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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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"Do not worry, you wouldn't believe how careful I am with my own equipment," Caerson said in a half joking manner as he caught the artifact.

"But best of luck to you to Woody."

He then looked at Twilight.

"It's pretty hard to even stand on one leg for long, I am surprised I haven't collapsed yet. I could try, but I would eventually just collapse from fatigue, trying to balance on one leg for so long a lot harder than you think." Caerson admitted.

"Could you perhaps support me a bit? While making a new leg for myself is not a real big challange, it is going to take a while and i intend on finishing this robot first."


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"I would say that you build that new leg first if it's gonna take a while for us to finish the body if you don't have it. I can work on the body while you do that." Twilight suggested, "Of course that's merely a suggestion."

Woody, after leaving earshot walked into another room and sat down breathing deeply scared by all this "Is it really something I should do... I... I mean my mother there but will they even be there?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I am afraid that leg must wait for now because installing the power core is going to involve alot more than just reconnecting wires, because we are inserting an actual soul in a machine, which means it will need very deep programming in order to make it act like a real body for Maple, and not many know how do to this, i have been studying and practicing this technique for many years, so within 10 hours, i can finish this part. But i can tell you one thing Twilight, this part is going to require all of my concentration in this part, if i mess up things might not go well for the body, so i have to focus at a 100%, i think you can relate a bit to the magic you Equestrian's call necromancy? You could compare it to this kind of progress as we are tampering with a soul of a being, trying to make it possess an inanimate shell, as easy as it may sound from words, the work on it is alot harder." Caerson said.

"Your suggestion sounds reasonable, but finishing this body should be our top 1 priority, having heard about the element bearers, specifically your past, you know the definition of 1st priority like no other am I  correct?" he asked with a small smile.


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"Well, I guess you are correct," Twilight said finishing the second wing. "Most of the body is done now so you can start doing that, I'll need to go get rarity to help finish the last cosmetic touches make it look like her so it's like she never died. While I do that you can program the body, Good luck." Twilight said after which she left the room.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Hold o-" But before he could finish Twilight had already left.

"So much for the whole support thing... oh well, then I will do without, no silly imbalance is going to hinder me." Caerson said to himself.


It was about 5 hours later that Caerson was still working on it, though he was in more of a half collapsed position after he could no longer keep it up standing, he was still going on regardless.

"Just a bit longer..." he muttered to himself.

It was a 3 more hours later as he was finally done.

"Curse my body... I have become too soft, even trying to stand is trying to humiliate me to no end." He growled.


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After Caerson had finished Twilight and Rarity came into the room, "Don't worry darling it's almost perfect. I just need to finish one more stitch on it but it is the hardest on the design and I have to do it twice."

Twilight nodded to them "I'd imagine the Cutie mark would be the hardest given how Maples was. Thanks for your help by the way."

"It's nothing. I don't mind helping it's a bit of fabric and thread but nothing more than that." Rarity responded, Seeing caerson "Hello there who are you exactly?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson looked up in surprise.

'Damn it, the one time where someone new notices me and I am reduced to this state, my pride is really getting torn here....' he thought with dismay.

"One second." he said to Rarity with the calmest tone he could muster.

"Twilight, could you perhaps help me a bit over standing up?  I asked for your help earlier for this but you walked away for many hours leaving me in this humiliating position, I do not blame you but perhaps you could help out in the future should something like this happening again, it is not exactly easy trying to keep my balance for *8 Hours* long..." Caerson said with a sigh.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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"Oh, Sorry." Twilight said quickly as an apology, She looked at the robotic body "Though it is impressive how much progress you made on the body. I'm really impressed by that and you should be too. Even though you may think you are humiliated you still accomplish quite a lot there. You should feel proud!" She smiled at him hoping to make him feel better

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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He smiled a bit.

"Thanks, even if my fighting days might be over, engineering is still my call it seems, no matter how weak I am starting to grow."

"And pardon me from my lack of introduction, its just not happening often when i meet others like this, my name is Caerson Carbin, lead engineer of the Thundershock army. If i may ask of a small favour, could you put the decorations on the robot body?" he addressed to Rarity.

"But i really need you to help me now Twilight, my kneecap is going to give out if i am going to give out soon like this." he said to Twilight urgently.

"When the decoration is done, the moment of revival will be a bit at hand."


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Twilight lifted Cearson off of his hurt leg with her levitation magic "Here you go, sorry about the leg it's kinda my fault."

Rarity had left and she was gone for about 15 minutes and came back with a dummy covered in fabrics stitched to look like Maple it looked really close too, Rarity must have worked really hard to get it this close "Now I just need to put it on the body and then we should be done." The bottom of the look alike wasn't stitched yet so rarity lifted it off and put it on the robotic body it fit like a glove Rarity finished the stitching at the bottom and looked at Caerson. "That should do it now for that last part."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Thank you, and now the moment of truth." Caerson said

he held the artifact in his hands.

"Rarity, could you perhaps get Luna for us? She is the only one who currently knows the spell to move Maple's soul." Caerson asked.

He inspected the artifact closely.

'Hmm, some of these symbols look very particular... How Elorn or Jack did not recognize these? I guess it must be a coincidence, or perhaps not. Who knows.' he thought with interest.


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Rarity nodded "Alright then it should be the moment of truth then?" She said walking off. Another few minutes later She came back with princess Luna who nodded to Caerson as she examined the new body "It looks done are you sure it is however... I know that's a bit rude but we need to get this right the first try..."


