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Folly Holly: The Game of Fear


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This is my first Fanfiction! 

It is about a new pony in Ponyville that is just a tad bit loco.

Okay, I lied. She is off-the-charts insane!

This is the story of Folly Holly, and her quest to destroy Equestria.


 It was just another average day in Ponyville. Ponies conversing in the streets as Pinkie Pie hops around to greet them all. Fresh apples are being bucked and squeezed into cider as Applejack works at Sweet Apple Acres. The skies are almost clear thanks to Rainbow Dash, who could easily do the deed in 10 seconds flat, but for now chooses to sleep the rest of the day. Fancy dresses are constantly flying out of Rarity's room as she designs the dresses for an upcoming Gala. Fluttershy is in her cabin, trying to feed Angel. But unfortunately, Angel is being too stubborn to eat at the moment. And Twilight is in her library reading, as usual.


"This is weird, Spike." Twilight spoke out. 


"There is nothing going on. Usually everyday something is breaking, or a Cockatrice is on the loose, or something. Today seems a bit mild. Too mild for my liking."


Then there an awkward silence. Well, at least for Twilight, since Spike was not paying attention to her at all. He was gazing out the window, having a puzzled look on his face.




"Twilight! There is a new pony outside!"


"A new pony? I don't want to meet her. That's Pinkie Pie's job."


"Pinkie Pie kinda' ran away from her..."


"Like she did the first time she met me? She's probably just throwing a surprise party for her."


"I can see her hiding in the bushes over there."


Twilight had no idea what Spike was talking about. She knew that Pinkie Pie wouldn't just hide from another pony like that. So she went to go talk some sense into her.


"Hey, Pinkie Pie! Who was tha-


Then Pinkie Pie jumped out of the bushes, scaring Twilight almost to the point of passing out.




"Pinkie Pie! You scared me half to death!"




Sighing, Twilight tried to reason with Pinkie Pie.


"What is the problem, Pinkie?"






"But she is different from everypony else! She had these oogly-googly eyes that stared into your SOUL and made me stiff up! And she laughs like this! HeHeHeHe *SNORT*!"


Laughing, Twilight tried to get as much information out of her as possible. Twilight has never seen Pinkie react like this to a new pony before. 


"Why is that a problem? Do you not like the way she looks?"


"She is EVIL!"


Then Pinkie ran away, leaving a trail of dust behind her as she bolted down the hill.


"I guess I should talk to this pony myself."



Twilight walks down the street, while being watched by Spike, who is still looking out the mirror. A tan-colored pony walks towards Twilight, scaring her too.


"AHH! Oh sweet Celestia, you scared me, too!"


Twilight was scared out of her mind, and felt a little bit of fear running through her.


"Ohhh yea, that feels soooo good. How are ya, Twilight? Did I, scare you?"


Then the mysterious pony started to laugh uncontrollably, exactly the same way Pinkie Pie mentioned earlier.


"Wait a minute, how did you know my name?"


"I know everypony!"


"I thought that was Pinkie's job... wait a minute, who are you?"


"I am Holly!"


"Nice to meet you, umm, Holly. I don't have to introduce myself since you somehow know me."



Then Holly just started to smile. She has a light tan coat, with a golden mane that flows down to the point where it almost hits the floor, and rests upon her back. A teal headband keeps her hair from touching her face. Her tail is naturally two different shades of gold, and was constantly swaying back and forth. Her eyes were big, but her iris was instantly-noticeably smaller than any other pony's iris. You know how your pupils get smaller when you are frightened? It's smaller than that, but, all the time. Holly was also a Unicorn, but her horn was broken in half! That freaked Twilight out, but she didn't want to ask Holly about it. 



The hazel colored eyes were staring at Twilight, making her feel very uncomfortable. 


"Where did you come from, Holly?"


"THAT'S CLASSIFIED!" Screamed Holly, startling Twilight. Twilight was scared of her at the moment, and Holly enjoyed every moment of it. Holly's eyes changed color. In fact, they changed to the same color purple as Twilight's eyes!


