just what is this madness?!" Caerson grumbled.

He was not aware, but he had gone blind...


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"What can I say, kid, Been at this longer than you've been around," Capper said getting a water canteen. "Where I'm from that kinda stuff common occurrence... You get good at stuff just watching it happen after all."

"Well... It worked so who am I to complain. It'll be a while before we get there so... Might as well get comfortable..." Flurry used the cloth she'd hidden in and the top of the box to make a seat for herself for the trip.

"There ya go. That's travelin' in comfort. I'll be headin' back to the front you just stay 'ere." Capper said rubbing the top of her mane and heading to the door.


After several failed attempts Twilight left the room and started look for Carson... Worried about the others... "Caerson? Hello?" She called out to him.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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