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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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Ember and Celestia had been resting in the defensive position. Ember eventually stood up and started messing with the gun, trying to improve her aim with the weapon.


Flurry looked at the entrance to the old temple. "Princess Luna? Should we go inside the temple?"

Luna looked into it. "Yes we best see if we can find what will help us win this war that fell upon Equestria." She said walking into the temple followed by Flurry.

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Jack started to constantly back away while firing his weapon at the creature. His opponent was slow but was able to crush him with ease considering its strength.

After a while, the weapon gave a *click*, indicating the weapon was empty. Jack cursed as he drew his sword, and started to hide behind the big object.

Jack kept circling around it as the creature tried to get close to him, it turned into a cat and mouse game as Jack was trying to find an opening in the creature.


The temple entrance itself looked moderate, there was a big door in it, it was made of a very ancient type of stone, but was enchanted with magic to prevent it from being easily blasted apart. There was like a puzzle combination on the door, which held ancient equestrian symbols on it, which acted as a lock.

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Ember was reloading her weapon when she heard a commotion, She heard a lot of loud stomping noises. "Stay here Celestia, I'm gonna go check something out..." She flew over seeing Jack fighting a giant creature. She quickly aimed the gun she had firing it at the creature. Trying to help Jack.


"Ms. Luna..." Flurry said. "What do those symbols mean?" She was trying to read them but she'd never seen these before.

"Hold on let me see." Luna knew ancient equestrian. But couldn't quite make out what it said.

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The creature got distracted by Ember's shooting, while it did not a whole lot of damage, it did give Jack the opening he looked for.

Jack ran towards the creature the with the sword in hands, he then slashed straight at the creatures leg.

While it did manage to cut through a small part of the armour, it did not do sufficient damage to deal critical damage, the creature then turned around and tried to crush Jack under its feet, which Jack, in turn, jumped away at the last moment.

Jack fired a strong magical blast from his left hand straight at the creature. It created a small explosion, but to his horror the creature was unfazed the blast, simply charging straight through it as it sprinted towards him.

Jack rolled out of the way as the creature tried to punch him, but instead punch straight into a big rock, creating a massive dent in it.

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When Embers gun emptied she put it back in her bag, grabbing her lance, Flying full speed, rushing the creature impaling it at full speed with the heavy weapon. When the creature lost balance she moved back preparing to charge him again.


Woody was waiting for Maple whether she's infected or alright he just wanted to see her again. He heard hoof steps moving closer to him he turned around and flinched scared by what he saw.

Treasured Crystal looked at him angrily. "So... I am in need of your help." He said not moving or looking away from the dragonequus "You won't want to help me with my plan though. I know, Are you coming the easy way or th-"

"The easy way." Woody said, "I can't fight you now... Maple's still in there and I want to know if she's alright."

"Well that's too bad I need you now!" He said hitting him in the side of the head with his metal wing. Knocking him out instantly. He laughed devilishly, and picked him. "Now for phase 2..."

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The creature roared as it had just taking a massive blow.

"Ember! Could you hold that thing off for 1 minute? That thing is going to be very hard to kill with our current weaponry, but i know of something to penetrate that armour completely!" Jack said.

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Ember charged the creature again stabbing it with her lance Driving the head of the lance into the monsters flesh she didn't do a lot of damage but she defiantly drew the things attention. "Hey big guy come and get me!" She said provoking it.


Treasued locked Woody in a big cage at his base hidden in the frozen north paralyzing his vocal cords again. He looked at his allies "Don't let him escape."

A few of his soldiers saluted and said " Yes King Crystal! "

"Good now then..." Treasured focused his energy into finding Celestia's magical energy source once she casted a spell he'd know exactly where she was and lucky for him she was using levitation. "Ready or not 'Tia here I come." He said leaving the base.

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Jack ran towards the big object and look inside, and eventually found what he found.

'Mounted anti vehicle weaponry, just as I thought, let's just hope this thing is still operational.' he thought as he inspected it.

Jack then manned the small turret and aimed for the monster, it fired blue deadly accurate beams that melted straight through the creature's armour and flesh, considering this weapon was used to take out vehicles, it had no problem taking out the creature.

Jack fired a second time, the creature roared in agony as the second beam went straight through its body, it eventually collapsed to its death.


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Ember put her lance away and landed next to Jack. "Good thinkin' Kid. One heck of a weapon we got here." Ember recognized it as something that could move. "This thing works? If not can we fix it to work?" She asked as Celestia landed nearby

Celestia was confused "What in my name was that!" She sounded scared and confused. Mostly scared.


Luna had been messing with the puzzle for a while now. "Alright I think I got it." She had done her best but was unsure if she had succeeded. She waited to see if the door would react.

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"Thanks." Jack said with a smile.

