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Epic Pony War


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Day 5: combat log no. 5 20th Noctober 2015

As the days go on, I still can’t get used to all the fighting. Today I saw a unicorn and I saw that earth pony Vulture tear off his horn while the poor unicorn was still alive. No-pony deserves this it’s a struggle to keep the group alive, Dark Rainbow is always needing ingredients that are frankly impossible to find, Glaze keeps picking fights with the stranded ponies who only want supplies and end up almost killing us. Today was the third time it has happened and I’m tired of it, honestly, Hunter keeps running out of bullets and medical supplies… that bloody unicorn has saved us all a few times. Although all I need is food, water and my tools and I can survive for a while. Last night Hunter spotted a group of ponies in a clock tower near our current hideout with a lot of supplies and ammunition with them. Maybe we can reason with them and get some supplies or if Glaze can’t keep his temper under control we might have to kill them for it. I hope that it doesn’t come to that though but you can’t really predict what happens out here when the whole of Equestria is a goddamn war zone half the towns look like a bomb went off inside them. Its bloody crazy out there it’s hard to find a place to stay safe for long and the group are getting restless - hearing noises - and I can hear them too…



Burnout trotted out of the room and approached the group. As he did Hunter was looking through the sight of his hunting rifle looking out for anything coming for them, Glaze was cleaning his shotgun with a rag he found somewhere and counting his ammo and Dark Rainbow was re-loading his assault rifle. Burnout walked over to his singular 9mm pistol, picks it up and holds it in his hoofs; he knows every scratch and dent on the gun and remembers when it happens in great detail. Burnout puts the gun into his tactical vest and trots over to Hunter and says “hey what can you see?” Hunter replies without taking his eyes of the scope “nothing just yet but if you want to take a rest go on ahead Ill just keep watching, we’ll wake you up if things go south.” Burnout says “ok- thanks I’ll see you guys in a few.” As Burnout trots over to a sleeping bag he settles in to it and fell asleep, he dreamed of his past which remind him of the better times, like when he first came to Ponyville.


6th Noctober 2015

Burnout was tired from the long ride he had made from his old home in Los Pegasus and was ready to go to sleep and relax in his new house. As he arrived in Ponyville the clock struck midnight and 10 minutes later he found his new home he was glad that his journey was over and could finally rest. The next morning he woke up and took a trot around Ponyville to find the stores and what’s going on in the small town. He found the grocery store and the bakery easily and he saw a strange store called “sofas ‘n’ quills”. He found the markets and bought some apples and other food items and headed back to his home. When he got home he made a sandwich as well as a drink of apple cider, he went straight to work in his work shed and he built a 9mm pistol and developed a suppressor because guns were only allowed to be used in the army. Burnout was an engineer for the Canterlot secret forces, that’s the only way he learned to build one and when he quit he was forced to give all his weapons in to his commanding officer who at the time (and still is) called commander Vulture. He had the power to start a war if he wanted to.


