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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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From the distance, Luna didn't know that he was dodging by warping so her pattern of direct shooting didn't change but her pace and intensity per beam increased slowly.

Celestia, on the other hand, changed it up. She started firing her blast at a complete random through the area near the cultist. He was bound to warp into one eventually if Celestia wasn't knocked down or out. "Come on. You talk so big why don't you show me why you keep talking like that!" Celestia put up a barrier ready to counterattack.


"I think they're fine. I mean did you see that beam?! There's no way that monster survived it! Plus even if so I need to make sure you're ok, That was my main task after all, and lately... well I've been doing pretty bad at it. I'm sure they'll handle it" She gave a reassuring smile

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The cultist stopped teleporting and quickly cast a barrier of his own, although this one looked more like an enveloping aura rather than a barrier.

The attacks from Celestia and Luna that hit the barrier had an interesting effect with it, rather than hitting the barrier, the attacks got consumed by it, almost like the barrier was literally eating up the attacks.

He then regenerated the burned parts of his body, and when he heard Celestia's remark, he gave a response. "Have it your way, Monarch." He said simply

Instead of using words as a follow-up response, he did took some sort of stance, and looked like he was preparing for some sort of punch, he stood like that for a few seconds, which could indicate that he was trying to identify something, but then, he did something.


Those words rang across the battlefield as it comes from his own voice, but these words sounded alot different than his normal voice like it was coming from something else.

When he shouted those words, He then punched right in front of him, or so it would seem to everyone else, but in reality... He had fired some sort of shockwave from his fist, but it seemed to be almost invisible to the eye due to how transparent the colour of the attack was, and what made this attack terrifying, was not because it was invisible, but because it had no collision... It was like some sort of ghost attack, as it went through everything, even trough barriers and bodies, but there is one thing that it could hit, souls...   That was the purpose of the attack. 

It flew towards Celestia with an impressive speed, and it passed right through her barrier, armour, flesh, blood and bones, it hit her inner soul like a bulldozer impact.

The attack itself on impact was meant to unstabilize the connection between the soul and the body, causing not only intense pains from the insides but things like blackouts and the paralyzation of certain muscles/body parts.    As this attack in a way interferes with how the brain gives out signals like when somebody moves their hands or close their eyes for example.

This attack hit one of Celestia's lungs at high speed, and while it didn't disable the lung itself, it did cause some temporary malfunctions within her brain and body, but one thing was for certain, The cultist had held back when he did the attack.  This attack at full power could kill someone from the inside out rather than how most attacks work, and was one of the most feared types of attacks that were utilized by the Blood Cult, as they used techniques where unknown by most, but where meant to deadly and lethal, rather then destructive and big in size.

Only what was malfunctioning in her body was not known as of yet, as the effects were always different for each person, and the end result was never guaranteed when this attack was used, but it sure was effective.


"Yeah, that was one heck of a beam I had to admit," Jack said with a laugh. But his face then turned serious again. "But that monster survived alright, I can confirm it, do have this weird feeling in the back of your mind that something is trying to analyze it? You might normally just brush it off that it is your own anxiety, but whenever that monster is near, this feeling seems to enter anyone's head, I had that same feeling at that tournament, and I am having it again." Jack explained.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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Celestia was caught off guard as it went past her shield, after getting hit fell limp to the ground, not wanting to move out of fear, and the paralyzation wasn't exactly helping. Alive but most likely in desperate need to escape the cultist."W-What... even... was that..."

Luna was not really pissed "How dare you do something that cheap!" Luna readied herself, she wasn't running... since Celestia was now in peril "Try it against me and you won't do as well!" She teleported, not reappearing for about a second firing a small beam again and warping in mere seconds. Repeating the process over and over randomly. In between the teleports and reaperence she was spawing bolts that didn't move high in the sky, they looked like stars from the ground so it was hard to notice at first but it would soon be the only thing one could focus on. She readied her sealing magic spell, waiting for him to notice 'Her stary sky'


"Alright... Let's give them a bit longer... I really do belive they're ok... but if they're not back soon... I'll go in after... a..." She noticed the magic popping up in the sky. "That's not a good sign. I'll head back they're bound to need more help, you stay here." Evelyn spread her wings about to take off... But she wanted to make sure Jack didn't want to say anything.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You call it cheap by the factor that your puny mind cannot comprehend the type of powers that we possess.  But what is this kind of attack, another big one? I had expected more from the 2 of you, while power behind those attacks where impressive, but all of these attacks towards me where intended to finish me off in one go, your blood relevant had wasted already made a big mistake in trying to play it big right in the first minutes, and look what has happenend to her." The cultist said as he shook his head.

