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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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After Luna gathered everything that was happening she and Flurry worked together, Luna worked to stop all the debris from destroying anything putting it all nearby on a large ball held by Flurry heart. She waited for the right time to attack with it.

Ember was distracting the creature and when her blade changed she attacked it quickly and mercilessly, She did however lundge a bit too far with the strike leaving herself open for counter attack

Maple tried to attack Treasured again. She sloppily sung at him, The sloppiness of it hid her true intention. She managed to get the element off his neck before he counterattacked. She dropped the element and it ended up next to Woody "Bro get that to mom. I'll hold him."

Woodland was stunned he didn't know what to do he nodded to Maple and flew off hurrying to get the element to Fluttershy before she needed it.


Fluttershy and Celestia where searching the castle high and low for her element both of them began to fear it had been stolen by Montarion.

Woody eventually showed up and gave Fluttershy the element of Kindness. She took it without a word and ran to get on the train to the crystal empire since that's the one the others went to get on.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The creature was trying to attack back but was too occupied with fighting Ember.

The runes on the blade started to glow violently as it came in impact with the creature.



Jack woke up from his dream, the creature no longer having control of it.

He crawled a bit to the broken wall and looked up, seeing the creature fighting heavily against the others.

"How could it have turned out like this? When I got this curse all these years ago i thought something bad was going to happen, but i would have imagined i would give birth to a monstrosity of this magnitude." Jack said with grim.

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Once Luna had gathered up all the debris she nodded to Flurry. Flurry prepped her self throwing the giant boulder of debris at the creature. It went straight at it the only problem was ember was in the way. Ember saw it and sliced it in half both halves flew past her then Flurry and Luna had the same idea and crushed the creature between the 2 halves of the boulder.


Fluttershy got on the train as it was closing it's doors. The elements would be in the crystal empire soon enough.

When Fluttershy arrived the others where relived. Twilight walked up to her. "What took you so long. We where all worried about you."

"I forgot about the train." She lied smiling awkwardly "I was gonna just fly until I remembered this existed!" She laughed.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack looked at the ongoing battle, something has been bothering him, until he finally remembered.

"Guys, you need to watch out, because if that creature dies, i die to, me and him are still bound by the same life force!" Jack said to them from the ground.

The creature was trying to push away the big rubble parts, but when he heard Jack, the golden eyes of the creature started to glow more intense, indicating its fury.

Jack realised the mistake he made. "Oh damn..." he muttered with shock

"Luna, it is going to attack!" Jack screamed as he quickly conjured a barrier around him.



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Luna put more pressure on the rubble not crushing the creature but keeping in there. She had to focus really had on it to keep the creature contained without killing it. "It's only a matter of time." She said to Flurry. "Let's hope my sisters plan gets put into action soon."


The Elements of Harmony where still on the train. It however was about to arrive at it's destination. They readied there waiting at the doors of the train.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The creature started to trash around heavily, trying to escape but to avail, he was not able to escape from it.


Jack was watching with tensity.

'What are they going to do?' Jack wondered

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The train finally arrived at the station and Twilight, AppleJack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, And Fluttershy ran over to the giant ball of rubble. Once they where close enough they activated the elements firing a rainbow at the ball knowing well that's what the problem was. 

Luna saw the large rainbow coming over and dropped the ball, exhausted, but victorious. "That's what my sisters plan was." She said smiling.

Ember flew down by Luna. She sheathed her weapon for the last time for now, and crossed her arms "Nearly got hit by the blast of rainbow. Wouldn't that be great to have on my tombstone?" She said sarcastically.

Flurry came over too. "It wouldn't have harmed you Ember since you where fighting the baddies! The elements only affect things that go against harmony."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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On the far end, Jack had been watching the battle.

The creature was lying on the ground, no longer moving. The elements had not killed it but had done something else to it.

Jack smiled, but suddenly he felt a gripping feeling in his chest.

