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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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"We still have a long way to go it seems, having to traverse through ruins and broken landscapes is going to be common around here, giving a heads up." Elorn said as he walked over one of the wrecked vehicles.

He suddenly stopped for a moment.

"You might want to watch your step here, it's rather deep." he said as he started edging on the side of a broken vehicle that looked very unstable.

"A quick question, are you guys stocked up on food and water?" he asked


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The two ponies saw Elorn being careful and the both started flying, For Woody, it was a bit hard with the cloak on but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. Flurry looked into her bag "I have about a week's worth for the three of us, is that enough?" She figured it was enough but asked to be sure.

Wood examined a damaged vehicle closely seeing if was potentially possible to fix one up, but to no avail.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"a week's worth for the 3 of us? That is more than enough. In fact, you guys can have my share, I can do without." Elorn said

The vehicle under his feet started to slide a bit because of the weight.

Elorn noticed this as he stopped for a moment.

"Ah, bollocks." he muttered as he started to move again but this time slower.

When the vehicle started to slide faster, he started with a sprint as he jumped straight from the vehicle, landing with a combat roll as the vehicle itself was sliding into the depths.

"Gee, that was fun." he joked

He then looked at the others. "You guys doing alright?" he asked.


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The two gently landed on the other side. "Yeah, we're ok. Flight gives us a big advantage in this terrain and our magic should be useful too thought perhaps I should keep my singing down to a minimum like only use magic we need like the cooling spell I used earlier."

Flurry agreed with him. "Yeah, if the guy who will build Maple's body is scared of you then he'll assume your sister's scary too. Don't worry I can do all the casting though!" She finished saying with an upbeat attitude.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"He won't be necessary scared, but his resolve will start to falter. Trust me, the man doesn't know fear at this point, but his natural senses will start to act up when these chaos things started to get involved, of course, most of us have a pretty good resistance against this, but those who get exposed to the dark energies that our enemies sometimes seem to use... it can scar the mind of their victims very badly, and leave an exposure. It's safe to assume that his resolve regarding these things has weakened dramatically over the years, and it doesn't really help for the fact that he is clinging to life at this point."

"Don't know how well I could explain it, but I have a suspicion, should his instincts start to see those chaos magic as a very dangerous threat, his body is going to act up like anyone would when confronted with danger, but in his state such a shock could lead him to a heart attack, but I guess that is the case with most older beings," Elorn said.

"Because while technology sometimes manages to increase the lifespan of someone, it should not be relied on too heavily, and that is perhaps the mistake he is making." He said.

"To be fair I still don't understand the whole weakness against those energies tough, could be a genetical flaw in our DNA's? Who knows."

he then looked at Flurry.

"Say, are you capable of teleportation? Even if the distance is not far, it is far better than having to walk miles on foot, every advantage helps."


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Flurry nodded "That's an easy one! Group teleportation is also rather easy. Let me just focus." She said concentrating.

Woody scanned the area nearby with a magic pulse looking for life sustaining energies that came from anyone other than the group. He saw one. "Flurry. Teleport us about 2 and a half miles that way." He said pointing in the direction that they were going. "Puts us right on top of him."

Flurry smiled "Alright, Stand close to me, please." Once the two were close enough Flurry teleported them. The group ended up near an entrance. "Is this the place?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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They had arrived at the entrance of a pretty big bunker, it was in the middle of a desert wasteland, but it was armed with many weaponry like turrets and anti vehicle weapons, most of them being remotely controlled or being controlled by an ai computer.

"This is it, you have impressed me very well, and that doesn't happen often." Elorn said with a smile.

He then looked at the entrance with a small frown.

"Please stay outside, for now, I will go talk to him." Elorn said as he entered a code in the code pad that was attached to the side of the entrance.

It eventually opened up the door as he walked inside.

After a while of walking through the tunnels, he arrived in a room, and he found him.

"Caerson, they have found out that you are still alive, you should evacuate."

Caerson had a grey goat with green eyes, he was wearing a red cloak that had a hood attached to it that he wore over his head, and he had an augmenting visor attached over his left eye.

His left arm was a cybernetic arm, he was working on something, but when Elorn talked to him, he did not bother to turn around.

"That was going to happen in any case, but if they want my end then I shall not give them that stratification just yet, they shall not find me wanting." Caerson said in a mild tone.

Elorn gave a big sigh.

"Look, I know you want to retire, but that is not going to happen if you are going to face your death head on like this, I know of a place where you will be safer." Elorn said.

