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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Silvadel's Experiences in Equestria [Part 4 Luna By Moonlight Rough Draft Added]


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If you are reading this for the first time, and do not like the idea of the "getting used to being there" type of thing, feel free to skip to part 2 "Every Castle Has a Dungeon" and at least read "Fluttershy Gets a Taste of Red Bull" before making a final decision.


Part 4 is tenatively titled "Luna By Moonlight" and the rough draft is here. Editing will hopefully remove some of the disjointedness. Actually the only really weak section of it in my mind is the first section but I have found it hard to fix.




Part 1: "The Best Laid Plans"




[some people want to be ponies. Some people don't. Reality doesn't care, it just is.]


A tart smell of apples was the first thing Silvadel noticed upon awakening.


Opening her eyes she found herself sitting in the middle of a recently hoed farmer's field. The stars were fading from the pre-dawn sky.


Getting up on all fours she tried to find her bearings.


Silvadel(talking to herself): Well I have had dreams before where I was not in human form. I have been a dragon. I have been a wolf. I guess it was only time before I was a pony.


Silvadel: Interesting, With my talents I would have figured I would be a unicorn.


Silvadel (flaps wings, rising gently into the air, then landing several feet ahead of her): Yep, similar -- This at least won't be much of a problem.


Silvadel: Well I'll be -- I am female. That is not typical. Not that it really matters that much in a dream.


Silvadel (looks at flank): Hmm... The first symbol of my truename. This I don't like. I guess ponies do go with their magical identities in the open. Still this is a concern.


As the greys give way to color Silvadel notices the neighboring fields, apple trees and odd looking clouds -- Yep this is equestria, probably applejacks farm. Not bad.


Silvadel (mentally scanning the area): Wow I am surprised I didnt notice this before -- must have been -- yes... Tons of magic available. Checks self reserves -- More than ever.


Silvadel (tries reaching out to the area): Nothing.


Wonder turns to fear as Silvadel finds herself completely unable to interact with Equestria's magic nor use the simplest of her active talents.


Silvadel: Ok -- if this is a dream I can control it -- Lucid Dreams are easy -- lets make a hand from this hoof -- NOTHING.


Fear turns to panic.


Silvadel: Well if I can get here once I can get here again, but this is creepy. Lets wake up.




Silvadel starts walking around in circles, trying to regain her composure... The sun hangs low in the sky.


Silvadel: Ok -- I'm a pegasus. Judging from my surroundings I am near Ponyville. I just have to avoid notice and find Twilight and hopefully she will know what to do.


Silvadel(walks slowly, carefully toward the town).....


Applejack(from around a haybale): Welcome to Ponyville, We don't see that many new pegasus in these parts -- certainly not on the ground.


Silvadel(after leaping back about half a step): Hello, Applejack. Um, Could you point me in the direction of Twilights house?


Pinky Pie gallops in -- It's a neewwww pony... Where are you from.What brings you to ponyville.Do you like cupcakes.Your cutie mark is so cute.You know the gold kind of clashes with your blue but IIIIIIIII like it.


Applejack: Haven We met before?


Silvadel: No, but I do want to see Twilight.


Pinky Pie(bouncing): Twilight? She's right over that hill.She's getting supplies.She's working on some new spell or something.Why do you need Twilight? Hmm Why Why Why Why?


Silvadel(trying to work her way up the hill QUICKLY with pinky pie in tow): Well I...


Pinky Pie: She doesnt get many visitors. Not many pegasi. She's right over there now. Twilight.


Twilight: Oh, hello Pinky Pie. (Looks at Silvadel)Hello ...


Pinky Pie(head askew with a streamer): We never did get your name?


Silvadel: Its Silvadel.


Pinky Pie: Pleased to meet you Silvadel.Do you like parties?Do you like pies (A pie splatters out of nowhere onto silvadel)?


Somepony whos birthday is today walks down the path down the street. Pinky Pie spots him.


Pinkie Pie: Its your birthday..


Pinkie Pie runs down the street....


Silvadel(quietly): Twilight, I have important things to discuss -- could we...


Twilight: Ahh yes someponies do have trouble getting used to Pinkie Pie.


They walk to Twilights house (in silvadels mind thankfully pinkie pie free)


Twilight: Now what brings you to Ponyville.


Silvadel: Better to ask what brings me to Equestria. I am not from here.


Silvadel(emphatically, somewhat desperately): All this magic all around and I can't touch any of it.


Twilight: You are a PEGASUS. Of course you can't do magic(a small bit of light forming on the end of her horn).


Twilight: And what is this about not being from Equestria?


Silvadel(sighs): Well yesterday I was home in a place called New Jersey, a completely different land, and today I am here. And if this is a dream I can't wake up.


Twilight (walking around Silvadel): Well this isn't a dream -- at least not to me. And you appear to be a pegasus. Interesting mark, what does that star symbolize.


Silvadel: It symbolizes Insight.


Twilight: That is an odd symbol for a Pegasus.


Silvadel: That is what I have been trying to say -- I am not a Pegasus, and even if I were to be a pony it should have been a unicorn. I do not understand why.


Spike: Look, You ARE a pony. And for a Pegasus of insight you seem to be missing simple things.


Silvadel(thinking) Hmm Pegasus of Insight -- could it be that easy. My third symbol is the one that mostly has to deal with magic -- if I could just manifest that instead.


Silvadel(concentrating on the cutie mark) and sweat beading on her brow...


Spike: Rolls over laughing.


Twilight: Maybe you should leave magic to the unicorns, and go report to Rainbow Dash? She supervises the Pegasus around Ponyville.


