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"Don't you remember, Clover? We are going to the Sugarcube cafe! I realized I haven't eaten anything for the past 2 days..." Byron said. Byron and Clover went to Sugarcube corner, and there he was. 'SKY???' Byron thought to himself. "Hi Sky! Are you okay?" Byron asked.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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The two of them accepted the large cake graciously. Lapis noticed it was Sky delivering the cake to their table. "Oh, hello Sky, how have you been? I see you have gotten a job. Will you still be staying with us, or have you found a place you can afford yet? I don't mean to be rude, but I don't think you can live with us forever." he said, taking a big piece of the cake.


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After Sky set out the table and they began to eat Lapis asked him question. "Yeah I'll be fine since I will be moving out to my apartment soon but it will be rather quick since I don't have a lot of stuff anymore..." He wasn't worried since he has been own his own for most of his life except for his friends who helped him out along the way...

Edited by Twilight Sky
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"Ah, that very good then. I wish you luck." Lapis said a bit distracted. This was the first meal of the day for him, and he was very hungry. Researching the Everfree took up a lot of his time. Asteria took large hoof-fulls of cake, not really paying attention to the two older ponies. "Well, I guess we will see you around town. Here, take this." Lapis passed Sky a 6 bit tip.


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Lapis looked over the large cake. He was beginning to get full, and it looked like Asteria was slowing down. He gave a short chuckle. "Uh, yes, that would be a good idea." They could always just eat the rest later. It wasn't like cakes went bad after one day. "Er, Sky? Are you going to be busy later? Would you like to help me out with my studies?" he asked, thinking that having some extra help today wouldn't be such a bad idea. Today, he was going to make an expedition into the Everfree. His cottage being only on the edge meant that he'd mostly just see animals that dared venture close to civilization. And, that was actually a rare occurrence.


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((OOC: Maybe you can go exploring with them later.... Good luck with your busy stuff.))


"Alright, maybe next time." Lapis said, slightly disappointed. He decided he could go exploring the forest some other time. He paid the bill and went home with the cake and his assistant in tow. When they got back, Lapis went right back to observing the edge of the forest, in hopes something would wonder out. An expedition would have to wait until he could get a resourceful pony like Sky to help out. Asteria went to her room and practiced her magic.


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Byron took a look at the menu. "Hmm... There is cake, pancakes, muffins..." Byron read. His eyes then moved to "cupcakes". Byron gulped. After learning what Pinkie really put in then, he vowed to never eat them again. And there was a new variation of cupcakes. RAINBOW sprinkles. ((OOC: You love these fanfic references, dont you? XD)) "I would like 2 baskets of muffins, please." Byron said. As he said that, a gray, yellow maned pony with wall eyes stared at him... At least he thought the pony was staring at him.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Byron hands shook wildly, watching Clover take a bite out of a rainbow sprinkle cupcake. Byron just stood gaping. What he didn't notice at first is that Clover stuck a muffin in his mouth. He chewed it. Didn't take like a pony... Not like he ever ate a pony... It tasted like hay and frosting. Byron pulled out his vial of Earth potion, and poured a drop on the cupcake. It was transformed into an earth cupcake. Byron bit it, no longer scared of cupcakes. "Hey!" Byron asked the cashier. "Can you make the baskets of muffins into cupcakes instead?" The cashier went into the employees only room for about 3 hours, Byron waiting the whole time, and finally came out the cupcakes. Odd. These sprinkles were gray and yellow. He noticed the gray derp eyed pony was gone, leaving a half eaten muffin on the table.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Clover was confused as to what on earth he turned that delicious cupcake in to, and why he turned it into that gross looking thing, it looked similar, but it smelled horrible. "What was that???" She asked in almost disgust. "It doesn't smell like hay anymore and and it just smells horrible."