The elements had managed to heavily suppress the powers of the Creature, rendering it immobile, but this also caused a backlash as those very same powers had been used to keep the replaced vitals of Jack in check.

He leaned against the wall and breathed out heavily as the gripping pain seemed to increase, yet Jack was still smiling.


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Flurry went over to the creature and poked it. . She wanted to make sure it was dead but if it was dead then Jack would be to so it was still alive. So she went over to see if it was still a threat.

Luna went over to Jack and saw him smiling. She smiled back. "Looks like that worked huh? Is it dead or will it return again?"


Fluttershy looked at her friends and sighed, relived she said. "Looks like everything going to be alright!"


Maple had been getting beat by Treasured for a while. She kept going despite that she knew she had to win against him every time they fought. Every wound she inflicted made him stubble but they almost seemed to be regenerating themselves. "This isn't alright!" Maple said to herself.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack looked her in the eyes, a hint of sadness was in it.

"It is unable to get now, but some of my vitals had been replaced by his own, and when he... got immobilised, those very vitals seized to function without its power." he said.

"But even if I might not make it,  I am free from this curse, at last, that is what truly matters to me, but at the same time. I am afraid Luna... Afraid of what is going to happen soon."

He closed his eyes, his breathing picking up a slower pace.

"I am not sure if I will live through this ordeal this time, but Kynerth will decide if I am worthy of that luxury." he said with a feint smile.

Jack was not even aware himself if he were to die or not, it was beyond his control.


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Luna was startled. "Wait but the elements never do something to kill someone innocent! They had to have done something to help you. If not perhaps magic?" She was really worried, Jack had really grown on her, She'd been so happy around him and didn't know what she'd think if she lost him now.


Maple was struggling even holding up against Treasured. She was barely knocking him away when he got close. It's like he wasn't even himself anymore only this machine out to kill her. She was only working to keep her self alive.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"The elements defeated that creature, they are not the cause of this happening, it is because the very host that was powering those vitals has been immobilized."

"But it was bound to happen, Luna, you guys would have been forced to defeat that creature, one way or another."

He coughed a bit.

"But restoring the missing vitals is something, not even the elements can do because these are organic parts that were created the moment the person was born.

This is not just something you can easily replicate, because the creature had modified mine, not necessary replaced them with new ones."

"Though you guys defeated that monster, isn't that mattered?"


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"No... You can't die Jack... Not now..." Luna said through tears. Hugging Jack. she couldn't think of anything else to do but hope he could some how walk it off. Hopefully those modifications to his structure where he needed them. She hoped as much as she could. She was however only one pony.


Maple was defeated by Treasured eventually. She was so tired she couldn't stand. The fake alicorn laughed "Where are you Goddesses now!" He laughed.

Woody flew in and saw what was happening. He froze time delivering multiple, Powerful blows to his chest. He snapped and time unfroze all of Woody's hits hit at once. Knocking treasured a long way away. "Maple! Oh Celestia are you ok?"

Maple tired to move but couldn't feel her legs. She examined herself "I'll live for now Treasured's gonna come back he'll want to-" She suddenly felt better. She stood up with no difficulty. "Wait what did you..."

Woody coughed up a bit of blood "Sorry. Happens when I go overboard I'll need to..." he grunted "I'll need to keep magic use low for now." He wasn't in a ton of pain but his spell took a toll on his life force when overused.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It is a sign of valor when a warrior fights for the very right of existence, but it is also a curse which we are all bound to, we succumb to the tragedy or fight our horrors last on, and in the end, it is fate which decides which one draws the last breath."

"Have hope Luna, the boy would have died years ago, but something has been stirring him to a certain path. It might be nonsense to most out there, but for us, it has been our calling."

"Give it a few hours, keep a steady healing spell on him, because I know someone, in particular, is watching this very moment." The voice from the artefact said.


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Luna nodded and was about to do it but flurry stepped in the way "Don't worry Luna. I've got this!" She said cheerily. "You need to focus on other things right now. Like putting the moon down. It shouldn't be up right now."