With that, it was over -- Silvadel dejectedly left Twilights Library and sulked around the outskirts of Ponyville.


Time passed. The sun started hanging low on the horizon. Silvadel's stomach growled.




Hunger is a good motivator. And so, the next two weeks were spent gathering dye components for rainbows. It was actually the first real manual labor Silvadel had done since having to do chores as a kid. She was disappointed that Rainbow Dash was asleep when she first reported in to the Pegasi, and Silvadel's experience with flight was limited so she was not as good at it as the normal pegasus. Not slower really, but much less practiced. So component duty it was. One run it was these funny mollusk shells for the purple dye. Then it was some odd-looking flower for the Yellow. Each night she wondered if she would wake up -- but she didn't.


During her runs, Silvadel kept track of how magical each area was. This was her only magical ability that still worked and it gave her some minor sense of control and provided a sense of structure. She found that the land was as varied as it was in her homeworld. Some areas had a lot more inherant magic than others. She awkwardly put her findings to paper each night having to manipulate the pencil with her mouth.


Pegasi themselves seemed to be a magic of form with the magic concentrated in their wings. The sole exception was Fluttershy whose magic was focused mainly around her eyes. This provided a very simple explanation for why she couldnt fly as fast as the others despite being above average with magic -- her magic just wasn't concentrated around her wings.


Silvadel: Not concentrated around her wings.


Silvadel had acquired a goal.


One simple method of self healing that Silvadel had tried in the past was moving the magical energies in her body to the spot where the injury was. It didnt work all that well, but it was better than nothing. She would try the same method with the energies in herself.


The first evening after work She tried moving the magical energy away from her wings. Most of it was stubborn but she was able to at least manipulate it somewhat in herself. This gave her hope.


The second evening she did slightly better.


The third evening she managed to move even more -- but lost her concentration. What caused that concentration loss was falling halfway through the clouds, suspended only by her head. A small portion of magic was expended with that shock before redistributing thus showing Silvadel that she could at least USE UP if not use magic.


The fourth evening she did it on land. She moved practically all of her magic of form to where she envisioned a horn should be. Eventually there was a flash and fully half of her internal magic reserves were lost. She let out a painful exhale and slowly made her way back to her apartment.


She called in sick on the fifth day. Her ability to fly was just too significantly limited. The pegasi couldnt find anything wrong with her but it was obvious her flight was impaired so they let it slide.


The sixth evening she moved just 1/5th of her energy to her temple and held it there. Time passed and she held it there. She envisioned a horn. After about an hour of intense concentration it formed. The small wispy unicorn horn glowed softly in the moonlight. Her senses came into focus and she could much more accurately see the magic flowing through and around her. She reached out to the land to draw a small amount of energy and it did work but she couldnt keep both actions up at the same time and the horn quickly winked out.


The seventh evening after work she floated down to Twilight's House.


Silvadel knocks on twilight's door.


Spike answers.


Spike: Hey Twilight -- it is the Pegasus who thinks it can do magic.


Twilight: Spike! Sorry Silvadel, How are things working out for you?


Silvadel: I have made certain advances.


Twilight: Advances?


Silvadel: Yes. I am still not at all good at it but if you have some time I can show you a horn.


Spike: This should be good (snickers and goes back to sorting books).


Twilight: Well I am kind of busy right now..


Silvadel: Is any other time particularly better?


Twilight: If this will get it out of your system go ahead.


Silvadel: Thank you -- hopefully this won't take as long as last time where it took me an hour.


Twilight sulks and goes about what she was doing, looking over at the pegasus silently concentrating in the middle of her library from time to time.


She wonders at what madness must drive this pony -- but she is persistant.




At that point the slightest glow starts to form at Silvadel's temple.


Twilight stares.


The glow intensifies and then stabilizes as a wispy ghostly horn.


Silvadel: I told you I could do it.


Twilight: This just isn't possible -- paces around -- looks again. What can you do with it?


Silvadel: Not much as of yet -- it takes almost all of my concentration just keeping it there.


Twilight: Spike, get me "Magic and Mind," "Magical Multitasking by Velvet," "Using your horn, the beginners guide to unicorn magic," and "Energy Control, the Unicorn's guide to magical Improvement."


That was enough to shake Silvadel's concentration ending the horn projection but it was late, she had books to read, and twilight now believed her -- all in all a very good day.


Silvadel: Thank you Twilight.


Twilight: Feel free to drop by again -- and don't get any of those books wet.


Thing is Silvadel didn't predict what came next after she left:


"Dear Princess Celestia,


Sometimes a pony might seem crazy,


I certainly thought so of one three weeks ago,


But you should never simply dismiss them.


Imagine, a pegasus who can manifest a unicorn horn,


And not even from Equestria.


Your faithful student

Twilight Sparkle






Part 2: "Every Castle Has a Dungeon"


[2 weeks later]


Ahh Telekenesis. Silvadel had spent many an hour staring at things and trying to get them to move in her old world. They never did. It just was one talent that Silvadel had none of whatsoever. It was always one of the things Silvadel wanted to do to be able to prove the existance of magic to others who weren't otherwise touched by it.


Here in Twilight's Library it was just more of the same.


Silvadel: Twilight, I have tried to move the feather. I even tried to move enough energy through the feather hoping to get it to move, but it won't budge.


Twilight: Well moving objects is the most basic of unicorn magic.


Silvadel: Maybe, but I had no ability with telekenesis where I came from, and I am nowhere closer to it here.


Twilight: You can do this. Just 2 weeks ago you could barely form that horn and you have been at it for half an hour now.


