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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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"I... I mean it's worth a try I guess..." Woody said "I would be willing to bet that it works. I can help too I can make it feel, mostly, painless. Perhaps... but I mean... I don't know if I want to do that..."

Twilight stopped working again "We should. It's a much better option than you dying. I mean yeah it might not work but if I'm correct it's only been a few hours while Maple had been for a few days before being found by Woody and the others. So there's a really good chance of this working." Twilight finished saying as she resumed her work. "Plus it had started in Maple's spine so it worked quickly."

"Well... I guess we're saying you should do it." Woody said. "Perhaps you could make a replacement?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson nodded.

"Alright then, i am going to spare you all the sight tough, because this is going to be pretty messy, and none of you should be forced to witness something like this."

"Oh and Woody, could you ask Luna to come over while Twilight is working? I need to discuss something with her once I am done with this... ordeal." Caerson said as he wandered to his room, he closed the door to block out any sound from coming out of that room as well.



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Woody wanted to help but he figured it would be more helpful to go get Luna rather than go and help with what he was about to do so Woody left. While he was gone Twilight started working on the wings of Maple's new body putting joints on them and modeling them off of Maple's original wings. After which she left the room to get some things. Which is when Woody came back Twilight was gone "Well that's odd..." He said to Luna, who was now with him. "Guess she needed something else..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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After about 50 minutes Caerson came limping back in the room with only his left leg and alot of sweat on his face.

"Alright, the deed is done... he said as he leaned poorly against the wall.

"Where is Twilight at tough? She was still here when I got back."


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"Well let's hope it worked." Woody took off one of his horns and used magic to expand it making a cane, He handed it to Caerson. "You can probably just build a new leg, you seem good at such practices." He said examining the rest of Caerson's body

Luna flinched hearing what he said and even more so at Woody's response. "Wait what did I miss?... I don't think I like it..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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He looked at Luna.

"During our fight with those monsters, one of them sneaked attack me and I got infected, but it since it was in the leg, it looked a good idea to me to amputate it, before the virus would spread further, but to be honest i am not sure if it worked, it could have, but for all we know I was to late and it has already spread towards other parts of my body.. Its hard to say with such an unpredictable plague." Caerson said

He then looked at Woody.

"Indeed, I have been trained to always prepare for worst cases scenario's and this happened to be one of them. But building my leg could wait, i will first finish your friend's body, before i might turn, this is all that matters now."

He then looked back at Luna again. "Could I speak to you somewhere in private in a bit? It is really important." he asked.


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"My sister's body can wait," Woody said. "Look I know you think that you're infected but we can find out. I'll be right back." Woody said running off.

"Well, we seem to be alone now..." Luna said looking around the room noting the progress on Maple's body "What exactly did you wish to talk about with me if it is that important we can just speak here." Luna locked the door so no other ponies would come inside while they talked

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Hold on, place a sound proof barrier around us first, I don't want the possibility of someone hearing our conversation."

He then looked at Luna.

"I heard the conversation between you and Flurry from my ears, what exactly happened to your sister and the others? It is crucial i know, perhaps i could even help." Caerson asked.


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"Well I didn't exactly see what happened so it's all mostly he said, she said, But apparently they went through a portal I have no idea what else happened," Luna said rubbing her chin "If I knew then I wouldn't be here I'd be going to rescue her. I will tell you whatever I learn though." There was a knock at the door.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"2, we know of a Raukan that may be the true leader but someone else has been with him. An assassin that claims to be Jack's mother and wishes to experiment on him. We don't know any names but the assassin has been really threatening." Luna explained a bit nervous thinking about them since they were stronger than her.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Hmmm, a Raukan leader is still hard to identify by just its race, but the assassin I already know who that is. Someone by the name of Karliah who only hunts specific and contracted targets had Jack not been in Equestria, she would not have arrived at all, so I can only assume she is no longer here."