"So pray tell me, what makes you think that this attack will do any better? You will only wear yourself out in desperate ranged attacks, being too afraid to fight me in close quarters, that is your race, in a nutshell, wasting all of your potential in useless things like emotions and feelings."

"I bet you are so cowardly and weak that you don't want to decapitate anyone or gave someone a painful that in close combat, no... Your alter ego Nightmare Moon atleast had the guts to do that, so you shouldn't be surprised that everyone is looking down upon your race as a bunch of primitives.   It would be an honour to wipe out a race that is blind to the fact that there are beings stronger than them..."

"It is how you underestimated me in the first place, you don't want to admit that there are beings out there who could crush your puny empire, just give up, there is no point in trying to salvage an already broken and fascist turned empire."

"Accept your defeat Nightmare Moon, it is over." The cultist said his words in the most insulting way, while he had been staring at her spell this entire time.



"Wait, before you go, when you return and you guys have defeated that guy, do you want to do something fun together? While having company is nice, I usually am pretty bored after a while.  Do you perhaps want to fly together when you guys return? I still wanted to give you a present, something that I haven't been able to do earlier because of my injury and all that." Jack asked her with a smile.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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Luna looked shocked and took a step back as she stopped warping but then regained her confidence in realization of something a bit more apparent to her. "Well... if what you say really is really true that means she and I are one in the same... So I wouldn't call out things that I might regret saying." Celestia's halberd flew over to Luna  She held it with magic laughing quietly "Who am I kidding, you've already majorly messed up. Let's fight, no magic and see how well you fare!" She flicked the halberd and its axe head turned into a scythe blade.


"Yea that sounds fun. I promise we can do that once I return. See ya soon!" With that evelyn flew off towards the battle zone.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Now that is more like it... But you have already seen me fight againts your lizard friend." He said as he crossed his arms. But he had to admit that he did like her certain change in attitude, although something that he could exploit.

"So what makes you think you will fair better againts me? I know everything about you, but you know nothing about me, is that habit of underestimating your enemies present here once again?"

He then popped his neck and crunched his knuckles. "I don't hear you thinking about anything so that only confirms my words of blatant ignorance. Go ahead and get cocky, that will make it easier for me to find your blind spots."

"Come at me, I won't need a weapon for what fighting style I will using againts you." He said as he took some sort of fighting stance.


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"What makes me better than you?" Luna didn't even have to consider it, "I have something true and righteous to stand for when you have something like that..." Luna closed her eyes, One of the many bolts in the sky came down quickly, Its intent wasn't to hit the Cultist only make him dodge, the bolts impact was quickly followed by a merciless and deadly swing of what was now a scythe durning the swing Luna reopened her eyes and the puplis where now narrow slits as opposed to the circles, perhasp an element of Nightmare Moon revealing itself, Not only that but if the blast from before hit the ground it would knock up sand, making it much harder to see Luna when she appeared for the swing. Her saying no magic was a bluff. "You're ready to die for it!" Luna roared finishing her thought "We'll fight until you run or I die. I'm sick of you and should've done this before. You've caused enough damage" 


Evelyn saw what was happening, She couldn't eaxctly help Luna without possibly disrupting her... and well she would be at risk herself. She spotted Celestia and quickly flew to her ignoring the battle "Celestia! Are you ok?"

Celestia groaned "N-No... something's very wrong... I don't exactly know what..." That was enough for Evelyn to lift her up and Evelyn spread her wings "W-Wait... What about Luna?"

"We need to make sure you're ok, Luna can handle herself... I think... But like this... you're just a piece in his game." With that She took off, trying to get her out of the way of the two fighters

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The cultist barely had time to see the scythe coming towards him and he only had a fraction of a second to jump back, but the scythe still slashed across his chest, leaving a deep bleeding scar, and that single attack did impressive damage.

When he held his paw close to his scar it was dripping blood on his hand.

But suddenly he started laughing, which eventually turned into a roaring laughter, wich his laughter was projected from his powers.

"True and Righteous? There is nothing true and righteous about your ways! There is no good or evil, there are only norms and standards that some try to follow, but in the end, we all have our own reasons." He said as he was still laughing.