"You know why I am not leaving, I have made it clear before and I will say it again, this entire endeavour is futile because there is nothing left to save." Caerson said, not showing any form of emotion


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"Excuse me, Me. Caerson," Woody said turing the attention of the engineer to him, He had his cloak on with the hood up as he spoke, he pulled the hood a little tighter on his head, "I do understand that feeling of hopelessness we feel it back where I am from but, all I want my sister back," He held up the artifact with her soul in it "Please, She's the only hope we have left and very few know she's actually gone there are thousands of soldier fighting now who if they learned the truth would just give up, My entire planet, once full of peace and prosperity is now under attack by the forces that are now after you, We can beat them but not with out my sister, please I'm begging you." He was trying to keep a flat tone but at the last bit he slipped and sounded sorrowful.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson's eyes changed a bit in expression, but it was very feint.

"I will help you, but I want to know something important first when you do manage to liberate your planet, what is the plan of yours race after that? Liberating a planet is one step, but you will need to maintain a strong defense and gain back a foothold on it in order to keep it that way."

"I hate to disappoint you but your planet's defense will hold out for a few years at the very most, no matter how many soldiers or strong defense you have, they are going to break through those defenses again, no matter how long it takes, because while they bleed out your numbers, they will never run out with their current growth."

"If your people do not have a plan for that yet, it is going to become a problem, because you will all end up like us, and that is something you really would want to avoid." Caerson said as he put his tools down.


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"We do have a longer plan for that." Flurry said "Hi, My name is Princess Flurryheart I will be taking up after my mother when I must. I have some influence though I have used this influence in order to get orders for new recruits and get them trained quickly. Equestria has no shortage of horsepower. The problem only is the will of these ponies. I thank you for your help in restoring my best friend."

Maple decided to say hi as well "Hello there Caerson, I am Maple Bat the one who is in need of the body, I fully am aware of what the enemy is capable of having faced them head on. I intend to travel across planets and help others as they need it. My inevitable goal is to defeat Valtrek and stop all of this madness."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Your courage is something that is greatly appreciated in these times, to be frankly honest I am surprised to hear you eagerness about helping us, we don't see it that often when many would want to help us back for a change, especially with all the events..." Caerson said

"But it is nice to meet you both, I used to be just like you, very eager to destroy all the madness that has been occurring. It does make sense since you are part of the younger generation, which is always full of eager warriors." Caerson.

Suddenly the ground shook heavily as explosions could be heard outside.

"It looks like we have company." Elorn said as he checked his weapon.

"Of course we have, we have no shortage of fighting these days." Caerson replied back.


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Woody took a deep breath "Elorn get ready on that teleporter thing." He took off the artifact "Flurry guard this with your life ok? I'm gonna go stall them for a while and then I can slip into my father's realm" He whispered the part about him slipping away. "Good luck to you guys, He said as he left the bunker. Once outside he threw off his cloak, and said simply "Bring it on."

Flurry and Maple couldn't believe he did that. "Elron," Maple said commandingly, "Let's get out of here Woody will be fine trust me we just need to go."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I trust you, but I rather give him some fire support from afar, some extra firepower never hurts, but at the same time I am interested in seeing your brother in action, perhaps I could even learn a thing or 2 from him, you may never know." Elorn said with a smile.

"Caerson, you should get that teleporter started, I am going see if I can intercept their vehicles because, from the sound of those explosions, they are not joking around." Elorn said as he walked through the bunker.

Caerson gave him a nod as he started to work with the teleporter.


The enemies were swarming towards the bunker at a fast rate, most of them were infected. But from afar very loud stomping could be heard, very very loud stomping.

Elron walked to Woody.

"I am going to give you some fire support from the roof, because i know without a doubt they are having snipers somewhere, if i take those out, they shouldn't be able to catch you off guard, good luck to you." He said with a quick thumbs up before he climbed on the bunker roof.


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Woody enhanced his speed "It'd be easier for me too but ok if you want."  He started to sing a warm melody again his paws caught fire and his claws started to glow with a white intensity. He dashed to the closest few enemies and slashed them with his claws the wounds would bleed severely but the heat made then close up immediately causing a rather quick and clean kill. One of the creatures tried to attack him but he stopped time for a quarter of a second so he could get out of the way of its attack before retaliating.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'A good offensive, fast agility, he will hold his own without a doubt.' Elorn thought as he looked through the scope of his sniper.

As he started to zoom in closer, he saw some very close outlines in the distance.

'Enemy snipers using camouflage, I knew it would be too plain for them to send in these mob attacks.' he thought as he started picking them off one by one.



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Woody switched it up going for ranged fireball attacks instead of burning melee, he started flying seeing a large group he fired a ball of fire that blew up on contact with the ground incinerating those that were too close and severely damaging those that got hit at all. "Hey Elorn, I can handle this for a while after you get those snipers don't want the others leaving with out you. Don't worry about me I can escape too."