"But let's look at this theory, from what I can gather your sister and this dragon lord named Ember were both very strong individuals right? Then there is no way that assassin could have taken them both out at the same time in such a short time, not their level of experience, and since you mentioned a portal, we can all assume it was Valtrak who tricked them into going through it and so trapped all of them at once only to capture them."

"And since he would not risk infected them because of how valuable they are to him, he would bring them to one place I could think off. It is really far off, on planet Garus where one of their largest base of operations is. If my guess is right, they will be held captive by one of the slave traders. This is probably my biggest guess."

"For the boy though... I can't know for sure that he will be among them, he already had escaped the demon realm once before and you can probably presume his captors were furious to learn of that very escape, so I don't know for sure about that last part."


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There was a louder follow-up knock "Princess Luna," There was a voice Luna was unfamiler with "I need to speak with you urgently."

"Let's hurry this up." Luna said "I do feel like you are correct. I believe Jack mentioned something about him but I'm not too sure. Is there anything else, Because I need to ask something. Why do they need Jack so badly?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"They want him because of his bloodline, it might come as a surprise but many of the Eldritch get their natural talents passed on by their ancestors. And from what I can assume, his father was extraordinary, but he was so calm minded to a point where they wouldn't be able to break him, but his son... They might not be able to break someone that strong, but a 13-year-old is child's play, and since its special genetics and talents have been brought over from his father, they are intending on turning him into something... different, I could only summarise they want him very desperately to use this *vision* ability, since, with this method, they could intercept many more secret messages and secrets, finding even more hiding spots of survivors, it is all just a means to a greater end." Caerson said.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus
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The door was opened not by Luna, but by Windphaser, He had cut the door's lock with his sword. "Princess I request your audience. NOW! It's about Celestia."

"What! What about her? And how exactly are you?" Luna asked the intruding pony.

"My name... Windphaser but... more important things now, We can't reach where she was taken but I can tell you they are safe, for now. We cannot reach them where they are now but you have a subject who can help reach them. You know I am talking about the dragonequus Woodland." He said "He can learn how to access the demon's realm allowing him to reach them and get them out of their imprisonment. In order to do so, however... He's going to risk his sanity. I'm going to ask you how much you trust him, do you trust him enough to the point where your sister's life is counting on him. Becuase how they are now they won't make it out alone someone needs to help them otherwise we will never see them again."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson looked up with a hint of surprise, but decided to not openly show it at it would be pretty rude.

'Those eyes... Those are not pony eyes, I know a Raukan when I see one.' Caerson thought with interest.

"Indeed, traversing through that realm can be really dangerous, but if Woody ends up doing it, he will need an anchoring point in order to find his way out of it. Not to mention... He could potentially attract the attention of Valtrek if he stays there for too long, which means he would be done for. I perhaps know how to establish that anchoring point, but it is going to take time." Caerson mentioned

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Luna nodded to Caerson "If you have faith in him then I do too." Luna looked at Windphaser "Fine I'll go talk with-"

"I... Heard my name." Woody said poking into the room with Twilight too. "Caerson here." Woody walked over and handed him a syringe "You can check if you're infected or not."

"Woody," Luna interrupted, "I need your help, your mother, Celestia, Ember, and Jack where all taken to a different planet, There's a realm you can access but only if you are willing to learn. It's dangerous and you may go insane but if you don't we may not see the others again..."

"Well..." Woody said "That... Really doesn't leave a lot of room to say no, so I will." He nodded confidently

"Very good." Windphaser said, "I will train you soon. Be ready." He walked out of the room.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Then I will first finish Maple's body, we are getting close to finishing it."

"Though it doesn't really help for the fact that I now need to left leg...." Caerson said with a sigh.

"Trying to stand is just already a pain at this point, but there is not much that can be done." he said as he started to check his blood with the syringe. 

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Woody looked at caerson and stood confidently "Anything I can do to help I will just ask!" He said offering anything he could to help. "I'm not exactly mechanically inclined, but I've got magical inclination I just need to know how I can help." 

