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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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Jack was laying on the ground, but his pain started to return because of the adrenaline wearing off.

He gritted his teeth but started to punch on the ground with his still working right arm.

"Why does it hurt so much?!" he gritted his teeth.

The wound was still open and really severe, from his left leg, all the way to his left arm had been burned very badly, though he didn't lose any limbs, most of his body had taken critical damage.

"Even torture doesn't qualify as painful as this, yet I still have to suffer!!" he cried out, going in an emotional state as he did not know what to do.

'You need to focus! There is still fighting going o-'

'How can I focus when I am in this pain?!' he screamed in his own toughts.


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Moonshadow was one of the ponies who had joined the assault and heard Jacks scream. "Hey! He shouted out. Where are you? I'll come get you."


Woodland wasn't sure what he should do to keep Maple safe. He decided to have maple go back into Luna's room

Maple willingly went into Luna's room she had no reason to leave anymore after all.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack was still gritting his teeth until he heard Moonshadow's voice.

"Moonshadow is that you?!" he called out.

"I am on the ground over here, tough i am not even sure if my legs and left arm are still there, i mean, i can't look at them, but it feels like they just got.... blown off or something,  i don't know!" He said with a desperate voice


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When Moonshadow heard Jack's call. "Yea it is, hold on." He walked over to where he heard his voice. After seeing him he went over and examined him. "Well you have you limbs but it doesn't look too good." He said concered.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"When we attacked I expected it was going to be dangerous, but almost getting incinerated to death is not something I had envisioned." he said.

"It's just a matter of time before I collapse completely from the pain or worse, so I won't be lasting much longer, but you need to get out of here, that entire centre is going to explode!" Jack said, his stubbornness showing.


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Moonshadow panicked carrying him on his back was too risky given his condition. He had a idea he looked around and saw there where no ponies around he changed back into his original Changeling form "Don't tell maple about this please She'd kill me literally!" He picked Jack up with his magic and started running away from the building.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack's eyes widened a bit at the sudden change.

"What do y-" he was in the middle of his words as he passed out from the pain.

Eventually, the conversion centre exploded, the explosion radius was rather big, destroying almost the entirety of town itself.


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The force of the explostion knocked Moonshadow over but it didn't hurt him. He kept running to the army once he got close enough he changed back into a earth pony "Hey! I need a medic over here!" He saw no one turn. "Come on you idiots! There's someone over here that needs help!" He was heard the second time and a few ponies came over to help. "Don't worry Jack you'll be alright." he said to him even though he was out.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The conversion centre had been destroyed, but it was only small fraction from what would be coming, something was brooding up that none were aware of.

Bodies had been sprawled everywhere across the town, but for those who assumed the new conversion process had been stopped, they had been badly mistaken.



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It had been around a full day since the conversation center was destroyed. Maple had almost fully recovered. Nothing new had attacked recently. Maple and a few other ponies had been tasked with patrol and protection of most of equestria. The elements of harmony where hidden away under fear of Treasured taking them.

Maple was prepping to move out to a location that seemed to be abandoned recently. Woody walked by saying to her hopefully. "Best of luck. Be safe."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack woke up in a hospital bed, his burned places had been covered in bandages and his left arm's bone has been put in place and was now healing.

He just woke up after a full day of being unconscious.

'Gah, that had been an painfull experience, but i am rather surprised i haven't died by now, after having suffering from severe wounds so many times, i would have  expected my luck would run out. Either i am extremely lucky or that thing in my body is just doing something... Who knows, i guess i should be more happy about the fact that i am still breathing.' he tought.


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Moonshadow jumped when Jack's eyes opened. "Oh you're awake." He looked around no one else was within earshot. "Hey listen... I know I'm hiding a big secret from Maple being a changeling and all but can you not tell her please. I'm worried she'd outcast me or worse... Just promise me you tell her ok?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Don't worry, I promise that I won't tell her. But you cannot keep it up forever, she is bound to find out eventually in some way." Jack said.

"And hey um, thanks for helping me back there, i know it wasn't easy, especially with the whole... Conversion thing."


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"Not a problem" He said relived "However I can keep this up forever. This will be something I will keep from her even if I have to take it to my grave." He leaded up against a wall "You ok?"


Maple and the other ponies left to go attack some of the other conversion centers. Maple heard what was in those centers and she wanted them gone.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It still hurts alot, but the thing that everyone seems to forget is that i am only 13 years old, yet i am doing the most dangerous task out there. I mean, i have been surviving for an entier 7 years, but that was because i had to, not because i wanted to. And even then i had lot of guidance, had i been alone out there, i would have died or worse." he said with a sigh.


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Moonshadow looked at Jack and said happily "Well you look older than you are! that's a bit of a benefit. And hey Don't worry the ponies of Equestria are strong we'll destroy theses... People and then you don't have to live in fear anymore. Rest for now You'll need your strength." He heard his voice being called "I have to go for now see you around Jack" He waved him good bye and stepped out of the room.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack waved him goodbye, then laid down his head, only to be suddenly interrupted by a surprising sight.