"How many lives have you murdered? How many infected have you killed as you went to your so-called righteous crusade? It seems that stereotypes like you try to justify your every murder with that righteous excuse, and all those who you despise, you call them evil. But guess what?  We, just like you are trying to survive as well."

"All those we murder, are so that we can keep our form in this realm, and that we may serve our patrons as we see fit, do you really think we are going this for pure enjoyment? I bet if you were in our place, you wouldn't stop murdering others if it meant that your race would live on. After all, isn't that what you have been doing the entire time? You mentioned you would do everything to protect Equestria, even at the expense of murdering all those who might have a other reason..."

He then clenched his fist.

"You can spout this righteous nonsense all you want, but it will never change the fact that you are willing to murder others if it comes at the benefit of your own race, else you wouldn't be fighting this war in the first place, we are all in the same routine with that.." He said with a hint of anger.

"They should have left you rotting on that moon of yours, you disgrace..." He said, before trying to do another one of the attacks that he had done on Celestia, but this time he was aiming at Luna's heart, and he was not holding anything back.

"Perish..." He said with malice, but before he could fire it, something suddenly was called out from something far away.

"Don't hurt her!!" Came the voice from Jack echoing over the hill, from where the camp was at, he had apparently crawled away and had tried to get a better look, but he had really lost it when he saw that the Cultist was about to attack Luna with that.

The cultist turned around and looked at Jack with a mixed expression of irritation and disgust.

"And what makes you think you have a say in this boy? By all rights, I should just kill you for trapping me in the first place." He said as he turned to aim his attack towards Jack instead.

"You got it wrong, they haven't done anything wrong, they may not know of your ways but they have never hurt your clan in any way, so please, stop this madness!!" Jack shouted back.

"I am done with their self-loathing arrogance, if they wish to justify their ways, I will give them a taste of their very own justification." He retorted back as his purple aura started increasing.

"Luna, get out of there, he is going to kill you!!" Jack screamed with fear

"I will give you this one for free Star Architect..."




He then turned around and fired his attack towards Luna instead, which was heading towards her with an amazing speed.

"No!!!" Jack shouted.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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Luna had focused purely on the foe at hand she bore her teeth "And what Makes your murder any better than mine... I was defending myself, and my people those who can't defend themselves. I was killing to stop those infested form just killing and infesting more and more people." Luna, was interrupted when he started to speak to JAck Jack she thought he was going to attack him and between the change of aim she teleported in front Jack, so in the end, she evaded the killing blow. "Turning innocent people into mindless slaves who go around turning countless others to match. My race... No... All races are only fighting to survive but you push them under and treat them like trash. Your clan bases itself on selfish morality and the universe would be safer without it around. I'll leave you with this!" Luna teleported behind the cultist swinging at his spine, she forced all the bolts in the air to seek out the cultist and then teleported back to Jack teleporting them both back to camp them both back to camp. Once safe luna dropped the scythe and looked at Jack "First... Thanks. Next, What in this wide universe were you thinking!" Luna's look showed a lot of fear, all of it originating from the fact that Jack could've been put in danger

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"He was leading you into a trap Luna!" Jack exclaimed.

"That monster had been counting for you to fire your spell and dodge it, using that moment of opportunity to attack, he was aiming for your heart, if I hadn't distracted him, you would be dead!"

"look, I am sorry, but I had to do something. Didn't you see that he was not acting seriously during some parts of the fight? I know he could have dodged alot of the attacks before, he showed it all in that tournament, yet here he was standing still a lot, it was all a trap to catch you off guard...  He already managed to catch Celestia off guard by using an attack that we didn't know before, who isn't to say he had a second one up his sleeve?" Jack said with worry.

"I know you don't me to get hurt, but I don't want you to die either,  You are my mother, what would I have done if you were dead? I would rather get hurt than see someone I care about die..." Jack admitted.


From the cultist itself where was no apparent sign, that feeling in the back of everyone's head had stopped, but the question remained, was this yet another one of his tricks?


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"I suppose you have a point, Jack... I should've focused more on his actions, not his words. I owe you my life quite a few times over now. I should probably be more careful from here out... I suppose the wound Discord's son has now would've been a good reference of that fact. Sorry, I got mad but I am just as concerned for you as you were for me. We should keep keeping each other safe. Since we seem really good at it. You more so than myself so I'll try harder to make up for what I haven't done." Luna's sytche changed back into 'Tia's halberd and she put it in the ground siting next to Jack

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It is alright, but we do indeed make a good team, I have grown up with the usage of teamwork in almost everything, granted that then it was with different people than you guys, but it still is the same. Although I still do miss Festus... I kinda wish he didn't leave.." Jack admitted.

