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general We Are All Ponies.


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Opening Argument:

What IF we are all ponies? 

What IF we all lived in Equestria?

These questions are valid that gives us an idea on the way we interpret what is real and what is not. Although our existence differs from the "fictional" world of My Little Pony, a major difference but there may be evidence that we too live in another world. To determine whether we believe we are ponies, we need to compare these two worlds, it might even prove that we are ponies!


Humans share a similar trait with ponies, it is no coincidence that we may be ponies. A valid statement but rather difficult that not even science can explain. This could be just some belief in reincarnation or perhaps a skeptical illusion that we are all dreaming as a human or other living beings. If we did live in Equestria, what would we look like? Depends on our personality, cutie marks "usually" best describes a person's trait or capability. Whether if it's on land, air or sea. Does this mean you are a pony? A valid question but rather difficult to answer.

So I brought up some examples.

Here are some examples what is valid, and what is invalid.


A pony has a tail, 

my brother has a tail bone, 

therefore, my brother is a pony.


My brother has four limbs, 

a pony has four limbs, 

therefore, my brother is a pony.


Valid ✔️

My brother is a pony, 

my neighbor is a pony, 

therefore I am a pony.


Closing Statement:

Of course this is a theory, we don't know when we'll ever wake up. Maybe we are all ponies and we just don't know it 100% sure of that.

That is all I have to say. Happy reading everypony everyone. :wub:

Even if you don't believe, just remember, that's just a theory, my little theory!

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