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Manehattens University For The Rich Or Talented (SOL: RP)


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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/42754-manehattens-university-for-the-rich-or-talented-sol-rp/#entry1013194

ok lets get straight into it!!!:


lily walked into her dorm after dealing with the broken lock. she had no roomates at the time so her stuff lay everywhere. on the floor, bed, shelf, even on the walls. she wasn't a slob, she just didnt have the time to clean. after logging on to the computer and deciding that there was nothing to do on it, she left the room once more. she walked down the halls with no particular aim, classes didnt start until tomorrow, so maybe she might meet some friends.

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Angel Feather made sure her mane hung over her face as she tried to follow the pony without having any pony notice.  She carried a box in her hooves and a backpack on her back.  That's all she had with her.  The pony lead her to a room with the number 8 on it.  The pony opened the door for her and lead Angel inside.

"Here, you are, Angel Feather!" the pony smiled brightly.

"Thank you..." Angel whispered, not looking at the pony.

"You'll be okay here, right, Angel?"

"I'll be okay," Angel replied.

"Well...I'll be on my way then..."


Angel noted that the pony never asked her to write to any pony.  The pony left the room, leaving her alone.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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lily lloked around and saw a newbie walking into their room. she decided to knock on the door and see if she could help unpack or something. she was in a helpful mood. she hummed as she walked up to the door and gave it three hard knocks. she smiled ready to see a new face.

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Angel looked up in surprise.  She put down her box and reached towards the doorknob.  Did she come back to say something else?  To say good luck?  To say she'll miss me maybe?

Angel turned the knob and looked out.  A pink pony stood there.  Angel felt her heart drop in disappointment.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"hiah!!!" lily said, with a happy tone and a smile. "i saw you were new so i thought i might be able to help you settle in or something!" she saw the saddness in the ponies eyes "why so glum... how rude of me, my name is lily, what's your name?" she concluded with a curious tilt of the head.

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Angel hoped she didn't look too taken aback at the pony's happy tone and loud voice.  "Oh," she whispered.  "Uhm...s-sure.  I-I'm Angel Feather," she said, hoping the pony could hear her quiet voice.  Angel blushed and quickly stepped to the side so Lily could step inside.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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lily stepped in slowly. "there is no need to be shy!" she said warmly "look, do you need help to unpack? my room isnt the neatest, but im able to keep other rooms clean. im sorry if im a bit loud," she quietened her voice. "i tend to come on quite confidently, for reasons i better not speak of." she laughed to herself. "so do you want help unpacking and then maybe i could show you around the campus!"

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"Oh...okay," Angel said, forcing her voice to rise slightly.  She looked at her box and backpack.  "This is all I have..." she said, almost embarrassed.  Angel pushed her emotions back down.  Not now.  Not in front of others.  Later.  When you're alone, she assured herself.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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((OOC: sorry for the late start))


"So I walk this lonesome road, a path that was meant for me.

In turn I suppose, this is what I wish to be.

Always knowing that in the end, this lonesome road shall be my home.

To be the one who walks this path, and know it all the same.


Some have looked upon this path, often sharing pity.

People, apparently, know not what they squander.

My life, life to see, and a life to which I know this end.

My life, this lonesome road.


I go about my days in a manner, most redundant.

I place one foot in front of the other, always wanting to stop.

And, at the same time I wish to continue.

My life, this path that I must follow.


To be, in the end obviously.

My life, this lonely road that I walk upon.

This life I live, this path I choose.

Why, oh why, does this life suit me?"


With that last line, and Discere's need to write satisfied, He quickly stowed his pencil and parchment away in his saddle bag. It was so tranquil, sitting there, underneath the shade of a great oak, with leaves rustling about in the wind. Discere, despite being in a state of peace and bliss, forced himself to rise from his position. With a strecth and a yawn, he was off towards the formidable and rather extravagent building ahead of him.


The Manehatten University, he had done it, He had gotten accepted into one of the most prestigious academies in Equestria, and, to make things better for him, he had been accepted on behalf of his writing. This, this was Discere's dream.


Having entered the building, he decided that he would scout the halls and areas of the school and then retreat to the area where his supposed dormitory was located. He quickly glanced at the paper which contained hi essential information. 'Ah yes', he thought, 'Dormitory room Number 12'.


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"ok! then there is less to do, and more time to par-tay!" lily opened the box. she began to pull out objects and putting them on the floor carefully for angel to decide where they will go. "look, i know this school can be intimidating at first, and you may be scared, but ive been here for two years and it gets better." with that she gave a warm smile and said " look its nearly lunch. after we've gotten you unpacked, we'll head off to the cafe, ill use some of my food credits to buy you some lunch."