"Even if I may not have been the best of person to you guys in terms of words, I still want to thank you, for everything, you know?" He told Luna.

He then thought for a moment.

'Evelyn, is Celestia alright? Could you come over to us for a moment and set her down? I might be able to help her because i think something has had happenend.' Jack thought to her with concern.


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"It's alright. We both can't quit doing what we do. No one's going to die under my watch I promised you that and I'm going to keep it... now where's My sister?" Luna inquired. "I think I saw Evelyn pick her up but now where is she? Is she under assult by that monster... If so I need to head back


'She's... confusing me... She says something hurts but I checked her body and well... there's no visible injury, Hold on we're heading back to camp so I'll see you there.' Evelyn could be seen with Celestia in the sky nearby

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"She is over there." Jack pointed in the sky to where Evelyn was flying. "She mentioned to me that Celestia is saying something hurts, but there was no visible injury," Jack told Luna.

'I think I know what might be going on, I have been attacked by a blood cult member before, and after that, I experienced something from inside that I couldn't quite explain. Since you are holding her now, can you feel if she feels cold? Like unnatural cold? If so, then I might know what I have to do, just make sure you lay her on the ground on her back.' Jack thought to Evelyn.

Edgar came walking up to Luna.

"Hello there, I wanted to apologize for not being able to notice your son crawling off like that, something came up and Harry started shouting towards-  Is everyone alright? What is going?" Edgard asked as he noticed something was not right.


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"Well... at least they're still not near that cultist... I suppose we are-" She was interrupted "Oh I'm glad you didn't stop him... I wouldn't be here if he wasn't there at that moment. A cultist person attacked us with some... odd powers. I tried to stop him, so did Celestia. And... Well you can see how that ended."


Celestia was chilled for sure 'Yea... She's not doing good... I mean it's a desert and she's super cold...' Evelyn landed near Luna and Jack setting Celestia down. "She's alive... but I think the's hurt somehow... Jack... do you know what's wrong with her?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack moved his paw along Celestia's body in order to find where the coldest spot would be, and he found it. "It seems her left is the coldest spot in her body at the moment, I bet that is where the initial attack had hit her.  Remember how these cultists keep talking about devouring souls? Well, I bet I know what this cultist did to her, he used his powers to do some sort of attack that did not hit Celestia's body, but rather her soul, or rather the part of the soul where her left lung happened to be." Jack explained.

"I think the moment that attack hit her, that there was a slight disconnection between her body and soul, the reason she reached a moment of near death, and I think that disconnection at that moment caused her body to in a form of shock. Now, it was only a slight disconnect, but even that can have severe effects like you say.   Now what I bet is going on... Is that her body is trying to fix certain parts of her brain that have happened because of that slight disconnection, but it is having trouble doing so."

"But I know how to fix this, my dad taught me all sorts of stuff that I never believed I would need to know, but now I am glad that I do," Jack said as he moved his paw towards where Celestia's lung was located.

"Celestia, I am going to give you a strong shock in your left lung, I know that it is going to hurt but if I don't know this then you could get either brain damage or a permanent paralyzation, I am going to do a countdown and then il do it as fast as possible, so please brace yourself..."

"3, 2, 1..." It was then that Jack did some sort of Electric shock on Celestia's lung, a spell that was akin to how a defibrillator would work, and it sends a shock through her entire body.

"There... That should have done the trick... Now you just need to wait and rest for a minute or two, and you should be able to move everything again after that, your body temperature should also return to normal after a while." Jack told her with a sigh of relief.

"Although... One thing that I wasn't able to fix where those weird memories that you had gotten from that attack, it didn't remove any memories, but rather added these...   I don't know how to explain that one,  just take a deep breather."  Jack said,   As there was an additional side effect when getting hit by an attack of the powers that the Blood Cult utilized.

The victim that got hit by one of their attacks would get some form of knowledge that they didn't know before, and yet this knowledge was not related to the person themselves, but it where the more mysterious things, locations, secrets, names, memories of other victims that had been hit by such an attack.

It was one of the mysteries on how Members of the Blood Cult knew things that they would be able to know, the type of energy they used was not just there to give them these crazy powers, but for many other purposes as well, one of them was storing information, and sharing them with countless of other users who had joined the Blood Cult.