Silvadel: True, but maybe we could move on to the SECOND most basic of unicorn magic.


Twilight: You wouldn't want to skip a step.


Silvadel: I just think a different approch might be needed -- do I have your permission to try something.


Twilight(sighs): Go ahead.


Silvadel reaches out to the area around twilight and carefully moves some of the magic from the area into twilight.


Twilight Jumps about 3 inches into the air, startled.


This is enough to break Silvadel's concentration and her horn fades.


Twilight(head darting): What happened?


Silvadel: All I did was add a small amount of energy to your already vast supplies.


Spike coughs up a letter. Ahem...




Pegasus Silvadel,


You are hereby ordered to report to Canterlot.


You are to be remanded into custody.


Wait where you are for further instructions.


By order of Princess Celestia.


Almost immediately after a Knock came on the door, followed by the door opening.


Standing in the opening was one of Celestia's Royal Guard. He was an imposing figure in full regalia and was holding a leather wing harness.


Royal Guard: Silvadel come forth.


Twilight shivered under a table on the far side of the room.


Silvadel gave no resistance as the harness was placed upon her wings and followed the guard under her own power.


The door shut behind them.


Silvadel was led through the streets and over to the train station. Most of the ponies were already asleep in their beds and things were practically deserted. A train was parked at the station with an empty car prepared for them.


The train ride itself was long and uneventful. Nopony entered the car and nopony exited. The royal guard just stared, untalking and unmoving as the world passed by through the windows of the car. The restraining strap chafed on Silvadels wings but there was nothing she could but wait.


Silvadel was escorted through a side entrance to the castle that the guards used. From there it was down a short passage, a right hand turn through a heavy door to some stairs.


Silvadel finished the descent of the cobblestone stairs and was greeted by six small cells, three on each side. The guard unicorn levitated up the bar of the door then it swung open. The creaking noise echoed through the hall. Next he motioned for Silvadel to enter. Once inside the straps were removed from Silvadel's wings and the door was shut and relocked from outside.


The room itself was small and barren. Just a pile of hay in one corner and a bucket of water in the other. You could hear the sounds of your hooves clatter over the stone floors with every step you took. Otherwise there was silence.


There was nothing to do but pace and wait and think.


Dinner was a small platter of apples.


Breakfast the next morning was more of the same.


Around what Silvadel thought would be noontime, the guard unicorn said to step away from the door.


Silvadel was led to a larger room by three ponies. One was a fairly imposing unicorn with a spotlight as his cutie mark. The second was a squirrely looking unicorn with a notepad. The third was a pegasus. The expression on the faces of the unicorns were serious and stark. The expression on the pegasus however was one of care.


This room had a single table in the middle of it. The interrogator pony set up a bright spotlight on one end of the table and retreated to the other side. The light was pointed in Silvadel's face making the Interrogator pony almost seem silhouetted.


Interrogator: Lets begin. What is your name?


Silvadel: Silvadel.


Interrogator: Where are you from?


Silvadel: Most recently of Ponyville.


Interrogator: And before that?


Silvadel: New Jersey.


Interrogator: And where is New Jersey?


Silvadel: Not in Equestria.


Interrogator: Where Not in Equestria?


Silvadel: The United States of America?


Interrogator: Where Not in Equestria?


Silvadel: If you want to know how to get there from here I couldn't tell you because I don't know.


Interrogator (looks at the light): Ok. Did you come to Equestria with anyone else?


Silvadel: Not that I know of.


Interrogator: Does anyone else know of your arrival in equestria?


Silvadel: No. (the light glows slightly pink)


Interrogator: Does anyone else know of your arrival in equestria?


Silvadel: Not that I know of but it is not beyond the realm of possibility.


Interrogator: Will we be seeing any of these others here in equestria?


Silvadel: I would sincerely doubt it but again not beyond the realm of possibility.


Interrogator: What is your purpose in equestria?


Silvadel: It just sort of happened -- I do not know exactly how or why (the light glows slightly blue)


Silvadel: Ok I have some theoretical conjectures but they arent useful or really all that likely.


Interrogator: Why have you not left equestria?


Silvadel: Because I can't leave equestria? (the light glows slightly pink)


Interrogator: Why have you not left equestria?


Silvadel: I havent tried to leave since I might have had the ability to leave but I still don't think I can but I really just don't know.


Interrogator: And why havent you tried?


Silvadel: It has been so long that who knows what would happen? Then there is Twilight and the other ponies -- I hadn't felt the need to leave.


Silvadel: Actually it hadn't entered my mind at all recently. By the time I might have been able to I was tied up in other things.


Interrogator: So why don't you leave?


Silvadel: Again, I do not know what would happen if I did. I guess I would try if all I had to look forward to was that jail cell of yours but


Interrogator: Lets shift this to Twilight Sparkle. You entered ponyville and you immediately asked to see her. How did you even know she existed?


Silvadel: Now that is a tough one. (the light glows a deep blue)


Interrogator: You also knew by name several ponies you had never before met.


Silvadel: That is true.


Interrogator: Silvadel, How do you know these ponies?


Silvadel: I saw a projected image of them on a viewing screen?


Interrogator: So you were magically spying on equestria then?


Silvadel: Not the best way to say that but I guess that answer is as good a one as any. (light glows slightly pink)


Interrogator: So Again, what is your purpose in equestria?


Silvadel: I guess I just LIKE equestria. (The light stays bright white)


Pegasus: I think that is enough.


Interrogator: I still had a couple of questions I wanted to ask but I guess that is sufficient to go on.