Luna nodded and knelt next to her "Thank you Flurry. I'm trusting you with a lot here I know you are up to the task however. Best of luck Flurry." She walked over getting a clear view of the sky and started lowing the Moon, Celestia put up the sun and when she did she knew everything was ok.


Maple drew her spear. "Don't use anymore magic. I can do this." After a while Maple noticed Treasured was gone. He had just left again. "I think he's attacking when I'm alone and when I get help he runs..." She said to Woody.

"In that..." Woody coughed "In that case we should stay together. He won't attack then." Maple nodded and the two started moving through the streets watching what these drone things where doing quietly.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack laid down.

"With that thing gone, it feels so different everything feels so.... natural..." his words trailed off as he was too tired to speak.


The drones started picking up the bodies one by one, they occasionally scanned the bodies.

Among them was a 6 feet tall cat creature, it had a brown mixed with a black coat.


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Flurry was healing Jack and Emebr walked over to see what was happening. "Well kid," She said referring to both of the young fighters at the same time "Ya did good. Both of ya." She felt odd saying that to a pony and a cat-person but she meant it.

Flurry smilied at the dragon princess. "Thank you Princess Ember! Means a lot to hear you say that." She, after saying that went back to focusing on Jacks healing.

Eventually Luna finished lowering the moon and came over to where the others where. She got knocked over by Shining who sprinted by her. He ran up to flurry "I cannot believe you ran off like that. As soon as the guards noticed you where gone i came over. Flurry you scared me and your mother half-to death."

Flurry got really confused how he had figured out "Ok, dad. But ya know Ember could have died had I not come back she was about to get crushed by that thing until I helped her. Someone could have died and Imagine if she did! We would have lost one of our best fighters."

Shining sighed at her response. "I think you've been spending too much time around Maple. Her personality seems to be rubbing off on you too much..." He paused "But like her, You handle it well." Flurry smiled slyly

Fluttershy and the others had gotten back on the train to head back to canterlot. Since they might be needed else where.


Maple bumped Woody and pointed at the 6 foot cat creature "That must be who we're looking for." She whispered to him.

Woody's cough had mostly gone away so he they where safe for now but he could get hurt using more magic. "You sure about this sis? I feel like he's much stronger than treasured is now."

Maple aimed her bow at the leaders head "Unlikely he's not infected." She waited there focusing. She knew that she couldn't miss this shot. She carefully released the string on her sending a magic arrow right at the enemy leader.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The cat creature's eyes suddenly shot open when he noticed Maple was about to fire, he quickly jumped to his feet and rolled to the side before the arrow would hit him.

"Hold it, I am not one of them." he said calmly as he held his hands up as a sign of surrender.

To prove that he meant no arm, he drew his knife with one hand, only to throw it far away.

"You need to calm down, you would have shot the wrong person." he said.


"Thanks, but you have done good as well Ember, your lack of fear is your strong trait, you would make it really far on other planets as well." Jack said with a smile.

"I have seen planets where the environments are truly dangerous, depending from extreme coldness to infested ruins and wastelands, its such places where only the real strong warriors manage to survive."

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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Maple jumped when he threw his knife Then ran over to him to cover hi since he was disarmed. "Sorry friend. I'm just really on edge lately. Me and my brother here are looking for Warlord Ezrath. We know his name but not his appearance. You don't happen to know where he is do you?"

Woody crept over picking up the strangers knife, handing it back to him. " He then asked what Maple should have asked "Who are you friend?"


Ember shrugged at Jack "Growing up inside a volcano surrounded by warriors in a society where only the richest and strongest get respect, can't believe you expected me to be some dainty princess but that's not really my style." Flurry growled at her kinda menacingly "Well it suits you princess. Don't get me wrong." She laughed

Luna came over and sat by Jack. "Bet it feels nice. Not having that mark on your arm now" She couldn't see the mark from where she was but she meant it more figuratively.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack smiled

"You know, the whole royalty thing was actually starting to become a foreign concept to me when i became older. When i was very young, i guess i was part for some sort of royalty, it was not bound to the title of leadership but more to a title of a council leader."

