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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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Twilight was heard on the comm to, How exactly she managed to know it was there, Maple had no idea but this was Twilight. "I'd imagine you'd need to go faster here Maple, I put a surprise in your new wings just concentrate on going forwards rather than how you normally fly."

Maple was rather surprised by twilight doing something outside the box. "Ok... Sure." Maple did it and small jets inside her wings activated, allowing her to move twice as fast as her normal top speed, Not used to such speed Maple crashed into a wall leaving a hole in the wall. She shook it off and flew normally into the castle moving as quickly as she could.


Luna was pressing the attack and then she saw the enemy leader again flying over to him Luna shouted, in the royal canterlot voice "Ahh You again! We have unfinished business to take care of!" The voice was deafeningly loud and the force of it knocked over some of the nearby weaker infected

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You amaze me Twilight, you adapted yourself to use one of my own standards regarding technology instead of sticking with Equestria's knowledge. You would make an excellent engineer if you think about it." Caerson praised her.


The leader frowned by the sudden volume in her voice but smirked when he realised where the voice was coming from.

"Oh yes, we do indeed, I hope for your sake that you don't back down, you already were eager enough to abandon those 5, so what says you won't abandon anyone else to?" He said with a smirk as he drove his sword into the ground.


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Maple dashed through all the halls Woody was keeping up but not gaining on her Maple saw some ponies getting dragged through a portal so she took out a few of the infected with her Electric claws Woody saw the claw marks she left and felt outclassed, Then again he was competing with a machine... At least it wasn't soulless. "Hey good job sister," He said less enthusiastic.


Luna moved quickly closing the gap between the two of them quickly delivering a powerful kick to his chest following up with a downward slice from her blade.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The leader grunted as he got hit in the chest, but quickly recovered as he parry'd Luna's blow, he then tried to slash straightforward, trying to see what his opponent would do next.


The sorcerer was sending a volley of dark blast at Maple and Woody.

There were some special infected who were doing some sort of ritual, which one part involved creating a barrier around the sorcerer in order to protect him.


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Luna landed on the ground and stabbed rapidly at her opponent. The blade kept shining rapidly as she struck from the reflection off it. She had no intention of letting up.


Maple kicked one of the special infected, killing it with her claws and used her rockets to slam into another one smashing it against a wall. 

Woody on eh other hand shot lighting out of his horns electrocuting 3 of the infected quickly which wasn't enough to kill them until the second bolt hit which fried all 3 of them. Though both bolts hit Maple she was unaffected by letting the energy out via the wall she pinned the infected too.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The leader was on the defense, while he was able to keep up with Luna's attacks, he saw no opening, and was forced to keep performing defensive attacks instead.


The Sorcerer started setting the hallway ablaze with fire as he started to use fire spells all over the place.

But at the same time, he had sent a signal from where infected started attacking towards Maple and Woody from behind, charging at them via a surprise attack.



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Luna switched it up going from stabs to swift overhanded and underhanded strikes she slowed down a bit but these attacks would do more damage and were harder to block.


Woody quickly threw up a barrier but the infested broke the sloppily made shield quickly Woody responed with a strong bust of wind putting out all the fires and knocking over everyone except Maple.

Maple grinned and lept at the scorcerer going for the enemies throat.


  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The leader started to get pushed back by Luna's attacks and instead made a desperate gamble.

He rotated a bit, wich caused Luna's slash to cut open his shoulder from an overhanded strike.

But while this happenend, made a cut in her torso, due to the hit in his arm, his own swing wen't slightly ofcourse causing the cut in Luna's chest to be very undeep, since the sharp point of the sword din't gets close enough to get deeper.


The sorcerer teleported away quickly and telepored a bit behind Maple, but it was very close from the speed that Maple had charged towards him.

He spent a similiar spell towards her like earlier where he was firing alot of dark blast towards her.


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Luna gripped her side but contiued her assult with her blade holding it with magic Perhaps I should have gotten my armor...  She thought with a bit of fear.


Maple somehow managed to dadge the barrage of attacks by goign up into the air from there Woody shot a powerful blast at her, with she kicked it like a soccer ball knocking the blast into the sorcerer. Before it exploded due to its timer. It wasn't gonna do a lot of damage but it would still hurt the enemy Woody had frozen off the area where the infected were coming from as well.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The leader looked into her eyes with a smirk.

"You have perhaps a bit of a misguided personality, you may not realize it, but you are unknowingly bringing your own fears straight to reality once again. In your own selfish nature, you thought you could rule this kingdom, but without any thought, you almost murdered the only family you had left. And even now, with all your actions, you did it, again... Your family is at this very moment facing their last breaths, and here you have sat, on that throne of yours, wondering how things are going to play out, instead, you could have saved them all, prevented it from happening, but guess what? Your own weakness has caused costed you your family, I can see the fear in your eyes because you know it is true, but your own pride is blinding you at every turn."