Woody was with Windphaser now "I'm ready." Woody told him

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Do not worry, it may be questionable from such a perspective but I am not one to rush my work, I spend 8 hours trying to make sure it goes smoothly as well. This should feel alot easier than when you extracted the soul because i integrated the core in such a way that it should detect the soul as a detectable host. Its is highly unlikely that this will go wrong because i know someone with a thousand years worth of experience handles magic like it is a glove." Caerson said with a reassuring tone.


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"Alright I trust you." Luna casted the spell on the artifact extracting Maple's soul from it and putting it into the robotic body.

The eyes on the robot flickered on. Maple blinked for a second and tried moving around a bit. She stretched as she was getting used to the difference. "Well, you were right Caerson. You're really good at this." Maple said satisfied with the work. "Thank you for this I really do owe you my life."

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson smiled.

"I merely did my duty, if I cannot fight, I will aid, such is my destiny."

"But i-" he was however interrupted as sudden screams rang out from over the streets at Canterlot.

Ponies were running from something, a big portal had formed in the middle of Canterlot, infected creatures were swarming from it like a bee hive.

36 ponies who had been standing close where unfortunately very unlucky as they got cornered, most of them met their ends brutally as they got swarmed from every side.

"Yes.... Feed, feed on the weaker masses, show them their true fates, make their screams worthwhile.." The voice of Ezrath rang out as he watched with a grin as lots of infected were mauling down the innocent ponies, most of them being civilians.



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Maple ran over to the window seeing what was happening out side she jumped out of the window and landed on one of the creatures killing them instantly "Who next?" She said spreading her wings dashing over to the nearest infested delivering a powerful blow to its chest. "Hey!" She shouted up to caerson "What else can this thing do?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"At the moment not alot of weapons have been added yet, but enough are added for the moment, try those electric claws from your hoof sockets!" he shouted back to her.

Caerson, however, was forced to quickly dive out of the way as a dark blast almost impacted straight at him that had torn through the wall.

"I swear, i wonder how many times i am going to be a potential target of these freaks, it never ends with these strike forces." Caerson grunted.


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Rarity moved closer to Caerson shielding him "Are you alright?"

Twilight and Luna both followed Maple out the window their reaction was a bit slower than Maples but they followed.


Maple used the claws inside the robotic body and slashed at an infected the electricity killing the monster "Ya know this might not be too bad." She told her self, "Well at least there are some benefits."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I am alright I think, though I don't like the odds here, alot of innocent lives are involved." Caerson said with concern.


Ezrath was having the time of his life as the battle was going on. At some moments some ponies were screaming out their lungs as they were being dragged into the portal.

"Instead of screaming, you could all accept your new fates, only we have a say in what that fate is going to be!" He shouted with a laugh.


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Maple singled out the enemy leader attacking them with a hit and dragging them ways off before releasing them "So... You thought you could just attack these innocent ponies without down side right? Well, you were wrong! Face me and see if you have the right to attack them." 

While Maple was busy attacked the leader while Twilight and Luna were holding off the other infected creatures. Protecting the civilians

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The leader blocked the hit with a strong metal blade just in time.

"Hah, and you are going to stop me? Highly unlikely, a metal scrap is not beyond my taste of killing." He said as he was sending mobs of infected creatures towards her.


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Maple was confused how he knew but only for a split second, She looked normal enough sure, but she still sounded a bit robotic She scoffed at her opponent "Oh course I am who else? I'm strong than ever in my new body." She said as she was talking down the infected without thinking about it "I mean honestly I thought I was strong before but this is even better." Maple left a huge wound in one of the infected something she'd normally be incapable of she smiled seeing that happen.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Would be a shame if that got taken apart." the leader said with a smug expression.

He, however, did not even attack her, he was hiding inside some sort of large barrier that the portal was generating.

"Maple, can you hear me? This is Caerson, try to help out the civilians first, it is no use trying to challenge that leader in a one on one match with all these things going on around, wait for the others, or let Luna handle him if it is proving to be to dangerous, despite you not feeling pain, your damage does not heal like a normal body, and it won't end well if you already end up getting critical damage despite just having this new body." Caerson advised.

"Hold on..."

"Destructive energies are building up, something is wrong here, my sensors are indicating a drastic increase of these powers coming from somewhere else." he noted.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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"What! You got lucky here, I've got something more important to take care of." Maple said to the leader, spreading her wings taking to the sky quickly "Where are they and what does that mean?! Tell me Quickly! Bad enough that this is happening in the first place but now something else bad is happening... But I can handle it."

"Maple?!" Woody said flying over to her "Oh I see they finished the new body."

"Yep. I'm back," Maple said "Better than ever." She was optimistic as Woody could tell.

"We need to talk after this... There's a bit happening right now you need to know but I'm glad your back!" Woody said, "And I'm gonna stay with you, can't stand to see you die again, sister."


Luna and Twilight were very busy keeping the ponies safe, Twilight was being more defensive using barriers and blast of magic that were to knock back opponents rather than kill them. Luna, However, Was pressing her hoof down She was using her sword and a combination of magical spells in order to kill as many creatures as possible When one of them tried to hit her she was immediately block the strike with her sword and counter attack.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It is hard to pinpoint the exact location, multiple portals are opening up all over Canterlot, but I am pinpointing one somewhere in the Castle, it is growing steadily bigger." Caerson said.

"You should check the hallways, something sinister is going on there." he said.


In the castle, things started to turn out bad, some sort of Sorcerer was dragging ponies straight into the portal one by one while lots of infected creatures where guarding the location.



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