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Salutations and all the blah blah about greetings and stuff

Juicy Fruity

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Alright, so where do I start?

Name's Juicy Fruity, or what most know as JUICEd17 in a few chans lurking around the Internet, and pretty much I've been travelling around the Internet finding places to settle and/or meet new people such as bronies and the many assortment of people the Internet has to offer. Basically, I've been to the unholy lands of /mlp/ in 4chan, various boards in Ponychan and as a matter of fact a founder of one of its many serial threads dubbed the Order of The Insomniacs and an occasional visitor to MLPchan.

So pretty much you can see the pattern to my gradual discovery of all the brony social sites and this being my latest.

Argh! I apologize for that little exposition. I tend to get carried away. Anyways, from an obvious first impression I'm quite the fan of this beloved draconneques named Discord, hence my inability to name my favorite pony even though Pinkie Pie is the best out of the Six, but we can deal with that right?

So.... What's up?

Oh yeah, I roleplay... Like I roleplay a lot. 

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