"GAH!" screamed in surprise as a familiar face suddenly teleported before him.

Montarion appeared before him in his original form.

"Montarion?! What are you doing here! You shouldn't be here in that form, do you know how much you can scare others with that?!" Jack said to him with a hiss.

"You mean those ponies? They act like flat sponges when I am around, you don't have to worry about their lack of attention." Montarion said with a chuckle

"But then why are you here? Normally you contact me during one of my dreams." Jack asked him

"Well, after that whole thing with the destruction of that conversion centre, I wanted to see what your injury was this time, you have a personal record of getting yourself hurt after all." he said flatly

"Montarion, what are you hiding? I know it's really unusual for someone as you, a powerful entity, to just randomly appear here and strike conversations." Jack asked

"You may not be that powerful Jack, but you sure have a strong sense of suspicion. You were easily able to see through my usual poker face. But first a quick question, how old do you think I am?" Montarion retorted.

"I think around 3000 years? I have no idea, to be honest."

"Not that close, but a good try though. I exceed the age of these princesses combined, multiplied by 20 times. So it's safe to say, I am around 80.000 years old, which is only a bit higher than the average blood cult member. Aging is not something we have to worry about, mutation is rather our concern in that matter." Montarion said with a smirk.

Jack's eyes widened a bit.

"I was there when Uriel Raukan united the entire Raukan race under his banner, and by that forged an empire that is still remembered and praised to this very day, I may have been a blood cult member, but I am a Raukan at heart, and we still look up to our gene father to this very day."

"But that still doesn't explain why you are here." Jack said.

"I am here for a specific reason. Because what I am about to tell you is something I rather keep a secret from other ears for now. Because you might think you are the first our race to set foot on this planet, but you are very wrong in that regard Jack. We have been here before, and in secrecy at that part."

"One of the ancient inhabitants from here, we knew him as Duliqiohr, but these ponies know him to this very day as Starswirl. He had ties with the circle of 6, but more specifically, he had been approached by Aliah and Moriah before the final days of the Terran civil war on Eclade. This meeting had taken place around 600 years ago. A declaration had been made, and there had even been plans to recruit some of these inhabitants to become experienced magic users in the art of Eldritch magic, but those plans had been cancelled when Valtrek declared his weapon of extermination. It was at that point that Aliah was forced to return to his duties, Moriah however, had stayed behind a bit longer, and with the help of unicorns, they had made many shrines and temples in order to preserve unity should the fall happen. This all underwent in secret as they did not want to attract the attention of the *Alicorns*, Moriah was sceptical about interference after all."

"To this very day many relics and secrets are still hidden under the cities that these ponies have to build, it became rather ironic because, in the depths of this mountain, a hidden temple was built,  but it was after the entire eternal night event that Canterlot had been built here, but the connection has never been discovered, and the monuments have been left untouched for centuries, which was perhaps the entire purpose in the first place."

"But... why specifically this planet?" Jack asked with confusion

"Think about this logically, where better to hide on a planet where your enemy would never expect it? They would expect it to be in a zealously guarded place, yet here it's the complete opposite, they would never bother to search in a place where unknown aliens have to build their civilization. And perhaps also the reason why I orchestrated your arrival here." Montarion said with a smirk


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Woody was going to see how Jack was doing when he saw Montarion he jumped, started singing to turn himself invisible and hid in the room. He heard most of what he said from where he was and he didn't believe it. After Montarion finished speaking to Jack, Woody turned visable and He said skeptically "So what's in these 'Temples' if they're so important then something we need is related to them otherwise you wouldn't have brought him here."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Though I did not prefer to have others listening to this conversion, there is no harm in telling now, what is done is done."

"It contains many things left by our ancestors, relics, weapons, and most of all, information. Pre dating back to when our parent species still walked among us. But perhaps the most interesting, the location of our *mutual* friend, it could potentially save us all." He said turning to Woody.

"To your kind, it may seem rather insignificant, but to everyone else, it will be an answered prayer. Because in the end, life as we know it may cease to exist sooner than expected."   "Because what happens when you give a power hungry maniac more power? it will only become more arrogant and fuel its lust for destruction and murder."

"Because as it is, nothing and no one can prevent this from happening as of yet, the only way to defeat an extraordinary force? By fueling another force to battle against it. But all power requires sacrifice and that is where your part could play." Montarion said, looking Jack into the eyes.

"M-me? I understand what you mean with *the end*, but sacrifice? What do you mean by that?" Jack asked sceptically

"You don't want to turn from that hideous thing in your body, but the same time you want to have a purpose? I can grant you that wish, it will require your input, it could create something potentially strong, something to battle the darkness, but in turn, you will practically rip your soul straight into a vortex, and with the right powers, you could potentially use your own soul to create a temporary avatar, a strong entity that can consist of multiple souls, all transferred into one big power. This method is considered by many races as taboo, as you are essentially removing the host of a body to create something entirely new, but it's an art that many of my brethren practice, but perhaps in more *destructive* purposes. Because should you embody this method, you could be saved from that curse you currently have, though the question here is what will become of yourself, in the end, you could either face a great purpose or be doomed for eternity." Montarion said with a smile

"Montarion, that method is dangerous to use, because how do you know that entity won't turn against everyone? From what I can gather, you are creating something entirely NEW, which means it could get its own will. And I am not just not sure if I am that desperate to risk my own existence for something so.... unstable." Jack said with a frown.