Burnout is woken with a jolt and the noise of gunfire coming from Glaze and Dark Rainbow returning fire and Hunter yelling at Burnout “WAKE UP!! TIME TO MOVE!” Burnout lifted himself up and grabs his 9mm and helps Hunter pack up the stuff they need as soon as they finished they yelled out to Glaze and Dark Rainbow and they both started galloping away. As soon as they left the squad of dread ponies storm the hideout. As soon as they step one hoof in - the whole place started exploding and the cave collapsed on top of them. Hunter says “what the hoof was that bang?” Burnout replied with a sheepish grin and held up a detonator in his grip “that was awesome. How did you have time?” Glaze said amazed “I found it when we got to the hideout and I always try to leave no trace of my presence in an area.” Burnout replied “ok, now I say we go and talk to those ponies in that clock tower but first we got to find a new hideout…” Dark Rainbow turned to them and said “how about there?” and pointed to gigantic lighthouse. Glaze pulled out his shotgun and reloaded it and said “I’ll lead the way.” And they all trotted on towards the lighthouse. As they entered the lighthouse an alarm went off and they all started checking and clearing all the rooms for hostiles Burnout killed about 5 dreadponies, Hunter killed about 3, Dark Rainbow killed about 9 and Glaze killed 15. As Burnout carried out the bodies of the numerous amounts of dreadponies he thought to himself “when will this all end?” when he got back inside he walked in and said “ok I’m going to go and check out the other rooms.” As he went upstairs he heard clanging coming from one of the rooms as he looked through the rooms he saw a cage with a young unicorn mare with a sharp mane cut and a terrified look in her eye “hey, why are you in a cage?” Burnout asked “don’t talk so loudly they will hear you!” the mare said in a hushed tone “you mean those dreadponies downstairs? About 32 of them?” Burnout said “yes did you…” she said nervously “yes we did now you can leave here.” Burnout told her “well do you have the keys?” she inquired as soon as she said this Burnout pulled out his multi-tool and pulled out a key like tool. “What’s that?” she asked “it’s a skeleton key, unlocks most locks.” As the lock popped she stretched and said “my name is Orchid.” And Burnout smiled and said “my name is Burnout are you ready to come downstairs?” she looked sceptical and asked “who else is down there? Burnout said “my companions Hunter, Glaze and Dark Rainbow.” Orchid looked at Burnout and said “let’s go.”


As Burnout and Orchid walked down the stairs Burnout said “OK everyone this is Orchid.” And indicated to the unicorn next to him and said “she was being held captive by those Dreadponies we killed not too long ago.” Glaze looked at this pony and nodded at her and went back to cleaning his shotgun, Hunter looked at the new pony and said “how are you feeling? Ya hungry?, Thirsty?” Orchid looked at Hunter and said “yes, a drink thanks.” And Hunter threw a bottle of water to her and said “there, drink up.” As Orchid drank from the bottle. Burnout turned to Dark Rainbow and said “what kind of weapons do we have left?” Dark Rainbow looked through the packs and said “nothing but I found an armoury in one of the rooms we stormed but there wasn’t much left so I left it do you wanna take her to have a look?” Burnout nodded at him and said “hey Orchid, you are gonna need weapons if you’re gonna survive out here follow me.” As the two walked through the corridor towards the armoury Orchid turned to Burnout and said “I was kidnapped by those… Those things and I was kind of wondering if you can take me to the clock tower, it’s not far from here and my friends would like you all and we have a lot of supplies and food you can use, please?” Burnout thought about the clock tower Hunter saw earlier and now he had an excuse to check it out without killing innocent ponies. Burnout said “why not? The guys need to see some more friendly faces anyway.” Orchid’s face lit up in happiness and she hugged Burnout - saying “thank you thank you thank you!” Burnout looked surprise at the sudden change of mood and said “ok ok! Now let’s get you a weapon.” Orchid looked inside the armoury and inside was a variety of weapons in racks and small piles of ammo and a locked box was a glistening machete with a miniature carving of a Pegasus; orchid trotted straight inside and grabbed two matching 44. Calibre revolvers with a small amount of ammo and a tactical vest and said “these were my confiscated weapons and armour” Burnout trotted over to the machete and smashed the glass and took it out of the case and held it then grabbed a sheath and put it around his belly and sheathed it and said “just in case…” when they got back to the main room the guys were all sitting waiting and Burnout announced “ok people we are moving out first thing tomorrow were going to a clock tower not to far from here were taking Orchid back to her group but now we should all hit the hay we meet tomorrow here ok?” they all nodded in agreement and headed towards different rooms. As Burnout settles down to sleep that similar feeling of memory washes over him and he dreams of another memory.