The interrogator turns out the light.


The pegasus raises a cup of apple cider to Silvadel who drinks it gladly.


The guard unicorn enters the room and says "Silvadel you will follow me."


With that Silvadel was led back to her cell.


Around noon the next day Silvadel was again ordered to step back from the door.


Guard Unicorn: You will speak only when addressed and you will follow all orders. Understood?


Silvadel: Understood.


The harness was placed back on Silvadel's Wings and Silvadel was led around several winding passages.


The Crude stone yielded to Polished and Polished to Fancy as Silvadel emerged into the antichamber to the throne room.


The pegasus from before approached and stood on the other side from the guard.


Pegasus: Enter and show due deference. I am on your side.


Canterlot Nobility lined the sides of the hall. Princess Celestia Stood at the Dais in the front.


The first case before Princess Celestia involved a water dispute between a pegasus and a griffon. The griffon thought the pegasus was taking too many clouds from over her land. This ended in the griffon's favor with the pegasus being told to keep away from the sky over the griffon's land.


The second case was a complicated piece of contract law between two earth ponies.


The third case involved permission to open up a new school in North Canterlot on public lands. Rapidly Granted.


Silvadel's case was the fourth.


Celestia: Pegasus Silvadel.


Silvadel bows like she saw the other ponies do upon being called.


Celestia: We find your presence a potential danger to equestria.


Celestia: But in light of the support of the friends you have made in ponyville I will take no action at this time.


Silvadel looks towards the 4 scrolls sitting on the dais near Celestia.


Celestia: Consider this a sentence suspended though. If I hear anything out of line I will not be so hospitable.


The pegasus removes the restraint from Silvadel's wings and escorts Silvadel out of the throne room.




Silvadel quite literally flew out of Canterlot.


The only thing she wanted less than spending any more time in the elegant and fanciful castle was another ride by train.


Her wing muscles strained under the pace she demanded, but with every flap she felt more free.


With luck and a little effort she would be back in Ponyville by dinnertime.


The sun crept across the sky as one blue pegasus covered ground, and before Silvadel knew it, Ponyville came into view.


It was a well ordered town from the sky. Silvadel took the time to do one complete orbit in the air just to breathe the town in before landing just north of the town square.


Rainbow Dash: Hey Silvadel, we weren't expecting you until nightfall.


Rainbow Dash was hovering above Silvadel and a little to her left. This was the first time she had been addressed directly by her.


Silvadel(looks at her wings): I needed to fly after being confined for so long.


Rainbow Dash ruffles Silvadel's Mane : I totally understand about the flying, and we couldn't let a Ponyville Pegasus down in her time of need.


Silvadel: You wrote one of the letters?


Rainbow Dash : Of course.


Rainbow Dash : Pinkie Pie has a welcoming home party all set for you at Twilights... Or... will in a while....


Silvadel: Then we should get over there now.


Rainbow Dash forms a big grin


TWO blue pegasi flew up and over to Twilight's Library.


Rainbow Dash stayed in the air while Silvadel landed right in front of Pinkie Pie.


Silvadel: Surprise!


Pinkie Pie: IIII Love surprises.


Twilight: We were Not expecting you till later. I'm afraid the...


Pinkie Pie: Party Cannons at the ready -- fwoosh fwoosh.


Twilight: preparations are not fini


Pinkie Pie: And its streamers...


Twilight: Never mind -- come on in.


The first thing Silvadel noticed was the books were gone -- probably safely and smartly stored on the second floor to keep them out of harm's way. Beyond that there was a welcome home banner and other decorations.


Silvadel: I am just glad to be back in Ponyville.


Twilight: Oh, and while we have some privacy.


Twilight: I wanted to thank you for the help with that spell I was having trouble with.


Twilight: What you did that night made it easy and after I did it once doing it again was a snap.


Pinkie Pie(gallops in and sets up a barrel): Whatcha doing in here all alone.


Thunderlane: Silvadel, my group missed you out there -- With you working components it was literally the first time we were ahead of things.


Rainbow Dash: He isn't kidding. He's always behind.


Pinkie Pie spins up a record: Lets PARTY...


A conga line started to form -- then it was bobbing for apples -- then it was cakes and pies. It was a nice evening all around but all things wind down, and the ponies began to leave.


Rainbow Dash though, had another surprise at the end.


Rainbow Dash: I think you have been here long enough to help with clouds on Wednesday.


[After everypony had left but Silvadel and Twilight]


Silvadel: Spike, can you take a letter?


Spike: I guess so.


Silvadel: Dear Princess Luna


Spike: Don't You mean Celestia?


Silvadel: No, I mean Luna.




Dear Princess Luna,


I learned today that sometimes it is through adversity


That you learn just how many friends you have.


That it gives them the opportunity to be there for you


And show you just how nice it is to have a home among them.





[That Wednesday]


No one who is not a pegasus could understand just how natural it is to move clouds. They are like extensions of your body doing exactly what you want them to do. It was effortless and provided a kind of inner joy.


Silvadel could now really understand why component collection was such a low status job among pegasus and would be looking forward to the days where it was supposed to rain. It made being a pegasus rather than a unicorn worth it.






Part 3: "Fluttershy Gets a Taste of Red Bull"


[24 days later outside Fluttershy's House]


Twilight Knocks lightly on the door


Silvadel watches as the Yellow Pegasus opens the door just a tiny bit and says in the lowest of voices: hi.


Silvadel: Hello Fluttershy, pleased to meet you.


The door closes for a second then reopens. Angel emerges and thumps his hindquaters.