"That is the risk, my friend, every power comes with a risk, the end result is what matters though, not the requirements, because, in the end, we are all sacrificing our lives on way in another, from a war to a power boost, all things come to an end, it is how one chooses to steer that fate in the end." Montarion retorted.

"You are basically just asking me to rip my own soul out of my body to create some sort of entity that may or may not kill us all, do you know how irresponsible that sounds? If everything is truly going to end, I might consider it, but for now, I am going to see how it all play's out." Jack said


Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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"I don't think I like that idea." Woody said continuing to be skeptical "I mean we're being attack from 4 fronts now. Why lose the one person we can trust who knows anything about what's happening AND risk another enemy it's just too risky." Woody changed to a more positive vibe "But I would rather him not risk himself for equestria's benefit. We can handle this."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Montarion raised an eyebrow.

"Equestria's benefit? You are misunderstanding Woodland, this is not just for your planet, but for everyone out there, it would be rather selfish if I would only focus here and forget about everyone else now wouldn't it?"

"Besides, who is to say when you defeat them here that you will be safe forever? By defeating them here, you make a counter attack and wipe them off your planet, but you are forgetting an important factor, they have almost an entire empire out far from here. Do you really Valtrek is just going to sit there and let your little counter attack slide? He will just keep sending out wave after wave until your entire defence is worn out. He has the numbers to back it up, I can assure you that." Montarion said.

"He is right Woody, when we defeat them here, your planet will be safe for a rather long time, but that doesn't mean others out there are, it would be outright shameful for me to celebrate while many out there are still dying. I am not sure what you are all going to do once this planet is safe, but i know that i cannot rest while their forces are still out there destroying everything else." Jack said.


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Woody was a little angered by his statement. "Well... That doesn't mean that whoever he is talking about is going to help." He held up the artifact Jack gave him, Which was still his necklace. "This... you gave it to me as a symbol of hope. I going to keep it with me until I die. Look things are bad here because of these 'people' But if you need to leave to go protect other planets then be my guest, we can deal with it anyways." Woody had a note of sadness in his voice he didn't want him to go

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'I didn't mean to hurt his feelings, but what else can I say? I cannot just abandon my own people like that.' he thought.

"Look, Woody, I am sorry, but it you have to understand how many lives are on the line, out there are also those who need help. Remember how you told me about your family? You didn't want to lose them, but do you know what happens if no one steps up? They are suffering from the same fates you are all suffering, but do they really deserve to continue living like this? Equestria still has a large army, capable of defending its people, but them? They have nothing, they are all forced to fend for themselves against impossible odds, even going so far as they to put those dear to them out of their misery, all there was no one to prevent them from getting infected."

"I have been leaving with those very people for years, and it made me sick to the stomach to what they are reduced now, one of my friends, which I almost grew up with for 3 entire years, is out there on his own about to die or worse, not even having a single chance to escape, and if I don't do something, he along with many others are going to perish, and anything that is even going to be left of our race is going to be reduced to nothing. While i am helping you all out now, do you think it's fair if I am going to abandon them just like that? Because i lost everything i held dear before, family, friends, and even my mentor, all because i was not able to help them, do you know how I felt when they were all dying one for one in front of me? I felt devastated, feeling guilty because they gave their own lives so that i could live, and so are the rest of them feeling too."

"You care about the fate of Equestria? Then you should care about them too, because of they as much right to live as all of you do. All i want to do is help them, but I am only ONE person, trying to stand against millions of enemies, are you going to hold me accountable for caring about the lives of others?" Jack said with sadness

"Because once Equestria is safe, they will need all the help they can get, and while i really wish to stay here, but who is going to help them? And what i said about hope, i meant it, because that hope is not just meant for here, but for everwhere, because in the end, we are all equal, they mahy not be from the same planet as you, but i know for a fact that they also wan't to live, and do you know what they have been doing all this time? Fighting, fighting and more fighting, all to protect the life that we all love, to protect all of you from those monsters out there."

"Believe me, i love Equestria, but even when i stay, i have no family left in that regard, the only form of family i remotely have is a deranged mother that has turned into a murderous maniac...."


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"Then... perhaps Me and my sister could go with you once our homeland is safe. We're both strong enough to make a difference and we really would love to help you save everything!" Woody sounded determined to help even even at the disregard of his own life to save everyone elses. "Please let us help."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Thanks, Woody, it means a lot to me, I will let you guys help. Though like I said, saving Equestria is my first priority before I go help the others, I really hope it's not too late at that time though, after my 3-year absence much has probably changed out there." Jack said.

"I will let you alone for now, I have something to do." Montarion said as he teleported away.

"And while Montarion preferred not to tell others, do you know anyone who we could trust with the information of these temples? This information about these locations must not fall into the hands of others, at all cost." Jack said towards Woody.


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