Twilight walked back in no concerned about the door since she could tell anything wrong with it. She was talking to Rarity, She said something and pointed at the robotic body to which rarity nodded took measurements of it and walked out of the room. "Don't mind Rarity she's going to be helping us a bit with the project." She said aloud to anyone who was curious.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson looked at Woody.

"To be honest I don't think there is much help that could be done at the moment, me and Twilight are getting close to finishing the first body, in which Twilight has actually done incredible work, and which I ashamedly have not been able to help out during the later phases of the build because of this whole ordeal." Caerson said.

"But if I may give you a bit of advice, watch yourself when going in the demon realm, and don't do anything rash, because unlike many diseases, the dark exposure is a very dangerous thing, and no matter how much magic you would use, staying too long in that realm will give a scar in your mind permanently. At first, I was kind of against the idea sending you into that realm, despite you having unique physics, sending anyone in that foul place is just not something you would want to do." Caerson said with worry.

"If things get too dangerous, don't stick around there and try to fight it, but instead return here immediately, I know you are not a stranger to other realms, but some of the things you might face there are not able to be killed, since they are part of the realms energy, which means you should rather avoid some of the threats rather than trying to face them."


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"Is it really that scary?" Woody said with a worried expression "I mean I'm still going. That's decided we have no idea if they can get back without some help." Woody sat down on the floor assuming caerson would sit with him. "Tell me all you know about this realm I want to know everything you do before I go in there."

Twilight continued working on Maple's body while the two spoke.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It perhaps not just scary, it is mind twisting, because nothing in that realm makes sense, from changing landscapes to voices in your head. You can compare it to having a nightmare, only then in that realm the odds become a reality, because of the constant energies that surround you there, it will try to throw your mind off balance, trying to make you lose grip of your resolve and slowly succumb to the madness, because that is what in the end powers this realm, thoughts, though this far from the thing where your thoughts take shape. Th reality is that some entities will start to notice your fear, and start to take shape of fears in order to drive you to madness even further."

"But the laws of physics there make no sense either, for one thing, you would experience no such thing as getting hungry or thirsty, or even getting sleepy for that matter, you can tire out, but you are unable to dream in that realm. but i guess most of all, there are people out there who have learned to bend the reality of this realm to their will, but the only way to bend those powers is to succumb to the madness itself, surprisingly it's a price that many wanted to pay in order to get stronger. Most notably those who control these powers are the ones who got infected, without the virus in their body they would just be driven insane. How these 2 factors work together, I still have no idea, but seeing how Valtrek controls this realm like it is his playing ground, i can only summarise we may never find out."

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Woody took in all the information "Well I mean the laws of physics aren't really a problem I'm used to not making sense. I guess I should prepare myself to see my family die in there... that and be really popular, since I'm so modest being adored by many is really intimidating and I fear it too. There's not much other than that I'm not scared of other than that." He said everything as if he was distracted. "Well... Are you infected or..." He didn't dare finish his sentence. 

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Being adored by many can be difficult to, many adored me as well before, but they expected so much out of me."

he then held the syringe and frowned.

"It is hard to say honestly, there is the golden afterglow in it but it is not hot or anything, there is signs of black matter in it as well. Not some I have seen before honestly." Caerson said with a frown.

"I am going to work further on the robot now, I would suggest you get ready and stuff, what you are going to do is not something to be taken lightly, trust me." Caerson said as he limped towards the others.


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Woody looked down "Ok... Good luck..." He touched the artifact containing Maple's soul "Hey... Caerson. Catch." He said tossing it to him. "It's her soul. I trust you with it and Luna can put the soul in the new body I wish you the best of luck and you too Twilight." Twilight simply nodded and continued working, Woody left the room in a valiantly.

Twilight looked up at Caerson "Can you work with one leg?" She asked politely.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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