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"Oh, uh... It's my special... Sauce?" Byron said, lying. "Yeah, I guess it, er, had some side effects," Byron spit out the cupcake, but obviously he didn't want to. Byron knew Clover wouldn't buy it, and would most likely ask for the truth.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Clover almost frowned at him, but remained with a blank look, she got up from where she was sitting next to him, and stood up behind him. "It isn't nice to lie..." She said staring at him through her mane "You have lied to me, about three times now... Have you ever heard of Clairvoyence?" She said, starting to get a little upset. "I can feel it... I can feel that you are lying, I tried to not think of it but it's too much, none of what you have told me makes sense." She said as Ice began to come up from the ground where Byron was sitting. Not yet latching on to his hooves.

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Byron was silent. "You... wouldn't understand the truth. You won't believe me. You'll think I'm crazy." Byron said without looking at Clover. "But if you really want to know the truth, I'll tell. But I warn you, you won't believe me."

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Byron nodded. "Ok. I'll tell you. But, you won't believe me." Byron said. "I... I'm not from this dimension. I'm from a place called 'Earth' where 'humans' are the dominant species. I woke up in ponyville recently, so that explains my blank flank. And the same with my uncontrollable magic." Byron turned to Clover, waiting for her reaction.

  • Brohoof 1

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Clovers eyes widened for a moment, and she looked surprised, but then she continued the previous glare. "I can see why you thought I wouldn't believe you. Because you are so full of grain!" She said with anger, as the ice quickly began to wrap around his hooves. "Out of all the things that could have come out of your mouth, it had to be more lies." She said to herself angrily. She wanted to believe him, but if she did believe him, it would only make her even angrier.

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Byron's face turned red with rage. "OF COURSE! ANOTHER NON-BELIEVER! WELL, I'LL SHOW YOU PROOF!" Byron warped both to his house, where he turned on his tv from earth to HUB. On came FIM. "SEE? PONYvILLE!!! I TOLD YOU!" Byron yelled

  • Brohoof 1

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Clover looked at the ground and stomped her hoof onto the ground in rage, and froze the tv over, and then proceeded to yell back at Byron "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW IMPOSSIBLE THAT IS!!!!" She said almost screaming, she didn't want to believe him, because he seemed like such a nice pony, but she couldn't think of any other reason, her horn began to glow as she froze over his hooves and legs and continued to freeze him over. "YOU TRIED TO KILL ME, BUT INSTEAD YOU ACCIDENTALLY DESTROYED SKY'S HOUSE, when I cam here, I thought this place was DIFFERENT, BUT THEN I FELL IN A HUGE HOLE IN THE GROUND THAT COULD HAVE ALSO KILLED ME IF IT WERE ANY DEEPER." She said as she levitated a book in his house and threw it at Byron.

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Byron was hit in the face with the book. His face turned even redder. "I WAS NOT TRYING TO KILL YOU! WHAT KIND OF CRAZY PERSON WOULD DO THAT TO SUCH A..." Byron's face turned less red. "Such a nice pony..." Byron's face filled with rage again. "BUT APPARENTLY, YOU THINK YOU CAN JUDGE SOMEPONY BECAUSE THEY COME FROM SOMEWHERE DIFFERENT!!!" Byron felt the ice get up to his neck. He couldn't move any more. Byron closed his eyes and looked down, like he was sleeping. The ice went over his head. Byron was now a block of ice.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Clover began to talk to herself after freezing Byron over with ice, she couldn't believe what she had done, she was impressed with herself, for some reason, and stared at Byron through the ice. "He just can't be... He can't be..." She had been remembering somepony similar to Byron, or somebody... She knew a human once, who came to Equestria because he had ended his life in this strange place called earth... He treated Clover terribly, and everypony in her family, he was like a demon she thought... She could never forgive him for the kind of things he did to her family... She could never forgive any human, any human for being so cruel, or so selfish, because of this one human coming to Equestria, she learned how cruel and selfish this strange 'mankind' really is, and never wanted to see another human again.

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Byron heard Clover talking through the ice. 'Why does she Byron was able to talk to Clover with his mind in this state of magic hibernation. "Clover... Why didn't you tell me? Just because one human was horrible doesn't mean they all are!"

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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