"Ohhh, Twilight. That tastes really good!"


"What? You're not even eating anything?"




Then Holly's eyes changed back to her original hazel color.


"I have a prediction! Because, you know, I can see into the future. I see a very happy pony getting a lot of books!"


Twilight had no idea what was going on. Was she having a hallucination? She had no clue. Something about Holly made her blood run cold. She needed to leave immediately.

She turned around to see if anypony was seeing what Twilight was indeed seeing, but when she turned back around, Holly was gone.





 Twilight had no idea where Holly went. Heck, there was nowhere for her to even go! There were out in the open! Twilight kept thinking about her eyes. Those eyes... that kept, staring at her. And the fact that they changed color to the same color as hers. Everything about Holly was confusing. How did her horn break? She didn't acknowledge the fact that her horn is broken. And what tasted good? Classified. 

And where did she come from?


Why was she here?


Everything was classified! Twilight wanted to take a nap, right where she was standing. Her sleep lasted a good two minutes before she was awoken by Pinkie Pie.



"TWILIGHT! Did you talk to her? Huh? did ya? Did ya? Did she look at you like THIS?!"


Pinkie's eyes bugged out of her head and about an inch away from Twilight's face. Uncomfortable as it was, Twilight calmly asked Pinkie to leave instead of pushing her. She was in no mood, she needed to figure out what Holly was talking about.



"What did she say? Was she eating invisible food?"


"Wait, did Holly say that you tasted, umm... good?"


"Yea! Yea she did!"


"Something is intriguing her, and we must find out what that thing is. Something about her is just folly."




"A synonym for Insane, Pinkie."


"Folly... Folly Holly! Hehehe! That rhymes! Folly Holly! Folly Holly! Folly Holly! Foll-





Then there was a scream that stopped their argument.



"That sounded like Fluttershy, Twilight!"


"Come on, Pinkie Pie! We have to go find Fluttershy!"



The screaming was coming from Fluttershy's garden. Twilight and Pinkie came along and saw Fluttershy hiding inside of a tree.





"Twilight! Oh thank goodness you're here! A strange pony came by and scared all the animals! Then she started to change colors, which was really weird! And what scared me the most was that she said they were tasty, and started laughing really loud! Then she said that she sees a very happy pony getting along with lots of animals in the future! Who is she? And what is she doing here?"


"That sounds like Holly to me, Fluttershy. Don't worry, me and Pinkie Pie will find out who she is, and why she is here."


"Why was she changing colors?!"


"I'm not sur-


"Don't you have a book on it?"


"I don't think-


"What was so tasty?"


"FLUTTERSHY! Please, let me handle it."


Fluttershy then tried not to interrupt Twilight anymore, even though she is as scared as anypony can be.


"Please hurry, Angel didn't eat yet, and I still gotta feed him. But I don't want to come out of this tree until she is gone."


"Well, do you know where Holly went?"


"She went into my cabin. I couldn't stop her, she just kinda ran in after scaring my animals."


"Yay! A mission to find Folly Holly! Let's go, Twilight!"



Pinkie Pie and Twilight ran into Fluttershy's cabin, while Fluttershy herself stayed outside in a tree. The two found Holly in Fluttershy's bed.


"Holly? What are you doing in her bed?"




"Stop saying that!"


"Oh, I'm sorry, Twilight. Hey, let's be BEST FRIENDS!"


Then Holly gave her a very wide grin. Twilight was creeped out by her request. Before she could say something, Holly uttered another speech that confused Twilight.


"Hey! I know! I'm going to go find Applejack! I'm very hungry!  Oooh! I'm gonna go find Rainbow Dash! I see a very happy pony who is going to be very stuffed after eating too much!"


Then Holly dived through the window and ran off.


"How did she know Applejack and Rainbow Dash?"


"Duh! Because she is EVIL!!"


"She's not evil... she's just, mysterious."




"I'm sure that there is a logical explanation for this, Pinkie."


"Oki Doki Loki!"


Then they ran off, forgetting about Fluttershy, who is still in her tree.