Maple was worried about Woody but more so about this Caerson "Hey how's the progress on that thing going?" She asked politely

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Don't worry about me either, I have been doing this for many years, Woody, I have gotten a neck for these type of situations!" He said with a laugh.

"But if you prefer, i could spectate, i am interested in seeing more of your tactics!" He said.


Caerson looked up.

"Well, i just finished, since i build this thing myself, i know how it works rather easily, good thing i implemented where it can remember previously visited locations as i don't know where your planet is in the first place." He said as he finished.

"I think i am going to help them out for a bit, i still have a score to settle with some of my enemies." Caerson said as he was walking towards the door.


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"No, No keep helping me just don't miss the ride back to Equestria." Woody blushed a bit "Am I really that good at this? Want to see another cool trick" He laughed before flying back into the air he tossed something and when it hit the ground the ball of ice that he had tossed quickly melted into a small blanket of mist he then flew into it and come out the other side freezing it over as he passed through it. There was a bit of ice on his wings after the fact be he was ok. Fire and Ice He thought Those are both new, what else can I do?


Flurry moved over to the entrance the bunker "Something tells me that's not a good idea. We really can't have such a risk on our hooves." She said smiling "Don't you agree that they are after you so it's too dangerous?"

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Don't let your focus waver tough, you are still venerable to their attacks." Elorn warned him as he started to scope out some enemies, more the ranged enemies in particular.

 yes, you are good, but don't let your powers go to your head." He said, noticing the ice that Woody had gotten on himself.


"You do have a point there, but i still have to set up proper defenses, it is going to take some time before the teleporter is ready, and i need to get those turrets setup when their vehicles arrived." Caerson said, a bit surprised by Flurry's reaction.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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Oh, they're looking for me now? He thought "I've got an idea I'll try to lure them away. These infected seem to be drawn away by a lot of noise from something living my singing seems to be doing that. No wait that won't work on the soldiers. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing." He heard an infected about to hit the bunker door. He stopped time and appeared in front of the creature hitting it with both his paws at the same time knocking it away. "Don't touch this door!" Woody shouted as he teleported to another group of enemies and kicked the ground with his dragon claws causing a small earthquake from the sheer force with a hint of magic.


"I... I wouldn't worry about it. My ally and Elorn are our defences you should see my friend when he goes all out with his magic he's strong." The quake was heard from inside the bunker Flurry could use this. "Hey... You got anything to eat in here."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson looked around when he felt the sudden quake, but he presumed it was the impact from the atnother explosion.

Elorn blinked for a moment.

"Yes, I have lots of food here, though there is meat among it, and by my calculations, your species are herbivores correct?" Caerson asked.

"Though there should still be things among it that you could eat, not that I eat alot myself, it never hurts to have extra food in storage." he said as he walked to one of the containers in the room.


'Heh, he doesn't need my advice at this point, guess my coaching days are over after all.' Elorn thought while he was still picking up targets with his sniper rifle.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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Woody after causing sure a shockwave flew off into the farther away enemies he saw a line of turrets and remembered that there was a camera there, so he wasn't going over there. He waited inside some of the wreckage saving his magical reserves for later.


Flurry followed him "I've never had meat actually. My parents never told me about it."

Maple sighed "Well it's not the best thing in the world... I had some of it back when I was in everfree it's a bit of an acquired taste."

Flurry looked at Maple's soul confused "Wait why would you have eaten meat wouldn't your mother have been upset."

"I had to it was all I had at the time. Geez." Maple retaliated

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Well, you had the luxury of it being meat, I have had plenty of times where my fellow brothers in arms were forced to eat the meat of infected creatures due to the lack of food. Which leads me to believe how well your planet must still thrive, compared to our... remnants...." Caerson said.


Elorn suddenly heard very loud stomping in the distance, but he knew what this meant all too well. His eyes narrowing deeply

"Woody, we need to head back inside right away!" He said.


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"No, You go I'll meet you in Equestria. I've still gotta buy time for you few. I won't die here I promise and I have a wait back, so you need to  get going." Woody said watching the horizon for something big.


Flurry flinched "You do have not meat food right? Something like I don't know... A carrot or something?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Elorn frowned.

"If you insist, but I can safely assume your powers won't be having much of a purpose against that incoming thing except for maby that time stopping technique of yours." he said as he headed back inside.


"I apologize for this, because there is no sufficient vegetation that could grow crops with, and i can't exactly gather food that easily, it has become scarce for most." Caerson said with a sigh.


In the distance, a very loud and mechanical whine could be heard while the loud stomping kept going.

It was only then that suddenly the bunker and anything near it started to get bombarded by incoming mortar shells and rockets that made the Bunker shook heavily.

Some getting very very close.


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