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"Seriously!" Luna said now focusing more on Celestia and Jack "If they can do that kinda stuff on a whim how can we hope to beat them? Something like that must take a lot of energy out of them... yet that cultist was prepared to do it twice... Is there something we can do to resist... or counter this spell?"

Celestia's whole bod lept when the energy hit her. The instant afterward Celestia started to cough... and she was coughing a lot. "W-Well... That feels... Back in order. But... I could use a moment." Other than her body leaping she didn't move much, she was breathing fine but it still her... well all over.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"That is the thing, Luna, I don't know how to counter such things, let alone the fact that what he did wasn't really a spell, atleast from what I can gather.  You see,  not a whole lot is known about the Blood Cult other than that which has been made public, but you saw how that Cultist reacted in the tournament when it was found out he was a member of the Blood Cult, he wanted to straight up murder Karthspire because he had made some secrets about the blood cult public." Jack said

"So I can only assume that they are very secretive about their powers and secrets, because if nothing is known about their powers, then there is no way somebody could even make some form of counter againts a thing that they don't know, which is precisely what they want, it makes them all the deadlier, and does explain why they hold back alot."

"If only..-"  Jack, however, was interrupted. "Karthspire knows," Edgar mentioned.

"He does?" Jack asked back with surprise.

"Yes, without a doubt. Remember that he was right there when 1/4 of the Raukan race had decided to join the Blood Cult a few months before the destruction of Raukan.  I would say that was about... 500 years ago, but keep in mind that not everybody who happenend to be there joined, Karthspire was one of the 20 individuals who refused, but there is also one other person..." "Edgar mentioned

"His name is C'lan Karviah, tough you pronounce his name as *Clan*,"

"You mean that person who is considered by many to be the leader of all Raukan? Where even is he?" Jack asked

"That is the one, but it would be hard to say where C'lan would be at now, where Karthspire is now more as a military leader and politician, C'lan, on the other hand, is a war leader that is on the very offensive, taking his war efforts againts Valtrek forces to a new level, so... I personally don't know where he could be, all I know is that he tends to arrive on this planet either for important business or in times of great need, where he lends his aid.  But if there is one person who knows things about the Blood Cult, it is his him without a doubt, many rumour that he knows where their homeworld is located at." Edgar said as he scratches his chin.

"Karthspire also knows some things about them, but not nearly as much, and i could already imagine that he would be hesitant to tell any more secrets about them in the first place, he really is looking out for his people, and he fears if he takes it too far, that his people will be in alot of danger, more then they already are."


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"Why didn't he warn us before about this! He obviously knew that something like this was going to happen! Why don't we just go have a chat with Karthspire information like that being kept away caused my sister to get hurt and me almost die... Well, I would say we have a chat with him... but I believe he is leading another group... I suppose for now we carry on... As for this C'lan you spoke of... Well... Fate may have us meeting them soon. Here's hoping but... like you said... he could be anywhere... We should keep moving forward... Once Celestia recovers" Luna stated that last bit with a lot of worry. She wasn't sure if the group could survive should the cultist just decide to attack tehm at any given point... with no holds barred... What do you two think?"

Celestia really was just taking it easy, not thinking about much nor listening to the nearby conversation she was just basking in the sun. Something that'd been an icon of hers for 1000 years, but for once it was giving back to her.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I think there is a reason why he hadn't told any of you, one of them could be because he didn't think you guys would be targeted, the Blood Cult favours confusion and unpredictability among their enemies as a way to strike when it is most unexpected.  I do have a second theory about this.."

"He was afraid, afraid of what they might do to his people once he starts telling things, even if so much as telling you guys about this might sound ridiculous, you should know that the Blood Cult is no joking matter regarding this, they have targeted people for the most ridiculous of reasons.  I had once heard a story, that a man had found out about one of the Blood Cult clans, and told his best friend, but when he came back home, his entire family where stripped away of not only their lives, but their spirits as well, leaving just the ice-cold bodies behind, but sparing the life of the one who told the thing in the first place."

"All that just to get a message across, which shouldn't come as a surprise that many fear them, I don't know how they even find out about people telling each other their secrets in the first place, but they have their ways," Edgar explained.

