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Jon the VGNerd

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Considering as how Firefox is impeding me from ever working on my fanfic, I'm forced to start it over again for the second, if not third, time for my first fanfic known as Vehiculia, an alternate dimension of Equestria, which contains vehicles that are equivalent to ponies, but with differences between ponies and vehicles. Hope you enjoy the story and description!



In an alternate dimension of Equestra, Vehiculia was born, with magical talking vehicles, much like talking ponies. Like Equestria, Vehiculia contains animals, although they are holographic, rather than containing actual animals. It is co-ruled by Princess Celestice and Princess Luna Eclipse. Although similar to Equestria, Vehiculia appears to be futuristic and modern, with robust towns, cities and buildings, but like Equestria, Vehiculia also contains a handful of hills and forests, with some containing wind turbines and solar panels that powers the heart of Motorville, an alternate version of Ponyville, a modern, peaceful town filled with paved roads and vehicles driving around roads, visiting buildings and socializing with each other like most ponies do. Vehiculia consists of many regions such as Currulot, Nimbusdale, Vanishing Point Forest, and many more.


Regions of Vehiculia

Motorville- Motorville is a modern, futuristic town version of Ponyville, filled with paved roads, buildings, and parking spaces for vehicles to reside in or to purchase items from stores or markets. It became the residence for muscle cars, tuners, and exotic cars, including sport utility vehicles (or SUV for short) and pick-up trucks.


Currulot- Currulot is the Capital of Vehiculia and the alternate version of Canterlot and home to the royal palace of Princess Celestice.It was also the home of Twilight Skyline prior to its relocation to Motorville. While Currulot looks a lot like Canterlot, it is slightly futuristic-looking, mainly fitted with solar panels and several wind turbines throughout Currulot.


Nimbusdale- Nimbusdale is a floating city in the sky, supported by several anti-gravity propellers. Like Cloudsdale, Nimbusdale also contains clouds, although they mostly cover up the city, with anti-gravity propellers supporting the city. So far, only vehicles equipped with hover pads attached to the wheels can reside there, as vehicles without hover pads cannot drive onto clouds. It is also the home of Rainbow LFA and Flutterocco.


Vanishing Point Forest- Vanishing Point Forest is an alternate version of the Everfree Forest. Despite its name, however, Vanishing Point Forest consists of an almost never-ending straightaway road, with virtually no buildings or points of interest, with relatively few forests, hence the name. Like the Everfree Forest, it consists of strange machines, such as Werecars, Ursavators, and Paracers.




History of Vehiculia

Prior to founding Vehiculia, the alternate dimension of Equestria, there were vehicles with different types, which includes; tuners, exotics, muscles, pick-up trucks, and sport utility vehicles, or SUVs. They have always looked at each other with mistrust and hate, as they always vied for the only souce of food they can find, oil, in order to keep themselves working and to impede other vehicles from getting their wheels on their oil. As the cold and harsh thunderstorm set in, it has led to fuel shortages, in which the five vehicle tribes are unable to maintain warmth and maitenance, and the five leaders from the tribes decides to journey to a new land. Soon after, the five leaders, the muscle car, the exotic car, the tuner car, the pick-up truck and the SUV arrived at the same place and began to fight over it, as they clash themselves bumper to bumper, and the thunderstorm quickly followed, eventually becoming a flash flood, which slowly begins to submerge the five vehicles, with both the pick-up truck and the SUV barely surviving the torrential floods. The two eventually found out Raindigoes are causing thunderstorms by feeding off of anger and distrust. As the three vehicles, the muscle car, the tuner car, and the exotic car struggle to stay active fromt he torrential floods, their hate slowly begins to turn into trust and friendship with the magical Steel of Friendship, which drives away the Raindigoes and the thunderstorm. The five leaders then decide to unify and found the country shared by the five tribes, and have named it Vehiculia.


Before both Princesses Celestice and Luna Eclipse stood to Discorvette, it ruled over Vehiculia, and has kept it in a state of unreliability and unmaintained. Celestice has mentioned that, seeing how miserable it was for the muscle cars, tuners, exotic cars, pick-up trucks and SUVs alike, both Celestice and Luna Eclipse discovered the Elements of Harmony, the same as Equestria have, and rose up against Discorvette, thus turning it into static image, the equivalent of Discord being turned into stone, and was put up into display. Discorvette's spell has broken free as Celestice mentioned that both Luna Eclipse and itself are no longer connected to the elements, so Twilight Skyline and its friends use the Elements of Harmony to encase Discorvette into static image once again.




Author's note: Since this is all the description I came up with for the fanfic, I'm also planning it to make it an RP, so I can update it throughout the roleplay.

  • Brohoof 1


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