He leaned close to Luna's faces, his foul breath emerging from his mouth.

"Go back and hide on your little moon rock, think about all the shame you brought forward because that is where you belong." He mocked.



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Luna, In a blind rage, knocked her foe to the ground "I did not try to kill my sister. I was consumed simply by darkness against my own will Nightmare moon was a curse!" She pointed her blade down at her foe "I may have messed up a few things but no matter what My sister forgives me!" She yelled dropping the blade it going full force straight through the enemies neck. "Best give up the future for today Equestria is victorious." She said to her self.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Perhaps she will, but *someone* else will not fo -" he gurgled as he slowly died, his lifeless body fell to the ground as the troops that were attacking Canterlot suddenly went into disarray, they started to shriek and drive on the ground as they eventually died, shortly after exploding completely.


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Luna pulled her sword out of the enemies neck and walked back into canterlot castle "We'll just see about that..."


Maple and woody we really confused when they saw all the infected dropping for no reason. As they were Windphaser approached Woody "I'm going with you to rescue the few who got captured." he said angrily "I realized you won't survive there alone so that's that." Maple started to say that she would like to go to but wind imminently responded "No... Look at yourself you really want to risk death again?" That put Maple into silence "Let's good Woodland."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson started to notice the silence, which means the battle was over.

"Good grief." He muttered to himself, clearly being tired of the whole ordeal.

'For some reason, i can never get used to all these battles, despite it has become one of my daily things in life.' he thought.


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"So..." Maple said pinning the sorcerer down to the ground holding the claws close to his neck "What was this attack for? Power? Fear?! Answer me!" She lightly pressed the claws against the sorcerers neck 


Luna, after walking a distance realized what the enemy had meant when he was speaking his dying words "He dares! Ugh He thinks he knows what he's talking about but he's just... Wrong!" She sighed again "No maybe he's Right what if he doesn't forgive me..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The Sorcerer lead out a small screech

"Blood mixture, barrier discharge, insufferable momentum..." The Sorcerer was saying in a riddle.

It was then that the Sorcerer started to laugh like a maniac, almost like he was possessed or something, which started to get louder and louder.


The 5 captured ones were laying in some sort of dark room, they were bound with very strong chains, including around the wings and horns.

They were, however, able to walk, as the chains were mostly around the arms.



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Maple was confused she kicked the sorcerer's chest with out using claws. "Stop with your nonsense you lost." She said angered by his laughter. Maple hadn't noticed Woody leave the room. But she would be ok without her brother for now.

After most of the group had woken Fluttershy looked around at the group, Festus and Jack were still out cold, Fluttershy started to move a bit and realized they had been captured. She had been fighting so long that she couldn't take it anymore and just fell to the ground crying "I shouldn't have started fighting... I'm not cut out for this..." She managed to voice her opinion Celestia and Ember were looking around trying to figure a way out of this.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Eventually, the cell door opened, revealing multiple guards who were clad in armour, gas mask obscuring their faces, as they were also carrying weapons ranging from rifles to shotguns and some even were holding some sort of electric maces.

4 of them pointed their weapons at the prisoners, keeping them in check while one of them inspected the group.

He then saw Jack lying on the floor out cold. He kicked Jack into the head, making him fling awake from the sudden head.

"You there, you are coming with me first." The guard said with a filter in his voice because of the gas mask.

Jack glared at the guards but did nothing to resist as he was being let trough the hallways with an unreadable expression.

The rest of the guards then lowered their weapons as they closed the door again and locked it up.


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The reactions were different Celestia stood unwavering at the Guards, Fluttershy didn't react to their presence at all and Ember reached for her weapon... Which she didn't have cursing under her breath.

Ember looked at Celestia "Alright I think I've got a plan." She whispered.

"Let's hear it," Celestia whispered back.

"Festus and I still have fire breath... But we'll need to wait for a while to execute the plan it needs to work the first time... those weapons are scary too." Ember explained in whispers

Fesuts woke up and sat up. He took a second to gather what was going on and looked at Fluttershy walking over to her. "Hey." He said to her "Are you ok?"

"No... Look around, it's over..." Fluttershy said. "Can we even get out of this situation..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack was chained to some sort of wall as he was dangling a bit above the ground from his chains.

He was was in a  medium sized room, but everything looked pretty old.

The guards were motionless as they were guarding the room until a figure entered the room where they all snapped to a salute.

The figure was a Raukan, having a light brown coat and light bronze eyes, he had a unique accent too.

"So we meet again, it is hard to believe that someone so small as you are capable of such a long term escape." he said.

"Let's just get it over with already, I know the routine by now." Jack said with a glare.

"This is a different matter because our collection of survivor runaways is not yet complete. What was his name.... Willaim? Where is that little bugger at?" he demanded.

"You know as much as I do, he is dead, there is nothing further to know." Jack said, not revealing his expression.

The figure suddenly drew his revolver and fired.

