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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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Woody and Flurry over to the fleeing ponies as quickly as they could trying to save as many as they could. Woody quickly created a wall of Ice between the soldiers and the remaining ponies, it was quick but wouldn't last long if they attacked it. Flurry followed up with a few pulse blast knocking down a good number of soldiers sending weapons scattering everywhere.

Cadence flew in front of the missiles putting up a barrier which all of the rockets collided against and exploded.

Luna and Twilight attacked the giant machine head on firing laser blast at it which wasn't doing a lot of damage.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The remaining soldiers started using different methods, some started firing their weapons at the ice well while others started throwing grenades over the wall itself.

The giant war machine was strong, but its head rotating was rather slow, but once it spotted Twilight and Luna, it started firing its missiles against them instead.

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Woody realized what the grenades were and started throwing them back not letting them pass over the wall causing them to blow up in mid air.

Flurry wasn't doing so good. She was going at it fine but she was unsure of how long she could keep fighting.

Twilight shielded herself from the missiles and Luna dodged them, Cadence, Seeing Woody protecting the civilians moved to help take down the robot blasting one of the cannons off of the machine, Twilight teleported behind the machine and blasted it the explosion knocked off a bit of its armor.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The machine started to change its pattern, realising it could not target the swift Alicorn's from the air, it instead started to head straight for the remaining ponies where Woody and Flurry happened to be it. It let out a mechanical roar that echoed all over the battlefield as it crushed buildings beneath its massive feet.

The machine however blatantly ignored its ally soldiers fighting the enemy as it continued to stride straight at its target.

The enemy soldiers for some reason seemed to fight without any form of running out its way, only occasionally moving a bit to the other direction instead.


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Woody flew up in front of the machine Delivering a palm handed strike. The hit its self-wasn't intended to deal a lot of damage but Woody channeled a lot of his magic into the hit causing a shockwave to knock the machine backwards a bit. "This doesn't look good." He said to himself. "Help!"

Flurry heard Woody call for help and teleported next to him, both of them stood there and nodded at each other "Let's cool him off!" She joked. Flurry fired a giant Ice beam at one of the things legs and Woody froze the one opposite of it.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The machine started to use its rotatable head to its advantage as it rotated its head towards the other alicorn and started firing a couple of mortar shells directly towards their position. But while at the same time the vehicle was trying to free its legs from the ice, while the ice was holding it trapped for a decent amount of time, it was not enough to sustain the massive contraption long enough because of its sheer weight, it started to move backwards towards the group as it was still firing towards the 3 alicorns at the same time.


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Flurry shielded herself and Woody while Cadence did the same.

Woody looked at Flurry "We're in over our heads. I dont think we can beat this thing." Woody noticed a Gray colored pony in light armor walking up to the machine. "H... Hey! What are you doing that thing is dangerous!" 

The pony looked up at the dragonequus and smiled, Then kept walking until he was seen by the machine.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The machine kept stomping towards the ponies. One unfortunate pony even got crushed by its leg who had gotten stuck in parts of fallen debris from earlier explosions.

Though the enemy soldiers were regrouping somewhere else, they were moving into one of the sewer systems, that purpose was unclear, though only a few of them remained to attack the surviving ponies head on.


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Twilight, Luna, and Cadence all kept firing at the machine knocking off a bit more of the armor in various places. "Well that's good and all," Luna said, "but how do we kill it?"

Seeing that the gray pony moved closer to the machine he lept up jumped off the machine's leg half-drawing his blade he cut several important wires in the machine. Disabling it then he teleported to the top of it. "You look like you all need some help. You especially Woodland."

Woody flinched hearing his name "M... Me?"

"Yes, you get over here." the pony said "You three need to protect the civilians."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The machine eventually was unable to move, its legs were no longer functioning and even its head rotation had become almost unusable, the machine tried one last desperate as it started firing mortar shells straight into the air above itself and the nearby ponies as a desperate gamble from its remaining weapons.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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Flurry shielded the ponies but the shield was perhaps a bit too big for just her to hold up it broke and she got hurt by the explosion of a mortar that got too close She got blown away and crashed into the ground a ways off. "T... That really hurt..." She said holding back tears

Woody was still talking to the Pony on top of the mech, "So who exactly are you and how do you know my name?!" He shouted at him.

"One second." Pony said "This thing has hurt enough people." he drew his sword completely and an energy emanated from it once completely drawn, Something that reminded woody of that portal the assassin used in the crystal empire to escape. The unicorn pony teleported and slashed one of the weak parts of a joint on the machine causing it to fall over he then lept slashing a good number of wires and removing something from the machine as he went through it he landed nearby sheathed his blade. He waved for the dragonequus to follow him for a bit. "Come on. I don't have all day."

Woody looked at him and rolled his eyes.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The machine eventually crashed down, no longer working as its power supply was removed.

The remaining enemy soldiers started moving through the sewers to their destination.


Caerson walked through the forest until he held a hand up, gesturing the other 2 to stop.