Fluttershy pokes her head out: hello.


Silvadel: I just wanted to give you a special gift to show my appreciation for helping me find my magic.


Fluttershy: ok


Silvadel: I am silvadel by the way.


Fluttershy: ok


[the door starts to close]


Twilight: Fluttershy


Fluttershy: eek


silvadel just looks up at the sky for a second: We need you out here for a bit to test out the gift.


Fluttershy takes a few steps outside and looks at twilight who is setting up an anemometer.


Fluttershy: why do you have that


Twilight: We are going to need a before and after reading.


Silvadel: This is going to be testing out a theory of mine.


Twilight: Silvadel thinks that the only reason why you can't fly fast is your magic is focused towards your eyes.


Twilight: Anemometer set up, check.


Spike checks off a box on a scroll.


Silvadel: So the idea is we check your flight speed before. Then I increase the magic in your wings. Then we check the flight speed after.


Fluttershy: oh no no no ... I don't


Twilight: Its ok, I have seen silvadel do this several times.


Silvadel: I thought you always wanted to fly fast.


Fluttershy: I do but I dont I mean I don't like to...


Twilight: This is easy -- we just need you to fly past the anemometer at full speed.


Fluttershy: ok


Fluttershy flies past the anemometer


Spike: 1.9


Silvadel concentrates for a moment and the ghostly horn appears.


Fluttershy: that... is... pretty


Silvadel: Glad you like it -- now this might feel a little strange.


Fluttershy closes her eyes.


Silvadel carefully scans Fluttershy to figure out exactly how she was going to do this.


Silvadel draws in some magic from the area accompanied by some noises from the animals inside who instinctively sense the change.


Silvadel holds her concentration and adds some of her own reserves from her own wings and carefully places it into Fluttershy.


It takes some effort to get the magic to stick there and not redistribute -- but it works.


Silvadel: All done.


Spike: Power transfer completed, check.


Silvadel: Ok, all done but for the testing.


Fluttershy opens her eyes -- flexes her wings up and down -- and then cruises towards the anemometer.


Fluttershy: Whee...


Spike: 6.7


Fluttershy does a tight circle and lands near spike: 6.7?


Spike: yes, 6.7.


Fluttershy: squee, I am faster than Flitter.


Fluttershy swoops back into the air.


Silvadel: Glad you like it -- the effect should last for about the rest of the day.


[the next day at silvadel's apartment]


knock -- the tiniest knock you ever almost didn't hear happens at the door.


Silvadel: Oh, yawn, good morning Fluttershy.


Fluttershy: um hello... I just... came.... here to...


Silvadel: yes, Fluttershy?


Fluttershy: if it isn't too much of a bother


Silvadel: Yes?


Fluttershy: Could you put some more magic into my wings?


Silvadel: I guess I could -- I mean it is a day off and I can spare the amount.


Silvadel forms the ghostly horn.


Silvadel draws some magic from the area, adds some of her own and puts it at Fluttershy's wings. It sticks a little easier than last time.


Fluttershy flies off, a tiny thank you in her wake.


Silvadel sighs and goes back in and prepares for breakfast.


[Monday morning]


knock at the door...


Silvadel: Hello again Fluttershy


Fluttershy: If it isn't too much of a bother...


Silvadel: I don't think it is too good of an idea to


Fluttershy: Please


Silvadel: I have work to do and this will set me back with it


Fluttershy: Please


Silvadel reluctantly goes through the transference ritual yet again.


Fluttershy: Thank you Silvadel


Fluttershy flies off.


[That night at Twilights House]


Twilight: Greetings Silvadel


Silvadel: Hello Twilight -- I am concerned about Fluttershy.


Twilight: I didn't see anything to be concerned about on Saturday.


Silvadel: Well it isn't Saturday -- It is Sunday and today -- she just keeps coming back.


Twilight: Hmmm


Silvadel: It is like she is addicted to it -- but she is really hard to say no to.


Twilight: I'll talk to her.


Silvadel: Thank you -- Question -- besides teleportation do you have any basic direct magical attack spells?


Twilight(looks shocked): You don't want to attack Fluttershy?


Silvadel: No-no-no actually I just wanted to try out an ability I had where I came from but haven't had the opportunity to test here.


Twilight(still looks a little confused): So you are looking for me to attack you?


Silvadel: Yes I was pretty good at magical defense in my old world and I am curious how it would work here.


Silvadel: Preferably something less dangerous than a teleport. I don't particularly want to find out what a partially defended teleport would do.


Twilight: Well I could try giving you a mustache.


Silvadel: That sounds harmless enough.


Silvadel concentrates and the ghostly horn forms


Silvadel visualizes a magical field around herself.


Silvadel: Ready


A small glow appears at the end of Twilights horn and the spell goes right through forming a handlebar mustache on Silvadel's muzzle.


Twilight (giggles) : Let me fix that for you.


Silvadel(lifts a forehoof): Hold on.


Silvadel concentrates on the effect on her face -- and slowly picks it apart.


The hairs of the mustache detach and fall apart into a pile on the floor.


Silvadel smiles.


Silvadel visualizes and parts the magical field in front of her.


Silvadel: Ok try again.


An apple behind and to the right of Silvadel grows a mustache.


Silvadel: Very nice


Silvadel walks over next to Spike who is dusting books.


Silvadel visualizes and parts the magical field again intending to deflect any incoming magic to both sides.


Silvadel: I wonder how spike would look with a mustache?


Spike(looks up from his dusting) : Wait what?


Twilight casts the mustache spell on spike.


It is also deflected giving a nearby book a mustache.


