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Romance City (SoL: canterlot)


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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/28705-romance-city-sol-rp-canterlot/#entry664232

Ok, let's go! Starting in the morning!



Lily woke up with the warmth of the sun on her face. Someone had opened the curtains. She looked around. Somepony was silhouetted against the morning rays. She sat there pondering for a moment, then relieved the night before. It was the first time her boyfriend had stayed the night. It was amazing. Her one true love and her bonded in ways unimaginable.


She sat up, while stretching. "morning honey." she yawned, still drowsy.

"morning, sugar." he replied.


(OOC: yeh, forgot to mention, she has a boyfriend, his name is herculies. Let's see how long this lasts XD)

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Discere awoke on a couch in the living room of a canterlot apartment. When he tried to sit up he realizied he had a very sore neck. "She just HAD to get an apartment with only one bed didn't she?" he muttered to himself. With a strecth and a yawn he was up, and he decided to go make breakfast while Star Light was still asleep.

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The morning sun shined brightly upon Blossom Bloom's face. She woke up slowly and stretched before opening her eyes. When she opened her eyes, the bright light rushed into her eyes and blinded her. It was such a sudden surprise that she flailed about. "WHOOOOAAA!" she yelped as she fell out of the tree of which she was upon a few seconds ago. Blossom's face hit the floor hard first, then her body which immediately woke her up. "Ow..." she groaned as she sat herself up and rubbed her head gently. Seeing stars float around her head as she wobbled, didn't really worry her. "At least my vision is back now...how did I get into that tree?!" she wondered aloud as she looked up at it.

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Genstone woke up to the smell of breakfast. Mmmmmmmm. That smells good. I wonder what they have made for me today. He gets up and walks down stairs into the kitchen to see his maid cooking. Why good morning Sunny Day. Your here early. Mmmmmmm and breakfast smells great.

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Lily went to her mirror and brushed her mane. She called out to the butler. "BLACK TIE?!!? BLACK TIE CAN YOU BRING ME A CHOCOLATE HAYSHAKE PLEASE? THANK YOU." lily lived being rich, but she didn't let it go to her head. She walked over to Hercules. Sweetly, she kissed him on the forehead and said goodbye. As he trotted out of the room she finished preparing herself for a day on the town.

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Mmmmmm....That meal was wonderful Ms.Day. Im going for my morning run and workout. Ill be back in an hour. After changing his clothes and walls out the door. On his run through Canterlot he sees Fancy Pants. Good morning Mr. Pants. He runs to Blue Bloods mansion to see if he was going to join him. Of course he did not believe in hard work or breaking a sweat, so he passed. Next stop was Shining Armors training facilities for his workout.
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He woke up 3 hours earlier than he wanted to. "Agh. Buck." He got up, yawned, walked to his apartment kitchen, made himself a sandwich, ate it and went outside. He needed to get his sleep schedule fixed. ((BTW. Is this RP ponified or humanified? It dosent really matter.)

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Dotty Doo woke up with a scream. Great, another nightmare. She sighed. Even living with her cousin Ditzy didn't help. She was always reminded of her mother and father screaming at her. So she was a terrible flier, so what? That meant she was worthless? She groaned as she realized she's be late for her job at Sugar Cube Corner. She dragged herself out of bed.

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He went to work at ____ {I dont know where to work at. I dont wanna say SugarCube because someone else is working there, so....>_>} He finished up work and started going home. On the way he bought a slice of apple pie from Apple family and ate it on the way using levitation. He also stopped and talked to Vinyl. He didnt wear her style of sunglasses for a coincidence. He was a huge fan of her. After they got done chatting he kept going home. [CMON PEOPLE BE MORE ACTIVE!!!]

Edited by xX_Dusk_Blade_Xx
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