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"Oh.  That would be...nice," Angel said softly.  She took the two snowglobes and placed them on a long table at the wall which had a vase of flowers on top of it.  She took the picture frame which had a picture of four ponies on it.  Without looking at the picture, she put it on her bedside table.  The rest of the things in the box were the usual essentials, story books, notebooks and pens.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Azure looked off into the familiar halls of which he wandered for the past 4 years. Indistinct voices and various sounds filled his ears, dazing him into the thoughts that filled his very mind, opinions conflicting with each other, and various facts randomly piling into his head. These thoughts generally cleared as he placed his headphones onto his ears, and the familiar tune filled his head: Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost, it's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache ooooverrrr... I see m- the music ceased, replaced with the sound of an acoustic guitar indicating he got a message on his phone. Using his magic, he pulled out his phone, unlocked the screen lock, and read the message. It read: "Azure, it has been requested that you move dorms by the staff and myself do to complications with space near your dorm area," Azure looked around and saw that the space was indeed packed, packed more than usual. He continued to read the message: "Meet me at my office to receive the key to dorm 85 (which will be your dorm) at your convenience. Yours truly, The Dean." Azure had some time to kill, so he headed toward the Dean's office without much demand.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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she used her magic to rearrange the flowers in the vase. she began to sing to herself. her voice was sweet and angelic. lily looked at the photo. "who are these people?" she smiled "they look happy!" she looked at the photo for a bit, seeing if she could spot angel feather.

Edited by lilymalady123
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Angel couldn't help but smile at her singing.  Shes a very nice singer.  That must be what she's here for.  Angel didn't look at the photo as she arranged her story book on her shelf.  "Oh...that's me...and my little sister,"  Angel said cautiously.  "And my mother and father..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"awww, a little sister! im an only child." she sighed and continued singing. she placed the last object on the desk. "done!" she said with a smile "now, lunch!" she walked into the hallway. she lead angel through the halls. "we're about to pass the deans office. this is what we call the "no swearing area"." she said with a chuckle and hummed as she walked

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Angel didn't say anything about how she was an only child now as well.  And an orphan.  It didn't seem important.  Angel followed Lily.  She couldn't help but smile at her joke as she followed her through the halls.  I wonder if they have my favorite sandwiches.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Acid dash looked up at Manehatten University he sneered "if rainbowdash made it in there and got out, I can get in there." He started looking for is something he was good at. He decided he would start with singing or making music or beats. He decided with singing first.

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they got to the cafe. lily walked up to the counter which was being minded by a fairly good looking colt. "heyyyy justice," she said with a flirty tone and a smile "ill have the usual." she turned to angel "what do you feel like?" she continued to flirt with justice while she waited for angel to decide what to eat.

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Acid dash jumps up and flys through the air to his house. Records him singing, and flys back to Manehatten University. He goes to submissions and asks to get into the school. Is declined and told the singing is terrible. He flys home and starts making music. When he flys back, he plays it, and is accepted, in the music category.

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Acid dash looked up at Manehatten University he sneered "if rainbowdash made it in there and got out, I can get in there." He started looking for is something he was good at. He decided he would start with singing or making music or beats. He decided with singing first.

((there is a link on the first post of this thread, you must go there and please apply if you wish to roleplay with this story. until i have accepted your application you may not roleplay on this thread. if you continue i will have to report you to a moderator. ))

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Angel smiled at Lily's flirting.  "Do they have...celery, grape and blueberries sandwiches?" Angel asked hopefully.  You're so picky, Angel.  Angel blushed and looked down at the tiled floor.  "But really...anything is alright..." she whispered.  Oh dear Celestia, Angel.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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As Azure trekked towards the Dean's office, he spotted his soon-to-be dorm. Looking at the numbers displayed at the threshold of each dorm, he saw that they began declining, signifying his inevitable approach to the Dean's office. He decided to trot faster as his impatience got the best of him. Out of boredom, he began mentally counting the numbers of the dorms he passed: 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8... Azure stopped knowing he would soon be at the entrance to the office. After pulling his attention away from the dorms, he pulled off to the Dean's office. Standing in the doorway without the Dean's attention, he felt the awkwardness of the situation creep up on him. Knocking slightly, the Dean's attention was drawn to him.

"Ah, Azure," said the Dean

"Uh, hey," Azure said

"I suspect you are here for your key to dorm 85, am I correct?" the Dean questioned Azure

"Eeyup," came Azure's reply

The awkwardness of the situation grew slightly as both ceased to speak.

"Ah, here it is," said the Dean, placing the key on his desk, gesturing toward the item

"Um, thanks," said Azure

With that, Azure grabbed the key and headed straight for his dorm. While unlocking it, he realized he should've packed his belongings while trotting towards the office. Deciding he would get them after getting a layout of the dorm, he continued unlocking the door.

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"yeah we got them. white bread or brown?"


"when their ready can you bring them to the table along with my hayshake?" lily said as she did a little dance and walked to a table. she sat down and pulled out her phone. she checked her messages. frowned and put it away again. 

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"White?" Angel said.  She watched her go off to a table and waited for their orders to come.  She didn't speak.  She just stroked her mane self-consciously.  When the order was ready, she brought them to the table and hoofed Lily her hayshake.  She sat down quietly.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Acid dash flew aimlessly "dorm 90..." He passed room 85...86... When he got to room 90, he wondered if he had a roommate, when he opened the door, he saw the room was empty except some drawers and a bed. "I guess I am Alone for now" he thought. He laid down not he bed, kicking the door closed as he laid, and got up and started unpacking.

Edited by Jacob2Cl0wn
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