Silvadel: Of course all you would have to do to thwart that was teleport behind me but we have found two more things I can do here.


Twilight: Yes, that dispel could be useful at some time.


Silvadel: Dispel?


Twilight: What you cast on the mustache to make it go away.


Silvadel: That wasn't so much a spell as picking away at its fundimental underpinnings but yes I will have to try that against other spells sometime.


Silvadel: On the topic of 'useful' -- I think I am ready to read another book.


Spike: It is a library.


Silvadel: What do you have on Unicorn Teleportation.


Twilight: Um I don't think you are ready for Teleportation. It is a hard and dangerous spell to cast and you haven't had much luck with standard spells.


Silvadel: Call it a hunch, and there isn't any harm in READING the book.


Twilight: Spike, Get the art of teleportation please.


Spike: Sure thing twilight.


Twilight: Are you certain about this?


Silvadel: Very, and thanks for the book. Please do not forget to talk to Fluttershy.


[Tuesday Morning at Silvadel's Apartment]


knock knock


Silvadel continues reading the book and 5 minutes pass


knock knock


Silvadel drinks a little water and starts preparing breakfast.


knock knock


5 minutes pass


knock knock


Silvadel goes to the door...


Silvadel: And who is it again -- Its Fluttershy


Fluttershy: hi


Silvadel: And I take it you are looking for more red bull.


Fluttershy: huh


Silvadel: Never Mind


Fluttershy: could you


Silvadel closes the door.


knock knock


Silvadel to herself: She probably hasnt talked to Twilight yet -- its just one more day.


Silvadel forms her horn


Silvadel opens the door.


Fluttershy: Could you


Silvadel rapidly does the transfer and closes the door.


Silvadel hears "thank you" from the other side.


[Wednesday Morning]


Knock Knock


Silvadel(exasperated): Hello Fluttershy


Fluttershy: hello silvadel


Silvadel: This is cloud moving day -- I simply do not have the magic to spare.


Fluttershy: But you do not understand.


Silvadel: Didn't you talk to Twilight? It isn't good to keep doing this every day.


Fluttershy: But I was invited to move clouds as well. I havent ever been allowed to move the clouds.


Silvadel: Fine, I would not deny any pegasus the experience of cloudmoving but this has got to stop.


Silvadel performs the transfer.


Fluttershy: Thank you.


Silvadel closes the door and rapidly flies to the nearest "high" magic area.


Silvadel forms her horn.


Silvadel takes as much magic from the area as she can without permanently damaging it.


Silvadel thinks: Well this area gets checked off for at least a month.


Silvadel drops the horn and flies as quickly as she can to the staging area.


[30 minutes later]


Rainbow Dash: Silvadel you are late.


Silvadel: I had an errand to do for Fluttershy.


Fluttershy waves at Rainbow Dash


Rainbow Dash: Ok I can let this slide.


Rainbow Dash: Lets move out.


Fluttershy had a tremendously good time and had quite the knack for cloudmoving.


Silvadel noticed that she was probably the second fastest pegasus in the sky behind only Rainbow Dash herself.


[Thursday Morning]


Knock Knock


Silvadel: Fluttershy?


Fluttershy was curled up in a ball outside her door crying her eyes out.


Silvadel: Please do come in Fluttershy.


Fluttershy: I can't understand my animals. They can't understand me. This is horrible.


Silvadel: Shhh... We will fix this.


Silvadel manifests the ghostly horn and proceeds to scan Fluttershy...


Silvadel: This is what I was worried about. It appears your natural magic has moved into a more standard pegasus arrangement.


Fluttershy(crying): You have to help fix this...


Silvadel: Shhh... Just be calm and sit over there and I will see what I can do.


Silvadel spends the next whole hour reconfiguring the magic in Fluttershy.


Silvadel: That should hold for now but this is going to take a lot more work. I go to twilights after my work shift every night. If you meet me over there at sunset each night I will work on this till we have you all back to normal.


Silvadel: Walk, do not fly to your house and really don't fly for the next week or so if you can help it. DO use your empathic abilities as much as possible -- even when you dont need to.


Fluttershy: I'm so sorry.


Silvadel: Anyone could get carried away. Are you okay now?


Fluttershy: yes


Silvadel: Ok, I am late for gathering components and weak from all of this work... Thunderlane is going to be shocked at my tardiness and performance today... I will see you tonight at twilights.


Fluttershy: thank you


Silvadel: glad to help.


[5 days later when she was completely back to normal and stable]




"Dear Princess Celestia


I learned an important lesson this week.


Silvadel gave me the opportunity to fly as fast as Silverspeed and gather the clouds.


But I got so caught up flying that I forgot how to be me.


Focusing too much on your weaknesses sometimes makes you lose your strengths.


It is both that makes us special.






Part 4: Luna by Moonlight


[one month later]


[silvadel en-route to twilights after work shift]


Silvadel spies the royal chariot outside of twilights during her approach.


She thought for a moment "Maybe I should come back later" but it was already too late. The royal guards had spotted her and leaving now would look stranger than just going through with the normal routine.


Silvadel carefully walks past the royal guards and up to the door and gives a tentative knock.


Twilight: Come in Silvadel.


Silvadel slowly opens the door revealing Twilight and Princess Celestia engaged in conversation.


Celestia: and then Cadence had to pick up all the mess.


Celestia: Silvadel.


Silvadel: Your Highness, Twilight.


Celestia: Twilight, I'll be back in a little while. I have something I want to discuss with Silvadel.


Silvadel does that inner gulp you do when you don't know what is coming but doubt it is going to be good.