 "No, no, no! There is nothing in here!" Complained Twilight, who is searching for books that can tell her what is going on.


"Pinkie, are you even helping? Pinkie? PINKIE PIE!"


An aggravated Twilight turns around to find Pinkie Pie and Spike staring out the window. They watch as Rainbow Dash is flying through the clouds in the sky, and using them as part of an obstacle course, instead of clearing them from the sky like she is supposed to do. She has one more cloud to fly under, then her race is complete. 


"Hey, Spike! Twilight! I see Folly Holly! She's up in the clouds!"


"What? How is that even possible? She's a unicorn, she can't be in the clouds! Spike, are you seeing this, too?"


"Yea, Twilight! I do see it! And Rainbow Dash is diving under the cloud she is on!"


Without saying a word, they watch as a clueless Rainbow Dash flies to her last cloud. Right when Rainbow Dash goes under, Holly jumps on the cloud, causing lightning to strike her, and scaring her to death.


"What in great Celestia was that?! Fluttershy, is that you?"


"Ohhh yes, Rainbow Dash. This taste is amazing!"



Rainbow Dash was saying too much at one time. Questions along the line of "Who are you" and "How did you do that" were spraying out of her mouth like a hose. When she got a good look at Holly, she stared at her, not saying a word for a good 10 seconds. The 10 seconds she could've been using to clear the skies. But she did manage to ask another question.


"Why are your eyes changing color? They're changing into a beautiful shade of pink... wait a minute, that's my eye color! How are you doing that?"


"I hope we can be best friends! I see a very happy pony giving out autographs!"


And with that, Holly jumped off the clouds and back down to Ponyville. Rainbow Dash followed her. But she wasn't following Holly, she wanted to go find Twilight.


"Twilight! Twilight, where are you?!"


"In here, Rainbow Dash! Come inside!"


Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and Pinkie Pie were all standing in Twilight's library, all shocked and confused on the event that just occurred before their eyes. Their very, normal eyes.


"Twilight, please tell me you have a book about this somewhere!"


"I cannot find one at the moment, Rainbow. But I'm still looking."


"I'll go follow her, then. She what she's up to."


"Okay, Rainbow Dash. Give me all the Intel you can possibly get."


Rainbow Dash flew high into the sky, and then out of sight. The rest of the group were back at it again, trying to find a book about this strange pony.






It has been a whole day since Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Twilight were searching for a book that she probably didn't even have. Twilight is asleep on the library floor, and Spike is asleep upstairs. Pinkie Pie left hours ago.


Rainbow Dash arrives with a surplus of information.



"Twilight! Wake up! I have lots of news to tell you about this Holly girl!"


"What do you have for me, Rainbow Dash?"


"I followed her around, without her trying to spot me. I was going undercover. Now, I first saw her going into Rarity's home, with a basket of crystals. Rarity was very pleased, thinking the crystals were for her. Holly destroyed them right in front of her. Rarity started crying, and Holly was just, staring at her. Her eyes started to change color, and thanked her for being so tasty. Then she said that she sees a very happy pony with a handsome stallion!


"I wonder why she keeps seeing happy ponies... Is she, predicting something?


"I don't know. But she doesn't stop there. Then she went to Sweet Apple Acres. There were thousands of crops that were almost grown, but Holly came over and drowned them all out. Yes, she dumped boat loads of water right on the crops, causing Applejack to freak out. Holly's eyes changed color again, this time to a dark shade of green. She said she sees a very happy pony with an unlimited supply of cider! She rubbed her stomach and left. She then looked up at me and called my name, then I flew away."


"Why would she do this to everypony?!"


"She said she wanted to be best friends with everypony, so she is doing all this stuff to them! And apparently, every time she does so, something is tasty to her. I'm not sure what this means, but that is all I got."


Then, Holly walked into the library, uninvited.


"Oh no! She must've followed me here!"


"Rainbow Dash! It's me, Holly! Let's go on a play date! We are gonna have the best time together! I got another prediction! I see two very happy ponies going to a Wonderbolt Festival!"