A large patrol was moving through the forest, which consisted of 30 soldiers and 40 infected creatures, with a normal mech walking behind.

"There is our target, if you 2 could deal with their ground units, I will deal with that machine myself." Caerson suggested as he was analyzing the patrol from even the smallest detail.


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"Ask anything you wish now Woodland." The pony said

Woody held up his paw "3 things, Who are you, How do you know my name, and why is that energy on your blade." He said with a bit disturbance at the last bit.

"You may call me the 'Southern Wind' As that is my title, I know you because I have been watching you for quite some time now which is what I needed to talk about.  Lastly, the energy on my blade is, apparently, a residual energy from where my father's blade was forged. I have an idea of what it is but I use this blade for good purposes. About you though... You need to notice something, you and your father both have a power far beyond that of reason to any equestrian, Yet you both just use it for 'entertainment' Why?"


Flurry was laying on the ground resting when Twilight came over "Flurry! Hold on Auntie Twilight is here." She examined the damaged and concluded that her wing was broken but not much else happened. "That looks like it hurt." 

Cadence flew over to "Oh no. Sweet heart are you ok."

"I'm fine," Flurry said standing up slowly. "The civilians need to be taken to safety."


Shing and Moonshadow both nodded. Moonshadow ran at a few of them with his spear changing it into a blade and swinging it across his body taking down several soldiers all at once.

Shining drew his sword "For Equestria!" He yelled as battlecry charging with his sword and a magic shield around himself. he swiftly took out a few of the soldiers as well before being actually seen.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson saw the mech was going to aim for Moonshadow.

He sneaked over to the feet of the 2 legged mechs and drew his specialized axe, and attacked straight at the left leg.

While the axe did not penetrate the armour straight up, it did cause a dent, which was precisely what he wanted.

The mech turned around and was trying to aim at Caerson, but it was having trouble doing so.

Caerson was acting incredibly smart with outmanoeuvring the rotating speed of the mech as he knew exactly the flaws in its design.

While Caerson was not able to go into fast sprints, he could still keep a decent pace, occasionally attacking some of the weaker points on the leg of the mech itself.


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Woody jumped hearing that. "Wh.. Why would you tell me that?"

"You and your father lack an 'edge' Woodland I've decided to help refine your capabilities, while doing what seems like it'll work may help, doing what's effective would help a lot more in the grand scheme of things. For exapmle I could slash that tree behind me, bu that would take a lot of force but I also can use magic on my blade making it magically sharper and..." He sword went clean through a tree, No not one, but several trees. "See what I mean."

"I do." Woody said "Very well when do we start training... Oh and call me woody."

'Southern Wind' Smiled "Now." He said slashing at the dragonequus. Woody reacted quickly stopping time to avoid the hit. 


Moonshadow saw the dents in the machine's legs he change his weapon into a spear and lunged at one of them full force cracking some the metal "Hey, Person I'm helping, The armor's broke over here." he said attacking a few enemies before disengaging the enemy to engage them somewhere else.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You have my thanks," Caerson said with a nod.

He then aimed at the already damaged spot, the axe impacting straight into its wiring as the mech tumbled straight to the ground, its machinery being immobilized by the emp effect.

"Your foul tyrant shall no longer claim you as a spoil of war, but as debris to hold his funeral." Caerson taunted at the machine as it fell to the ground with an enormous crash.

He then climbed on the back, and with a few strong strikes, he had broken straight to the power core as he ripped it out of its machinery.


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Woody seeing that the ponies blade wasn't fully drawn, looked behind him after the slash and saw several more trees fall "You could have killed me!"

"But I didn't," Wind said, "Keep going but what you did was an appropriate response now how do you respond to this." His horn glowed and he fired countless small projectiles rapidly."

Woody thought of using a barrier, but he got a vision of what to do he conjured a magic blade around his arm, Oh so that's how you're training me! He thought as he started reflecting shots back into other shots cutting some in half before sending them back.


"Come on Flurry." Cadence said, "Let's go."

Luna agreed with her "We need to get that core first though. Then we can go give the core to Caerson."

Twilight, who was already trying to dig out the core walked over to the group telling them, "This thing didn't have a core, Looks like it did but it's gone now. We best go ask why." As she said that the four flew off, Flurry being carried carefully by Cadence.


Moonshadow and Shining were starting to drive the other forces back through sheer will power and strength of Magic from Shining armor. "I'll take back my home," Shining yelled.

Moonshadow, on the other hand, yelled something completely different "For my vengeance!"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson pulled out his pistol as he was picking out targets until something jumped at from straight behind.

It was one of the infected but this one had been using some sort of camouflage, it dug its claw very deep into Caerson's leg.

He, however, ignored the pain as he shot a pistol round straight through the creatures head.

"Abomination..." He silently cursed as he started shooting at more targets.


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Woody was keeping up pretty good. He got hit by a few but he managed to keep it up until he stopped firing.

Windphaser smiled "Good. Now, this." He said copying himself with magic making fake double that dashed around him.

