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BLACKOUT! (Private RP)


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This is a private role play between me, Plasma, Pinkazoid, and Wisdom Lace. Do not post here if you are not in this roleplay.


I guess I'll start this off.




"It's getting dark out. What do you think we should do now?"


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((I'm assuming that the black out happened already.))


Wisdom Lace sighed. She had prepared herself for a rainy storm but she never expected thunder and lightning to come alongside it. Wisdom never considered the possiblity of a power outage.But, it did happen. Out of shock, her mouth was slightly agape for a split second. Wisdom regained her posure and took the assertive position.


"We're best off finding a flash-light or two to help us navigate for now. It's not like we have to postpoone the party. There are plenty of fun activites to do in the dark, without technology. Like a hide and seek game or something. It's up to you all though."


She shook her deep purple mane level-headly and walked next to Breeze, waiting placidly for a response. The unicorn never thought this was anyone's fault. However, it was quite the situation she did not wish to be in. The mare silently scanned the other ponies in the room.


She decided to reminiscience why she was even here at a slumber party at all. It all started when Empathy Ribbon, a friend of Wisdom Lace, suggested that she should spend more time with people she might teach in the future. Wisdom Lace was currently in the process of transferring from one school to another for employment. She also moved to this town that was in the midst of a natural crisis.


There, she made friends with the fillies ten years younger than her. She decided to spend time with them, since they didn't spurn her like the other youngesters. Still, being the outlier, no matter how youthful she looked, which was a lot, she couldn't fit in. At least, Wisdom was in the house when the other full-grown ponies were out, these young ponies' parents.



"I'm sure we'll manage."

Edited by Wisdom Lace

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( Vergil: Sorry i was late for the party. )


As Plasma was meditating in the living room, he concentrated his either throughout his body, then he took a deep breath and glew as bright as the sun reflected of a mirror except it was enough not to hurt anypony`s eyes. Then he took another deep breath & went back to meditating.

Edited by CosmicwarriorX
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As I stayed in the room, I heard a small noise from outside. Then the next minute, the lights went out. I panicked and hid in the closet. I started to hyperventilate. I was worried that the power outage may last a while.


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Earlier, Wisdom Lace saw the lights dimming and flickering. Indeed, it was the ill omen. The one Wisdom Lace had be hastily waiting for. How could the others not see it? Oh, nevermind. That was not important. Of no significane whatsoever. Right now ponies were panicking because of a perilous storm. Althought his unicorn did not, she expressed concerns for the other ponies, foals compared to her. They needed no protection, but insurance that everything would be alright. Which it would. They just had to wait.


"It's alright. It's alright," Wisdom Lace murmured to herself quietly as the lights went out for a power outage, not too suprised.


Wisdom heard Alias and Breeze being rather uneasy. She calmly faced Breexe with a serene but emotionless face, something somewhat calming, her bright aqua body very visible, even in darkness. Breeze needed not to worry. Any house would always be safe from lightning, even the stronger, quicker ones. Unless, if the house had no lightning rod or some sort of insulation. But, Wisdom did not think that. She had faith that this house would survive, and that everypony would as well. The main objective, however, was to calm everypony down, so the unicorn tried her best. She hoped it was enough.


"Everypony, it's quite a shame that the lights are out. But, we're not going to sit through this out unhappily. We'll make the best of it. I'm sure."



Wisdom Lace trotted over to Plasma and surveyed the dark room, with her eyes riveted on the closet. She gave a short nod and went off, downstairs, to the kitchen, and closed the bedroom door. Carefully, she opened and closed cabinets and cupboards, examining them precisely so she and the others to scavenge upon some sort of serendipity, a temporary respite from the pitch black dwelling. In her hoof was a red flashlight. Wisdom Lace gracefully galloped up the stairs, and down the corridor to Alias's room, knocking the door gently. She waited for a response, alert, she supposed.



((I'm assuming that the friend's house is Alias's.))

Edited by Wisdom Lace

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"Oh! Yes?"


Wisdom Lace was extremely suprised to see Plasma around the corner, her mouth a little "O" as she jumped back in shock. She never expected anypony to follow her, especially Plasma. Why? Because he was the pony Wisdom Lace knew the very least. She barely ever saw him around. When she did, they engaged only in small talk that was very brief. She had no qualms about why or when he got there but she did not expect the colt to follow her. Why would he follow an unicorn mare he barely knew? Perhaps he was curious to see why she left. Probably. But there wasn't any mystery to be found out at all. She was just looking for a practical solution for the power outage.


She also expected Plasma to glow as he mediated, that would be a temporary solution, until he got tired of his position as a tool required to resolve an issue. However, Wisdom Lace eagerly dismissed that thought; it was exceptionally discourteous for a pony like her. For the important part, Wisdom Lace merely needed to light up the flashlight and everything would be alright. Completely fine. But she was confused for a little. What exactly did Plasma want from her? Wisdom Lace didn't want to put it rudely but that was the most direct and straight forward question she was able to ask. It was a shame she couldn't be more polite. But most of the time, Wisdom Lace focused on mechanical, logical notions. She believed on supporting what was "correct", not right.

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The electricity box is outside of the house. It was just now starting to rain, so the box was definitely shorted out. "Oh my gosh, The electric box was outside and it all wet now. "Ohhh Plasma, I think you'll have to be our personal flashlight for a while." Alias went in her room for a flashlight. Luckily, she found one, and it works great. "Plasma, you can stop glowing now. I found a flashlight!"

Edited by Renaissance-oop


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"Oh, alright. But when you can't handle it, we'll use my flashlight. All right?"


Wisdom bowed down her head politely at Plasma. Shuffle, shuffle. It seemed that Alias was in her room.

She turned her head at Alias, thinking, She moves exceptionally fast for a pony. Well, she is young. I suppose I'm young too. A full-grown mare, yes, but I guess I'm the age Princess Celestia intended to look like.


Wisdom Lace chuckled mentally at her comparison and heard Alias speak once more. Hm... Good! She found another flashlight. Perhaps the group may split up to try to solve the problem. Maybe one team should be on the look-out for other problems caused by the storm, meanwhile, the others solve the ponies' main conflict right now. Everypony could choose their own position.



"We only have two actual flashlights now. And, we have Plasma. We'll have him glow when it's completely necessary. Also, if some pony or ponies decide to leave the group, they should bring alongside them Alias, Plasma, or I because we're a main source of light until now. We should also focus on trying to power up an emergency generator or electrical box, if there is one."



It felt good understanding the situation. It wasn't so good to be a leader though. There's responsibility but the other ponies were lucky they had a teacher like Wisdom Lace here. It was trusted that these young ponies' lives were in good hooves.

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"Don't worry im like a Generator myself, I can stay like this for days." Plasma nuzzled Lace gently. "Are you gonna be okay, i don't like to see my friends getting scared, hurt, worried, or worse." Plasma gave a worried look towards Lace.

Edited by CosmicwarriorX
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"You young ponies are far more considerate than those when I was a filly." Wisdom Lace smiled kindly and shook her head. "Have faith, young pony. Everypony's is going to be alright, including you and me. No need to fret."


She giggled as she got nuzzled. It felt very soft, and comforting. The world of Equestria most definitely changed through her life drastically. She endured through the most perilous part and was just on the verge to face the happiest part, alongside with these students she may call her friends. Yes. They are. They are her friends. The lightning storm was a minor predicament. They'd all manage fine. No problem.

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"It was shortened out. But I kept a manual that teaches you how to fix one of these things." I then got the manual and read it and told the others what we needed to fix it.


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