"Though I do know something about them that might come as a surprise to you, where Valtrek and his armies are all Chaotic Evil, the more aggressive clans of the Blood Cult seem to in fact be Neutral Evil, while they do the most horrific things, something worse than murdering someone, they don't do it for their own amusement or even agenda, it has become their very nature, I presume they either don't know any better or they need to do it in order to survive.  Then again, this Neutral Evil assumption is the case for most of them, there are some among them who are Chaotic Evil, one of those probably the one you guys had fought againts minutes ago..." Edgar admitted.

"So while talking to Karthspire about this does seem to be worth a try, I think my assumptions about his reason will prove true, given how this might the case for most of us."


'Evelyn, shall we go flying now? I rather just forget about everything that has just happenend. And don't worry about Celestia, she is going to be fine, the damage that she had gotten was alot less then what I had thought to be at first.' Jack thought to Evelyn.


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Luna stomped a hoof angrily "Right... I forgot about that... So what should we do about them? I mean we cant exactly go against them and they're everywere... eventually they'll decided that we need to be 'Taken care of' then there's nothing we can do to stop them. So.. Jack? You seem ot know about them... got anything?"

Evelyn looked up 'Oh, right Let me come over there.' She gave Celestia a last look over before flying over to Jack "Ready when you are!"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Sadly, I don't know anything that we could do Luna, I am sorry but most of the things that I came to know about them is because my father told me those very things," Jack admitted with shame.

"No worries there champ, I got an idea, not something that would solve all of this but it will be a right step in the direction," Edgar said with a smile, he then turned to Luna. "You mentioned you wanted to talk with Karthspire, but instead, why don't you ask him if he knows where C'lan is now at? Those 2 are able to go along with each other very well." Edgar asked Luna. "Also, you doing alright over there?  You need anything?" Edgar asked Celestia, with a hint of concern.

Jack shifted around a bit. 'Do you think you could carry me this time? I think that might be a safer idea as I am not sure if I can hold on to the saddle for very long this time.' Jack thought to Evelyn with a nervous smile.


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"I dought he would know, but I suppose it would be worth an effort. I mean the worst that could happen would be he not knows..." Luna looked around the camp quickly to see if Karthspire was there and she just missed him "Question still stands, where is he? I haven't exactly seen him since the groups split up and I'm starting to get worried about him."

Celestia put a hoof into the air signaling she was alright "Maybe a bit of water... other than that I should be good. I'm still very thankful for what Jack did to help... I really need to reconsider my plan of attack."

Evelyn smiled and lifted him up, holding him about at her chest area. "I can do that don't worry. Let's go." Evelyn flew into the air, keeping low at first as usual and then going higher and higher steadily. After gaining height Evelyn chuckled. "Why did you not want to ride the saddle? I mean I thought you liked adrenaline."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I don't know where he is either, he isn't with this group, and he didn't go with any of the other groups, that I am sure of.  I bet he went alone because I heard alot of arguing before we left, and when I saw Karthspire's face I saw a grimace, so knowingly him, he went to the Talorians to ask for help, and thinks that with everything that we currently have with us won't be enough to attack the conversion center, atleast not without enormous casualties.  He might think this after what we had witnessed during our travel, or more specifically during the sandstorm, you cannot deny that we were in a very dire situation at that moment." Edgar said to Luna.

He then walked away for a moment to get something, and walked back towards Celestia and gave her a water bottle. "Here, you are gonna need it." He said with a smile.



"I do like it, but right now my arms are tired, if I would try to sit on the saddle during our flight I would be thrown off you like a ragdoll, this time I rather not let that happen," Jack said with a bit of a laugh.

He looked a bit around a bit as they were flying, enjoying the view.

'Thanks for everything, and especially, being there for me. I really mean it.. So, i wanted to give you something, a gift, it is something that you might really like, but i wanted to give it to you goodnight, is that ok with you?' Jack thought to Evelyn, as it seemed better to him tell her via his toughts rather than saying it out loud due to to the wind.


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"I'll admit, doing something like that reqiures a lot of dedication, going alone... Given the danger however the actions not that... heroic. More of stupid... I mean we don't have a lot of data on the enemys positions... Plus there's that chance of a double agent among us... His choice... So I won't question him on this."

Celestia took the water with her magic and rolled back onto her hoofs drinking some of it. After taking a hearty ammount of it she moved the bottle away from her mouth. "Thank you... I used a lot of magic so I did need that."


Evelyn smiled 'A gift? Oh, no. I'm just doing my job protecting you I couldn't possibly ask you for a gift but seriously thank you.' She was enjoying the extreme winds and just the feeling of flying, it was always fun for her

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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