Twilight wanted nothing to do with Holly. She knows she is going to do something terrible to her library, she just knew it. Something raged inside of Twilight that caused her to burst.


"Holly! Leave my library, now!"


"Awww, best friend!"


"NO! I am NOT your best friend! NOPONY IS! Nopony wants to see your face around here ever again, so take your stupid little broken horn and leave my friends alone!"


There was a long awkward silence between the three. Twilight looked as serious as she's ever been, and Holly was not expecting that. Neither was Rainbow Dash!


"How... how, DARE YOU!"


Holly's eyes turned blood red.




Then she jumped through the window and disappeared from sight.







Rainbow Dash instantly flew overhead of Holly. She ran into Rarity's home again, but this time, didn't say a word when she arrived. Rarity was frightened by the sight of Holly, which was exactly what she wanted. Holly's eyes turned blood red, and her mane and tail were shaking uncontrollably. Rarity had a red glow around her, and she started to fall over. 


"How delicious!" Holly spoke. Those were the last words Rarity heard before she passed out. Holly jumped through the back window, heading for Fluttershy's cabin.


"Oh Celestia! What is happening? I gotta warn the others!"


Then Rainbow Dash went to Pinkie Pie's home, and told her to try and avoid Holly at all costs.


"She is evil, Pinkie!"


"DUH! I knew that all along!"


"Well, we gotta tell everypony about her!"


Then they heard Fluttershy screaming. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie raced to Fluttershy when they found her unconscious, and Holly running away.


"She's heading for Sweet Apple Acres! Pinkie Pie, go get Twilight and find me and Applejack. We have to save our friends!"


And with that, Rainbow Dash flew off to Sweet Apple Acres, and Pinkie Pie ran to Twilight's library.

When Pinkie Pie arrives, Twilight greets her with fascinating news.


"Pinkie! I found it! I found the book!"


"You did? Hooray!"


"It says that a pony whose eyes change color to match the pony they are talking to, then they are consuming them!"


"Consuming them?"


"Yes! Did you notice how she says that we taste good when we get scared by her? Or when we fear her the most? She feeds off of fear! And when she does that, she copies the talents and abilities of the ponies she consumes!"


"Isn't her horn broken, though?"


"She is not using her horn to consume ponies. To be honest, I'm not sure how she is doing this. Or how to even stop her. But at least we know what she means when a pony is tasty."


"Oh! That reminds me! Rarity and Fluttershy passed out from Holly looking at them. Strange, huh?"


"PINKIE! Why didn't you tell me this earlier! Their lives are in danger!"


"Me and Rainbow Dash saw the whole thing. She was EVIL! I TOLD YOU! And now they are heading to Sweet Apple Acres!"





Twilight and Pinkie Pie follow Rainbow Dash to Sweet Apple Acres, but they were too late. As they arrived, Applebloom, Big Mac, and Rainbow Dash were unconscious. And all while Holly was consuming Applejack's fear, causing a red glow around them both, and causing Applejack to pass out, too.


"Stop right there, Holly!"


"Well well well, Twilight. You finally showed up."


"Why are you doing this?"


"Nopony ever talks to me like that. EVER. And besides, these ponies are mighty tasty, and they make me more powerful than I already am!"


"Too bad you can't use your magic, Holly. Your horn is in half!"


"I don't need magic since I have consumed all your stupid friends. And guess what?"




"You rely on your magic to help you fight. I don't need magic to help me win this battle. I have Rarity's ability to find gems, Fluttershy's ability to control animals, Rainbow Dash's speed, and Applejack's ability to buck!"


"How do you think that can help you against my magic?"


"Because I see a pony with no magic."


With quick speed, Holly runs up to Twilight before she even has a chance to make a move. Then, Holly turns around, lifts up her legs, and gives a powerful kick to Twilight's horn, shattering it into pieces.


Twilight screams in agony, loud enough for all of Ponyville to hear.


"MY HORN!!!"


To Be Continued...



Okay, if I get enough support, then I will continue this Fanfiction.

Edited by My Whistle Baby



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