Celestia starts walking towards the door.


Silvadel follows Celestia outside and around the back of Twilights house.


Celestia: I heard you were enhancing my little ponies and I decided to find out directly exactly what you were doing.


Silvadel: I-I could provide a demonstration


Silvadel (scanning Celestia)(thinks): This can't be right -- she has merely about the same magical reserves as Rainbow Dash.


Silvadel wonders -- Celestia's mane also looks a little more dull and less "flowing" than last time.


Silvadel reaches out and draws some magical energy, adds some of her own and channels it into Celestia.


Celestia's mane brightens slightly and looks more like Silvadel remembered.


Celestia: Seems harmless enough. You have my permission to continue.


Silvadel: Okay.. Thank you your highness.


Celestia goes back over to Twilight and starts talking again, leaving Silvadel alone outside the tree.


Silvadel: Um, I don't want to interrupt your time together -- Tomorrow then?


Twilight: Ok tomorrow then.


[silvadel starts flying back to her apartment]


Celestia: And that is why you don't ....


[back at her apartment]


Silvadel looks at "The Art of Teleportation" and starts to pace.


Silvadel: Celestia wouldn't come all the way out to ponyville just to check up on me.


Silvadel: Not for something so very simple as the transfers of energy I have been doing.


Silvadel: It isn't like I have been successful with much else magically.


Silvadel: I haven't been making that many waves.


Silvadel: And she seemed magically depleted not that I have that much experience with alicorns.


Silvadel sighs knowing what she has to do.




The distance between Canterlot and Ponyville really isn't all that long for a pegasus, but for Silvadel it was a longer distance in the mind.


Flap Flap Flap and Ponyville starts to fade into the distance.


Landmarks easily seen during the day are a blur in the moonlight.


Canterlot however is a gleaming city brightly piercing the darkness.


Closer and closer, Silvadel flies towards that city.


Silvadel's dark coloration blends into the night and she flies to just outside one of the spires without notice.


Princess Luna was looking out over Canterlot from her balcony, her mane shifting with the breezes of the crisp fall night air.


Silvadel: Well here goes nothing -- I haven't tried this while flying.


Silvadel carefully moves some energy to form the ghostly horn while maintaining a controlled beating of her wings.


Scanning Luna Silvadel notes that she has at least twice the energy reserves of her sister Celestia.


Luna: Hello child.


Silvadel's horn winks out immediately.


Silvadel: Greetings Your Highness, nice night for a fly.


Luna(stretching her wings): Yes it is a nice night for flying.


Silvadel: Permission to alight?


Luna moves a little to the side and Silvadel lands.


Luna: And you would be?


Silvadel: Silvadel, Pegasus of Insight.


Luna: Silvadel with the letter.


Silvadel: Yes, with everypony else writing Celestia all the time I thought you might appreciate a letter.


Luna: Yes, my subjects do have issues of trust.


Silvadel: They will come around with time.


Luna: Hopefully


Luna: What brings you to Canterlot?


Silvadel: Your sister actually.


Luna looks slightly crestfallen.


Silvadel: No no, I mean concern for her -- When she was in Ponyville earlier she seemed drained. Not having any real experience with alicorns I came to get a base reading of how alicorns are supposed to be.


Luna looks quizzical.


Silvadel: Ok, I am not on the best of terms with Celestia but I do care about her welfare even though she wouldn't really listen to me about it.


Luna nods knowingly.


Luna: That I understand. Did you get the knowledge you needed?


Silvadel: Unfortunately yes -- she is way below what she should be.


Luna walks over to the balcony.


Silvadel: I am in no hurry though. You actually top my list of ponies I would love to have as a friend, and I do enjoy the night.


Luna turns and gives a small smile.


Silvadel: One story I am curious about -- How did you get your cutie mark?


Luna: Well that was a long long time ago. I was just a filly and....


[silvadel and Luna talked for the next hour or so before Silvadel left]




[The next evening]


Silvadel: Hello Twilight


Twilight: Greetings Silvadel, you know you didn't have to leave so fast yesterday.


Silvadel: Well I was just uncomfortable under the circumstances


Twilight: Its so sad you two got off on the wrong hoof. She really is a wonderful mentor.


Silvadel: While we are on the topic of Celestia did you notice anything odd?


Twilight: Odd?


Silvadel: Well my understanding is she is supposed to be stronger than Luna but her magical reserves are fully lower by half. It makes me think there is something seriously wrong.


Twilight: If Celestia had any problems, she would confide in me her faithful student.


Silvadel: I don't know about that -- she seems a lot like Applejack to me.


Twilight just kind of stares.


Silvadel: What I mean is when the chips are down personally, she seems unlikely to seek help.


Twilight: I have known Celestia since I was a filly and I just talked with her at length yesterday. She is fine.


Silvadel: Change of topic then, I am ready to give "it" a try.


Twilight: Are you certain? I have said over and over that isn't easy magic.


Silvadel(sighs): Well it has more in common with what I do than any other "standard" unicorn magic has. In fact the book read like a physics text -- at least with the descriptions of how it worked.


Twilight(walks out of the tree and into the open air): Don't overdo it -- or underdo it for that matter.


Silvadel: Thanks I think.


Silvadel concentrates hard -- lets see draw the energy -- spread the energy -- APPLY the energy.


Spike: Did somepony order Pegasus Flambe?


Six feet in front of where silvadel was, a thoroughly singed Pegasus stood. The smell of smoking hair wafted through the clearing.


Silvadel flies up and pulls down a suitable cloud. Kicking the cloud, it starts to rain.