Woody got another vision after a few seconds of him creating a ring of flames. Instead, he created a freezing ring making WindPhaser stop in place "That seems to work better huh?"

"You'd think that correct but... " Windphaser broke the ice around his hooves and threw some of it into Woodland's eyes. Holding his half drawn the blade to his throat "You've given me more options. You have to think about things like that always assume an opponent is as smart as you are." He sheathed the blade and let Woody recover


Twilight and the others got back and walked into the castle, whenever they got to the room he was in it was empty. Twilight began to freak out.

Cadance was confused, "Wait why are you so worried. He's probably late getting back. That's all."

"In this situation, there is no getting back late. There's you get back or you don't come back at all." Twilight said hurrying out


Shining noticed what happened "Sweet Celestia! Are you ok that dug pretty deep." He said as he quickly scanned the wound looking over it from a distance "Perhaps we should get out of here quickly. We got what we needed so there's no point in staying."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson looked at the wound.

"Could be better, but it shouldn't pose that much of a problem." he said as he tried to ignore the pain.

"But I agree, I am suspecting this was not a patrol, but a strike force, as they were with too many. But at least we managed to get our prize." Caerson said.

Suddenly big projectiles starting impacting near their position, which was, in fact, mortar shells.

Big explosions were happening near them, some even throwing them off their feet from the quake.

"It seems we are not alone yet." Caerson said with a grunt as he stood still on the now destroyed mech.


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"What is your problem!" Woody shouted waiting to get the ice out of his eyes, "I was doing fine without training and all of a sudden you just want me to get better out of nowhere I can't get any better than this Not until I'm older at least."

Windphaser sighed "No. I don't want you to get better at magic I'm trying to teach you that you need to think more strategicly about what spell to use because something may seem like a better option but if your opponents as smart as you, they can find an advantage in such a battle." He hesitated for a moment and his horn glowed for a second before stopping. "I still sense grief in your heart. Even with Maple getting a new body... You're still upset about her death. Don't channel this destructive nature into your head. Channel it into your magic, son of Chaos, You'll find that your results are much more interesting."


"Well let's get going!" Moonshadow shouted after killing a few more soldiers "We got lucky with the one but another might be a bit too much for us given all the troops here."

"Agreed Moonshadow. Let's get moving!" Shining shouted as he started to back up into the forest.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You 2 go on ahead, I will catch up!" Caerson shouted back as he threw the power core towards them to catch.

'Hopefully, this will work.' he thought as he started to hack and slash more inside the already destroyed mech.

He was, in fact, destroying more wiring so he could hide inside the armour to attempt and survive the incoming barrage of mortar shells.

His plan was to draw attention from the massive machine so Moonshadow and Shining Armour could escape.

'Perhaps a futile plan, but should I fall here, then I shall die standing.' he thought as he braced himself inside the vehicle armour.


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Woody eventually managed to get the ice out, since it melted, "Perhaps I don't care. I don't need a sort of mastery over my powers. Mine and my father we can't use so strategically. We just really use it for fun. Look. Just go away ok."

"Well perhaps this," Windphaser held up a power core from the last robot, "Will change your mind."

"I...It does." Woody said hesitantly.

"Very good," Windphaser noted something he had said calmly "Well maybe if you had achieved mastery of your own powers Maple wouldn't have died. Oh and just so you know, They have your mother too. She got taken by the enemy while you sat around the castle waiting on Elorn."

Woody's eyes filled with rage. He put his paws over his head as he tried to restrain himself from doing something drastic.

"Good, Now channel all that into your magic, You'll find quite the interesting result."


Moonshadow realized what he was doing. "No! Not again!" He said changing his sword into the spear shape and he charged through the enemies impaling them or knocking them over, once he got to the mech he looked at Caerson "I'm not letting anyone else die, especially not to save my own flank. You run I can do this." 

Shining was busy holding the line waiting on at least one of them to get back over to him. Thankful he could cover a lot of ground with his sword and magic.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"My leg is damaged, my entire body is nothing more than a shell with meat on it at this point, running is not something I can do now. But you... You still have a long life ahead, you will be remembered in the halls of glory my friend, but that time for me is already long over. Don't see this as a sacrifice, but as a matter of duty, for this is our purpose in the end." Caerson said with a hint of sadness.

"Just go... I will not abandon my duty." he said, his stubbornness blinding him to a point where he did not realise he was throwing away his own life so simply.


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"Why would you bring my family into this!" Woody said exploding with rage, literally, "I thought you were here to help me protect them."

"I am Woody that's why I got this co-" Wind was interrupted when his throat was suddenly grabbed by the dragonequus.

"If you want to see the full extent of my power then fine you earned it." He fired a blast of flame from one paw so strong it disintegrated most of the trees behind the pony, The pony them self, however, vanished they hadn't been harmed by woody but they did leave the core behind. Woody picked it up coldly and flew back towards canterlot.


"We still need you! No one in Equestria can build Maple a new body." Moonshadow growled at him and changed into a unicorn picking up Caerson with magic before running back over to where Shining armor was

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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