11th Noctober 2015

Burnout wakes to his normal routine as he walks outside he waves to his neighbour and flies to the Ponyville market picks up his groceries and has a chat to the grocer and goes’ to prepare breakfast. As he arrives home to see that his mailbox has a singular letter in it addressed to Burnout it has no return address or number to call so he walks inside and puts it down on the table and makes breakfast completely forgetting about the letter. The next day Burnout walked into his living room and picked up the letter remembering that he received it the day before and as he opened it a sense of dread washed over him like something horrible was inside the letter. As he read the letter slowly, trying to take it all in, he finally realised who it was from, it was a letter from his childhood friend Arch Angel and the letter read


Dear Burnout

As you can see I am writing to you because I overheard Vulture’s plans to start a war and blame it all on you. He is on the brink of discovering that I am telling you this and you need to prepare and get supplies and find a safe place to be. I will join you there as soon as I quit from Vultures squad and I’ll meet you there please believe me this is not a joke!

Your dear friend Arch Angel

As he tried to imagine how to prepare for a pony war so he just treated it as a joke and forgot all about it and just tried to get the image out of his head and he just wondered why Arch Angel told him about it and not Princess Celestia? Did Arch Angel have a reason to protect him? As he set about his daily chores he decided to take the letter as a joke and ignore it. When he went to sleep that night thinking of how he would prepare for the war he was told of by his childhood friend and he decided it would never happen.


Burnout was shaken awake by Orchid and she was telling him “wakey wakey breakfast is downstairs.” Burnout looked at her and said “I’ll be right down.” And she left the room and he could hear her hoof steps fading as she walked towards the main room he jumped up and put on his tactical vest and trotted down the hall towards the main room and as he walked in Dark Rainbow shoved a plate to him and said “eat. We got to go soon; we’re already packed to go.” As Burnout grabbed the plate and sat down to eat Hunter came in the room and said “I’ve made a route to that clock tower our friend Orchid needed to go to and I’ve packed everything to go.” Burnout finished his breakfast and said “ok everypony time to move!”


As Orchid and Burnout lead the party towards the clock tower Burnout turned to Orchid and asked her “wait - what did you mean when you said I have some friends who would like you?” Orchid turned to Burnout and giggled and said “I meant that they would be interested in your personalities and might be quite friendly towards you and the others individually.” Burnout just pretended to understand what she meant by that and trudged on toward their goal. As they approached the clock tower Burnout galloped up a ridge. As the clock tower loomed over them, they heard gunfire from below the ridge and saw a squadron of dreadponies fighting the ponies from the clock tower, when Orchid saw what was happening she said “we have to save them!” but Burnout was already jumping off the ridge and into the fray. As the group followed Burnout’s lead they saw glimpses of Burnout as he drew his machete and fired his 9mm. it took the group about 5 minutes to dispatch of the dreadponies and as the dust settled Burnout wiped his machete off on his vest and holstered his 9mm he approached the clock tower defenders and said “hey we found one of your group. Her name Is Orchid.” As they heard the name Orchid as if on cue she stepped out from behind Burnout revealing herself and 4 other mares of the same age as Orchid ran out and hugged her tightly and said “oh my gosh! We are so glad you’re finally safe! We were sooo worried!” as the leader of the group Burnout made the introductions and Orchid did likewise. “So this is Hunter,” and indicated to the sniper “this is Dark Rainbow,” and gestured to the pony with an assault rifle slung on his back “and this is Glaze.” and nodded at the gruff looking unicorn “and I am Burnout.” Burnout said without breaking eye contact and Orchid said “this is Firestarter,” and pointed her hoof at a red unicorn with a wavy mane cut and tail “this is Goldenglow,” and she put her hoof around a golden unicorn with a flattened mane cut and a spiky tail “this is Wind Walker,” and she hoof bumps the blue Pegasus with the cyan streaks in her mane and tail “and finally this is Flutter.” And the purple Pegasus pony winks at Burnout and smiles.