Silvadel lands directly under it.


Silvadel: Looks like the book neglected to say "Extend the field somewhat BEYOND your body as opposed to at your body."


Twilight: That isn't part of the spell.


Silvadel: Well I didn't so much follow the spell as do manually what it said the spell did.


Twilight: You are lucky you didn't embed yourself in a tree doing it that way.


Silvadel: True, that could happen if I am not careful with it -- casting it "in the raw" doesn't provide any safety measures, but it is the only way I know how to do magic.


Twilight: Just be careful with it, and don't ever teleport me that way.


Silvadel: I promise to be very careful, and I don't think I could if I wanted to.


Silvadel walks over to Sugarcube Corner.


Silvadel: Hello Ms. Cake, 2 cupcakes please -- chocolate chip.


Pinkie Pie: Is that a new hairstyle? Why so glum?


Silvadel: Poorly done teleport, and I am having trouble getting Twilight to listen to me.


Pinkie Pie: Well sometimes you just have to get out there and push your point.


Silvadel: Like you did with the parasprites?


Pinkie Pie: Parasprites? Where? Now I have to find more instruments.


Silvadel: There are no Parasprites.


Pinkie Pie: Well that's good.


Silvadel: I just meant like when you tried to convince the other ponies about the danger they posed.


Pinkie Pie eyes Silvadel up and down: You are the strangest pegasus I know.


Silvadel: I will take that as a compliment.


Pinkie Pie: It was. And all I can say is to not give up. Now give me a smile.


Silvadel(smiles for Pinkie Pie): Always.


Pinkie Pie rolls over giggling: Things aren't that bad so long as you can smile.


Silvadel: True. Well thanks Pinkie Pie. I have a lot to think about.


Pinkie Pie: Any time.




[sunday morning -- the next day]


[Approaching a clearing several miles from ponyville]


Rainbow Dash: I just don't understand why we have to do this so far from ponyville.


Silvadel: This is going to be hard for me to do and I need all the energy I can get.


Rainbow Dash: Or why we had to bring twilight out here with us.


Twilight: Yes I would like to know that myself.


Silvadel: I figured you would want to see this, and I needed a witness anyway. And I knew you had a mirror.


Twilight: This isn't that Celestia thing again?


Rainbow Dash(flying circles around Silvadel): Celestia "thing?"


Twilight: Silvadel is convinced there is something wrong with Celestia.


Silvadel: At any rate we are here.


Rainbow Dash: Its about time.


Silvadel forms the horn, and draws a good amount of energy from the area.


Silvadel pushes fully half her energy into Rainbow Dash. As much as Rainbow Dash has naturally, it was hard to add more to it but it was doable.


Twilight: Uhhhhhhh... Your Mane.


Rainbow Dash: Let me see.


Rainbow Dash's mane flickered with energy -- It looked almost the same as Celestia's.


Rainbow Dash's eyes grow wide.


Rainbow Dash: Sorry have to go -- See you..."


The last bit was inaudible due to the distance Rainbow Dash had already covered.


Silvadel(stamps her hooves at the ground): Sigh, Well at least that should prove my point about Celestia.


Twilight: And how does...


Silvadel(interrupts): Her energy levels are so low her mane is barely cycling. Any lower and it would materialize flat.


With that they started walking back towards Ponyville.


[some time later]


Spike coughs up a letter:




Rainbow Dash is here calling me her mother.


And her mane is flowing like an Alicorn's.


You have a lot of explaining to do.


Princess Celestia"


Silvadel cringes.


Silvadel: Ok spike, take a letter.


"Princess Celestia,


I was not expecting Rainbow Dash to take it in that manner.


Or at least not impulsively fly off like she did.


Tell her if she wants her mane to go back to normal all she has to do is perform a Rainboom.


That should bleed off enough energy to put her back to sub-critical.


I have done quite a bit of investigation on another matter though.


Your energy when you visited Ponyville was way off. Are you having any difficulties?




Twilight gasps and shakes her head no.


Silvadel: Send it.


[minutes pass in silence]


Spike coughs up a letter:




I do not appreciate your interference in my personal matters.


Princess Celestia





[Monday morning at work]


Silvadel: Hello Thunderlane, which component today?


Thunderlane: Actually Silvadel, Rainbow Dash left a note this morning.




I am going to be away a few days.


Put Silvadel on cloud clearing duty until I return.


Flitter and Rosebloom can help with Fluttershy's animals.


Postpone Thursday's rain shower if necessary.


Rainbow Dash



Thunderlane: I don't know what you did to merit RD's job but expect a lot of jealousy from the other pegasi over this one.


Silvadel: I will try to do as well as I can and I won't let it go to my head.


Thunderlane: Carry on.


Ponyville was ominously quiet and cold without the mane 6. Birthday's went unheralded. Children cried more. It is amazing just how much of an effect Pinkie Pie alone had.


Silvadel thought to herself: I guess this is one episode I will not be able to see. At least the job is fun -- there is nothing better than working with clouds as a pegasus. But just so much missing.


Silvadel stopped by Twilight's to see if there was a note, but it was just the library boarded up.


[That Friday -- the day the mane 6 returned]


Dear Princess Luna:


It can be truly painful sometimes being an outsider


You can find a problem, but if you aren't listened to nothing gets done


And if you force the point, it sometimes just makes things worse especially if you are right.


I guess friendships and trust just take time to develop.


At least rainbow dash trusted me with her job even if I wasnt invited on the adventure.


But the worst part is the waiting while your friends are in danger.


Your Friend




Edited by silvadel

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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