The shot was not aimed at Jack's head, but rather the wall next to it, which the bullet had only impacted inches away from his head.

"I am in no mood for playing games, but I know you don't comply from pain.. you thrive off that don't you? But I know your weaknesses." He said with a grin.

"I will be marching your friends into her one by one, and each time you lie, one dies. So in your terms, who is it going to be, a couple of people you just met, or your best and most trusted friend, which one is it going to be? You had better decide fast, before it too late." He said as he gave an order from one of the guards.

Jack gritted his teeth.

'How can I tell something that I don't know?!' he thought with panic.


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Ember had waited until the least amount of guards were visible once that happened she and Festus quickly melted the chains around her arms, The ones on her wings could wait, for now, once the chain had fallen off she stretched her arms, she looked at the prison door and walked over to it she started picking the lock with her claws, Something dragons learned to do so they could steal from anything locked it wouldn't take her long. After getting it unlocked Ember rushed the nearest guard with the chain that was around her arms, using it as a weapon she disarmed the guard and took his weapon, a machine gun similar to that of what she had before. During all these happening Festus was heating Celestia and Fluttershy's chains too but they were gonna take long because now Festus was doing it alone.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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About 8 started to surrounded Ember as they aimed their weapons at her.

"Drop your weapon." One of the said in an aggressive tone.

They were not shooting at her, at least not until she made a wrong move.


The figure craned his neck towards where the sounds were coming from.

"It looks like one of your friends is already fired up, which means bad for you because I am not a fool." He said as he pointed the barrel towards Jack's head.

"What is it going to be? I can do this many ways, but I don't have time to play around." he said menacingly.

Jack looked a bit afraid, but he did not know what to do.


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Ember set the gun down by her foot, This caused one of the guards to move closer to Ember, after he was about 4 steps away from her she tossed the chain around his neck and pulled him throwing him into the guards behind her, The action of her throwing the guard also caused her to kick the gun into the air which she caught and fired a volley of bullets. All of this happened before any of the guards could react. Only about 3 guards were still standing and armed when it was all over. Ember quickly took cover to avoid the counter attack.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The 3 remaining guards quickly into action seeing as most of their comrades had just been killed.

"Move move move!" One shouted to the others.

They all went behind cover too, which turned it into a bit of a stalemate.

One of them eventually threw a smoke grenade straight at Embers position.

This was part of their plan as they turned on their infra red visions that were installed in their gasmasks.

One of the other guards drew a grenade, he removed the pin but waited a bit longer before throwing it, cocking it so it would explode alot faster when he threw it at the ground where Ember was standing. While the other guard had moved a bit around the corner and was now aiming, should Ember try to duck out of the way for the grenade, he would fire upon her.


Jack then glared at his interrogator.

"You know what? Do it, pull the trigger, see how much satisfaction you get when your only source of information is dead. You can try to rig my mind, hurt me in any way possible, but you can't extract information that is not there. And should I die, I will have the last laugh after all, because you will eventually die regardless." Jack said.

The figure, however, started to laugh.

"You think that is supposed to intimidate me? Even if you are dead, I could still find him regardless within time. And if your claim is true about him being dead, then I will just look for any remains, and pour those ashes over your corpse, a fitting reunion for something you have been wishing for so long." 

"And to show how generous I am here is a welcome back gift." he said as he pointed the barrel of the revolver at Jack's chest.

He pulled the trigger, which caused Jack to scream out in pain that filled the hallways.

"Whats the matter? Where did all that confidence go you just had? I hope you now realize that I am not so lenient, which is a bad thing for you." He mocked.

Jack was lashing at the chains with his body, he knew it was not helping, but he was doing it to perhaps distract himself from the pain that he was feeling.


The Sorcerer started to grin.

"Go ahead and kill me, because the moment you do, those ponies you just freed will be going with me as well!" he said.

The sorcerer's claim was true, however, as the ponies that had been freed from the ritual were still bound to his life force.


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Ember saw the grenade and kicked it away from her when it exploded it was still close to her and a fragment of the grenade tore her flesh but not to the point she couldn't take it. She fired in the direction both the grenades came from blindly. She knew it wasn't going to help too much, however.

Fluttershy tackled one of the soldiers as her chains had been broken. Even though she didn't want to be part of the war anymore she still was going to make it home, She knocked a soldier into Ember's line of fire. She then heard Jack's scream, "H.. Hold on!" She said taking an Electric sort of mace thing from the guard who had just got shot before flying to where she had heard his scream from after seeing what was happening she wasn't sure how to respond, She tried, in a desperate attempt, to hit the enemy hold in the revolver with her weapon aiming for their ribs so they wouldn't die from the hit.


Maple looked at the sorcerer unsympathetic "Is that so? Well, I'd release them if I was you because I'll spare your life if you do," to prove her point of seriousness she sliced slowly across the sorcerer's chest with a cold expression, stopping if anything happened to the few ponies.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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