"But when i started to get older, i no longer had such a thing called laws or any type of tiles. All we had was each other, all equals with only the infected surrounding us at every turn. It might be weird, but after much of our civilisation had been destroyed, we started to become more closer and more generous as a race then ever before. I guess when tragedy hits the spot, you learn to appreciate what you have. You start to care about each other more then ever before, that is perhaps one of the most important things i have learned." He said.


Jack then looked at his arm, the mark now gone.

"Yes i am glad, but its not because of the mark, i am glad because i am no longer bound to the will of a madman." he said.


The stranger looked a bit surprised.

"Ezrath? The warlord? I haven't seen him, but if an invasion on happening on this planet, it makes sense for him to be part of it." 

He then accepted the knife from Woody with a thankful nod.

"My name is Elorn, i am a Terran. I have been scouting for my group to find more suitable places, but i then came across here, noticing those drones."

"I have been trying to pretend as one of the unconscious bodies because that would lead me straight into one of their conversion centres." he said.


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Woody watched the drone "Don't..." He coughed again. "Don't think it'll fall for that. Given that you aren't a pony."

"Perhaps if we help you you can help us?" Maple offered "I can help you find that center, if you can help us find Ezrath. We heard he was here... Well in Equestria from a... Spirit I think I should call it. I'd much rather be destroying these drones but if you really can help us. We can help you."

Woody realized something after another minute. "Oh uhh... that's right us. You told us your name so we might as well return the favor. I am Woodland Orchestra and She my sister Maple Bat. Hope we can get along. Oh and lastly don't mind the chaos I do like causing..." He coughed again a little blood came out that time. "... Well I can't for now, but it is fun spreading chaos." He smiled awkwardly.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Those drones are not living beings, they are computer ai's, they are programmed for a certain task. All you have to do is bypass their specified target knowledge and you can trick them into thinking you are something else, you just need to know how to do it." Elorn said with a smile.

"And while I normally don't mind taking out those drones, it does take away the opportunity to sneak inside one of those centres without taking on their entire defence." he said as he scratching his chin.

"Though don't get me wrong, I love to lend others a hand, but I have an intriguing question if you are planning on eliminating him, why are you only by yourselves?

You 2 might be strong together, but you are essentially going to fight his a massive army at the same time because he is not just going to wander out in the open all alone." he said with an interested expression.


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Maple looked at him a bit confused. "I mean if he's in hiding that does change things. We could take him and a few others but if we need to defeat an army first that does complicate thing. I just intended on assassinating hi-" Maple stopped talking and then played dead. She had seen a drone coming towards the group and she wanted to help take down

Woody panicked at the sight of his sister dropping like that. He panicked thinking she was dead. He thought some how she was assassinated while speaking of killing whoever this 'Ezrath' was he ran away quickly out of panic.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Elorn saw what Maple was doing and decided to act quickly.

He quickly picked a piece of dried meat from his bandolier and put it on Maple, he then whispered really quietly into her ear.

"Stay still and don't move, i will guide you through this, but whatever you do, do NOT panic while they are working. They will be injecting the virus straight into that piece of meat, thinking its part of your body."

He then closed his eyes and completely emptied his mind, putting him in a very calm state.


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When he did that Maple mouthed the word 'Ok' before going limp. Her guard training had taught her how to fake being dead so you could escape combat situation it had saved her life back in everfree forest When treasured had almost killed her. So she knew it was going to be ok.

Woody wanted to do something... To sing but he couldn't not without risking himself. He just sat and watched from a distance, Worried about Maple. From where he was he did however see Maple move a bit before going limp he sighed knowing she's ok. At least for now.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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