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Chapter Preview (untitled)


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So This is the first few paragraphs to a fan-fic im writing. This is the first chapter, but its not entirely complete. I may post the rest here or on FiMFicton, but I would like to know what you all think first so I dont waste my time with it. Thanks so much for the constructive feedback, and without further ado, here is the text of my upcoming, untitled, fan fiction:




I awoke to smoke. It was thick and dark, and I had to wait for my head to clear before I could make sense of my surroundings. I coughed out the smoke that filled my lungs and tried to think, a difficult task with all the alarms.


“Pilot,” rang out the automatic voice over the crackle of flames, “please evacuate your vehicle immediately.”


I looked around, my vision beginning to come to. I tediously reached down and released the harness that held me to the chair. I fell to the ceiling with a thud. Great, the whole damn vehicle flipped. Then another thought occurred to me. Gravity was back, which meant I was on solid ground. “Pilot,” the recoding repeated “Plea-” With a zap and pop, the voice was interrupted. “Markus?” a new hurried voice called. I groaned and rolled off my back.


“Vitals are fine I assume then,” The female voice stated,

“Reactor 3 ejected successfully, but we short circuited after we switched all power to life support and thrust. Power is at 34%... I did some calculations, looks like we are stuck here for a while…”


I got up on my hands and knees and hacked out a lung, I looked up and began to drag myself towards the red light over the fire alarm. Lifting my arm to reach the switch was like lifting a sack of rocks, but I reached the alarm. With the push of a button, the emergency hose popped from what would be the ceiling if I weren’t crouched over on it, targeted the flame, and sprayed its fire retardant at the base of the flame. A few emergency lights came on and ventilation began to clear the smoke and dump reserve oxygen into the cockpit of my craft. I took a deep breath of the fresh air and immediately felt better. My head hurt less and my vision cleared, and I began to move toward the console next to me.


“Memory,” I wheezed, still tasting smoke on my tongue, “what the hell happened.”


An orange figure flickered to life on the console, upside down, at first, but it righted itself to my vision quickly,


“I’m currently trying to figure out those details chief, but we lost contact with the Pythagoras around the same time we ejected the used uranium core. We transferred power and… well I don’t know what exactly went wrong. We lost thrust to engine four, and the mag-pulsars on engine 1 and 2 stopped working after we hit the event horizon.”


We entered the black hole? That’s not possible. I shouldn’t be alive in that case. I went to the console and began checking the ships status. Energy levels – normal. Life support – working fine. Alternate power – Solar panel 2 is missing, wonderful. Last two nuclear reactors are fine, and magnetic pulsars on all engines looked fine now, with the exception of engine four, which appeared to be missing its aft thrust nozzle entirely. I checked the front camera. The upside down world outside came to view. I was on the dark side of whatever rock I landed on, a small moon lurked overhead, and I noticed some shadowy structures reaching toward the sky, but could not identify them as smoke passed the camera lens... What was out there? Is it even safe?




Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! please leave comments here and let me know if I should finish not only this chapter but the whole thing a swell.

Riley was here

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