Burnout smiles back and says “ok who is the leader of this camp?” Flutter says “follow me; I’ll take you to him.” Burnout trots after her as they walk up the stairs Flutter turns to Burnout and he can see a pendent in the shape of a razor blade and Burnout says “hey what’s that pendant?” and Flutter says “well I made it about a few weeks before all this started.” Burnout looked at her and said “yeah it’s quite full on isn’t it?” Flutter looked at Burnout hopefully and said “I would love to accompany you guys, my friends would agree with me.” Burnout said simply “you can come if you want but you’ll need weapons and armour but I know where to get those.” She replied with glee “I’m sure the girls will agree with me and besides your group is growing on us.” As they reached the top there was a large earth pony with a loud booming voice and Flutter said “umm this is our leader Boomer and Boomer this is Burnout.” Boomer looked at Burnout and said “So you are the one who helped us against those Dreadponies huh?” Burnout replied “yes and I was wondering if we can have some supplies and also bring a few of your group with us.” Boomer stared at Burnout for a good while and said “supplies, yes but who did you want to take with you” Burnout replied “I was hoping to take Flutter, Wind Walker, Goldenglow, Firestarter and Orchid.” Boomer glared at him and said “Flutter I need to talk to Burnout alone for a while.” Flutter looked submissively and said “ok, I’ll see you downstairs Burnout.” As she trotted off Boomer hushed his voice and said “Listen, if I hear that something has happened to one of them I will gut you personally. AM I COMING IN LOUD AND CLEAR!?!” Burnout smiled and said “don’t worry Boomer they are safe with me.” Then Boomer said “then they can leave with you but on one condition, you get the hay outta here!” Burnout looked at him and said “nice meeting you Mr Boomer.” And left the room and started his way down.


A few minutes later Burnout gathered his group and Orchid and her group and said “ok we are moving out and Orchid and her group are coming with us.” And the group picked up their gear and waited for a target to get to “ok we’re heading east until we find a defendable building for the night or for a while, ok now everyone find a buddy and stick with them and we’ll start moving.” As Burnout said this Glaze and Firestarter partnered up and so did Hunter and Goldenglow and Dark Rainbow and Wind Walker but Burnout looked at Orchid and said “do you wanna lead the group today?” as he walked over to Flutter and they both smiled at each other and Orchid started walking and they all followed in close pursuit. As Orchid led the group east and the guys had a chance to get to know the girls and find some common ground. Half an hour later they were all close friends (which is important when in a war zone) and Orchid called out “hey guys! I found something!” and Burnout galloped to catch up with her and she was looking at a small house and said “it looks defendable enough…” Burnout looked at it for a while and said “why not?” as he called the group over he said “ok everypony! We’re staying there tonight.” And pointed at the small house, little did they know that they were being closely watched by a certain white Pegasus pony. When they entered the house there was a chill in the air and they could only just make out a silhouette of a Pegasus statue in the dark. As they turned the lights on the bulbs flickered to life, then one by one they all broke. The unicorns used their magic to make lights on the end of their horns and they explored the house. As soon as they were done exploring Flutter took off her pendant and said to Burnout “here, take this and never take it off. For me please?” Burnout looked at the Pendant and took it and said to flutter “ok if it means that much to you I will.” And put it on and then they all decided to get some “shut eye”. Burnout couldn’t sleep that night so he stayed up for a few hours and practiced his fighting techniques and taught himself how to throw a knife accurately. As soon as the clock struck midnight Burnout heard muffled screams coming from inside the house and hurried inside to see Vulture with a knife to Flutter’s throat and Vulture turned to Burnout and said “another step and the mare dies.” he had a deadly yet crazy look in his red eyes and Burnout knew he wasn’t bluffing and said “what are you doing Vulture? Why are you doing this?” Vulture stood his ground and stared him down and replied “Just because you made my entire team leave the regiment. I ran and got me discharged from the force. And also because I don’t like you.” As tears started to form in Flutters eyes as she realised that this colt will kill her if he had the chance to. Vulture smiled and said “ok now I’m bored now, say your final goodbyes.” Burnout yelled “NO!!” as he saw the blade slip through her throat and killed her almost instantly and Vulture let her fall to the ground with the knife still logged in her throat and Burnout leaped towards the white Pegasus. Vulture just kicked him back and took off at a great speed and crashed through the roof and a map fell down from the hole in the roof. Everypony heard the yell and woke up immediately and came to see what happened “what the hay is goi-… oh my god…” Orchid said as she entered the room and her eyes fell upon Flutters lifeless body “Vulture was here and he stabbed her in the throat and then he burst out through the hole in the roof.” Everypony just stood around her body and Orchid, Firestarter, Goldenglow and Wind Walker just had a breakdown and they started crying. Burnout just stared in disbelief, still shocked at what had happened and he made a quick decision and grabbed a shovel from the store cupboard and went outside and dug a grave for Flutter and he went back inside and said “it’s time to bury her and figure out what we’re gonna do next.” and he took the knife out of Flutter’s throat and put in a knife sheath on his tactical vest and picked up the limp body and carried it outside and placed her gently in the hole and put his 9mm on top of her in a respectable manner and filled in the grave. He marked it with a cross and he whispered to the grave “I swear, I will kill that motherbucker if it kills me.” And he went inside with a different task in his mind.