"This big object is sadly no longer usable, but this turret tough.. It is still powered and seems to be in a reasonable condition. If we take this weapon with us, i could try to fix it, granted it will take a while, but I know bits and pieces about how these things are constructed."

"I think that creature had landed here via that big object, and when it attacked, I remembered they tend to build these kinds of weapons on their transports against vehicles and other kinds of targets, but ironically it proved to be undoing of this very creature." he said.

He then looked at Celestia.

"This big creature showed up, i think its a new kind of strain as i have never seen these before, i can only think it must be one of the Equestrian species, but the loud boom you heard was probably that turret, it does make lots of noise after all." he said


The door seemed to glow brightly before certain mechanisms in it started to move, and eventually, the door seemed to open.

"Good work, I faintly knew the combination, but I wanted to see if you knew it as well, consider it a small test, because you passed with shining stars." the artefact spoke.

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Treasured smiled under his coats hood. His broken metal wing had been repaired before he came to meet Celestia. Flying closer to them he waited for a second before descending on the group. "Celestia? In my domain?" He said to himself knocking his hood off. "This is absolutely perfect." He landed next to Celestia "Hello princess. I'm glad this meeting could be arranged, Because something of mine may interest you..."

Celestia's eyes locked onto Treaused "Nothing you could possibly say would make me help or forgive you. You're a traitor to the entrity of Equestria. Leave now or I will be forced to take you down." as She said this as she unclipped her halberd from her armor pointing it at Treasured.

"Now, now... I think what... Or should I say whom I am offering to you is quite the offer." He used his magic showing them Woody, Unconscious inside Treasured base, They could see him breathing knowing he's alive but he wasn't moving or anything. "He is safe... For now. We don't want to harm him all we want is Jack so give him to me and Woody comes back safe and sound." He held out a hoof "Deal?"

Celestia and ember both looked at the magic showing them Woody and where shocked. Ember pulled Celestia away "We can't take this no way it's obviously a trap.


Luna walked in to the Temple smiling. Followed by flurry "Yay! Good job Luna!" She said happily "I knew you could do it!"

Luna chucked "Thank you young one." She said to her. "So Artifact? What are we looking for here?" She didn't mean to offend but she forgot her name.

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Jack climbed out of the big object, and when he saw Treasured holding Woody hostage he glared.

"So what is the catch here? What kind of use would i even be for you in the first place? I am just one person, i don't see how i can be so much worth to you." Jack asked sceptically


"Look for any sort of clue's, documents, artefacts, weapons, anything you can carry that would be worth. Leaving any valuable things behind in this temple would mean we would leave it to waste."

"Normally i don't approve of this action, but this is a special case." the voice said


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Treasured grinned making Celestia feel uneasy he locked his eyes on Jack. "Well, why I'm not sure all I know is that my allies here in equestria are looking for you and I offered my assistance. I get to kill Maple and in exchange then I bring back you. After seeing Maple get taken away into a conversion center... Well that means I need to follow my end of the bargain." He frowned a bit "If this hadn't been the case I would have asked for Celestia to come with me. While I may hate alicorns they could still be of some use to me. However the field is set as it has been played." He kept his hoof held out the whole time he never moved the only motion he has was him speaking and breathing.


Flurry looked around for a bit before finding some neat looking thing. She figured they where helpful and put them in her bag.

Luna was looking through documents most of them where pretty unhelpful but those that where she stored into a book she had with her in her bag.

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Jack sighed.

'I am always a pawn in a bigger game, that is something that will never change. I would normally not submit to something like this but... Innocent lives being involved in this case, a friend of me nonetheless? I am not to be greedy about my own fate,  it is perhaps my weakness, but it is who i am.' he thought.

"Fine, you can have me, but you leave Woody out of this, am i clear?" he said

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Woody had recovered and rubbed his head. He tired to say 'What happened' before realizing he was muted again

"Psst. Hey..." Woody heard someone wisper to him "Woodland over here." Chrysalis was nearby. "I know what your think-" Woody simply held up his paw and smiled at her. "You... Trust me." There was a hint of tears in her eyes. Her horn glowed as she started to do something to Woody, The dragonequus trusted her completely in this case and let what she was doing happen.


On the screen Woody had stood up and Celestia saw something start to happen, She couldn't see who it was but it seemed like Woody was talking with someone. "Jack hold on a bit... somethings happening..." She whispered. Woody started to glow a greenish color from a magical aura.

Ember, knowing that she had to stall for time for a second walked right up to the fake alicorn "So what really happened to your rival? I doubt Maple just got converted."

"I told you she got taken into one of those centers that's all I know but that's not why I'm here." Treasured picked up Jack with magic "Come on. Let's go."

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"Hold on for just a second, who are these *allies* that you have been talking about? There must be more to it than that." Jack asked.