The next day Dark Rainbow woke up and saw a piece of paper lying next to him and it read “When on the path of revenge always dig two graves. Burnout” and a small hoof drawn map fell out of the paper and he woke the rest of the group and showed them the paper and map and they all went outside to see two empty graves next to Flutter’s grave and they all set out to track Burnout down and ask him questions, If he is still alive that is. Meanwhile Burnout felt something die inside him the night when Flutter was killed and now he had no weapons other than his machete and knives with him and he was going to enjoy what he was going to do to anyone who got in his way, he doesn’t care about innocence he didn’t care about how hurt he was - all he wanted has to kill the asshole that killed one of his group. By the time he was halfway to the estimated place of his goal, he had killed an unimaginable amount of Dreadponies and he was hurt pretty badly, but he kept on his goal, not once breaking his stride and not stopping for rest. The only thing that kept him focused was the memory of the dead mare with the knife in her throat.


As he entered the landmark he saw Vulture sitting on a very large chair as if he was waiting for Burnout and he said “well well well, look who’s here. It’s my favourite pony whose life I love to make miserable.” After he said this Burnout threw a small knife as fast as a bullet and it lodged itself just to the left of Vulture’s head, it would have been a perfect throw if he didn’t duck. “Well someone has been practicing since I killed that mare of yours; I took enjoyment in watching your face as she died in front of you.” Vulture was playing mind games with him but Burnout wasn’t responding to it “come down here and fight me like a real colt.” Burnout said and Vulture smiled and said “I’ll grant you this last wish before you die.” He flew down to meet him and he drew two razor sharp swords and smiled as the two of them clashed in hoof to hoof combat the rest of the group burst in. Dark Rainbow held them back and said “let them sort this out between themselves and see what comes of it.” As one of the swords swung close to Burnout’s head he gashed Vulture with his machete. A few seconds later Burnout had a knife sticking out of his back and the burning sensation started kicking in when the fight was almost done. Vulture was gravely injured and he fell to his knees and said “you will never beat me, NEVER EVER!” Burnout said “this is for Flutter.” And stabbed him in the eye with the blade that killed Flutter and pushed it in as far as it would go. As this happened Vulture screamed in pain and the pain Burnout experienced was rivalling Vulture’s but he didn’t have a blade in his eye on the other hand and Burnout said “this is game over Vulture.” And he slit Vulture’s throat with his machete and pulled the blade out of Vulture’s limp body and trotted past the group not even acknowledging they were there and they all followed him.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 3 months later...

to be honest i was really bored one night and i was listening to music and then the idea hit me, what if there was a war in Equestria? my friends kept inspiring me to write and i kept writing. i am trying to write a new one soon. thanks for the positive feedback!

and for how long it took it took me just over 4-5 months, i had exams and other stuff to do but whenever i had the chance i wrote. an over active imagination can get you anywhere in this world

and all my inspiration comes from my dreams. and yes i do realize that sounds weird but it works! if anypony wants me to help them write a fanfic or just a story or needs help writing one just message me

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