"It might be best for us to wait here, for now, rest up, you 2 are safe in here, i will try to contact the others, though it will take some time." the artefact said.

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After a few seconds Chrysalis set Woody down. Woody grinned at her "Thanks." He said quietly.

The changeling queen shook her head "Not yet." She whispered I'm gonna get you out of there. Stay here" She joked as she ran off quickly to find a key.


Treasured understood his concern and set him down. "My allies are the ones who set up these centers in the first place. I'm not sure who they are or what they prefer me to refer to them as. All I know about this is they want you... A lot..." He grinned wickedly in a moment of realization. "Perhaps you could share the reason why? I wanna know how important you are to them."


Luna continued reading but flurry heard what merhiel had said "Ok miss. Good luck with that We'll stay here. Promise!" She said optimistically.

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"Because i have hidden knowledge in my head that their master wants to find out it seems, apparently it holds secret on a grand scale, or else they wouldn't be wasting this much effort into getting me in the first place." Jack said.


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A unicorn of the anti-alicorns covered Treasured screen seeing as nothing was happening for now

When chrysalis came back she looked sad she had the key but something was amiss. She opened the cage containing Woody. "Goodbye Woodland." She said sentimental,

Woody froze time unfreezing it for chrysalis. This is gonna hurt later but whatever He thought "Chrysalis? What's wrong."

"They know what I was doing now I'm a traitor to my own people... And now you ponies distrust me too. Just deciding what now." She said confused and sorrowful.

Woody smiled "Tell ya what Chryssi Come with me I can fix that for you. Oh! And call me Woody alright?"


Treasured seemed disappointed. Almost upset that was it. He had expected some sort of ultimate creature he could have kill the alicorns for her "I guess I understand that. Knowledge is power but I know too much anyways. Forget it not worth the dragonequus." He said as he walked away from Jack he spread his wings. "Perhaps Fluttershy would like to hear the news." He said before flying off.

Celestia was relived at the fact he left however she was upset now Woodland was trapped somewhere. She was about to comment when He and Chrysalis appeared out of thin air.

When they did Woody flinched as if someone had just stabbed his gut. His cough had come back too. "Guys... Chrysalis saved me. She deserves trust... T... Trust me" He said before falling on the ground. Still awake but barely. "Ugh..." He moaned in pain.

Ember walked over about to stab chrysalis but she put her weapon away "Fine... One! Chance..." She said backing off.

Celestia didn't make a comment she just glared menacingly at the changeling queen. Waiting for her to do something.

Chrysalis was so happy not everyone hated her now... Sorta "Thank you Woodland... I mean Woody. Truly I mean that." She picked him up with her hooves hugging him. Why she didn't reform at that moment none of the ponies knew. But Woody was glad to receive it anyways.

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Jack stared at the situation with a blank expression, not knowing what to particularly think of it. his adrenaline injection effect was about to wear off.

"We should be heading back to the temple now because it could be swarming with those things eventually." he said.

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Celestia kept looking at Chrysalis. Unsure of her trust in the queen. Chrysalis noticed this She didn't react she just picked up Woody and said "Well come on then. We should get to safety before you all try to make me leave it." She said flying over to Jack. "Which way is this temple?" She asked him, smiling awkwardly.

Celestia walked over to ember. "Well... What should we do?"

Ember shrugged just watching Chrysalis. "She helped us with the treasured situation so... We should get to safety."

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"It should be rather far up ahead." Jack pointed in the direction.

"Though we should really get a move on." he said.


"Hmmm, unfortunately, I haven't been able to contact them, something is interfering with my powers when trying to reach outside."

"I can hear the echoes waver and yet... I feel no presence of the interference like nothing is there." The artefact said sceptically 

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Chrysalis had been following closely to Jack. She realized this and moved away from him "Sorry." She said quietly.

Celestia walked in between Jack and chrysalis. "Just percaution. Hope you understand that."

Chrysalis nodded then looked at Woodland who was resting on Chrysalis' back. "Hey... Woody you ok back there?" The dragonequus didn't respond except with a slight nod. Chrysalis smiled seeing that. "Ok good."


Luna walked over to the artifact. "Perhaps it's the temple itself, If I take you outside it you may be able to speak with them. Sound like a good Idea?"

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"Perhaps you are right, but it would be highly unusual for the temple to employ something like that, ages ago they made us of such powers all the time, why would they suddenly start to block out such powers? It could be anything, but yes, my powers should work better if i am outside, so that would be appreciated." The artefact said.

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Luna nodded and picked up the artifact with levitation magic. And took it out side she set it in the snow of outside the temple, A good walk away from it just to be safe. "Be quick about it. We don't know if there are going to be a patrol head this way soon..." She looked around to be safe.

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