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I am user 20646, also known as Static. I am just another user, given an automated barcode-like label and a cell of digital space to inhabit.


Allow me first to explain my username. Consider the top two uses of the word Static:


-Static as in radio or TV static.

-Static as in not moving or changing. Fixed.


It can mean either of those, both of those or neither of those. Maybe it's shallow, maybe it's deep. I came up with this alias this past summer and was thinking of the foremost usage. I had to make a swift decision to rename myself elsewhere in cyberspace. The more I thought about it, the more multifarious the name "Static" became. Anyway, that's enough about my username.


I became a brony in April 2013. A few months prior, someone on Skype had sent me the link to a MLP:FIM dubstep video. I was really taken aback by it- really confused yet intrigued. He then explained that there was a massive male fan-base for the show and I just sort of shrugged and went on with life. That video was all I knew about My Little Pony for months. Then one day, while I was browsing the Netflix catalogue, bam- there it was. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. To avoid being tracked, I created a new Netflix account on a different IP and "investigated" MLP by watching the first episode.


What started out as an investigation marked a new era in my life and I became a brony after say...episode 2. I finished the series in July and...something changed. I'll just say that things became...complex.


I am still a covert brony and have yet to meet another brony in person. That may change this coming Friday when I make a massive move by going to Nightmare Nights. I've never done something like that before.


Anyway, as an artist, I am a poet, writer and a photographer. I have started a MLP fanfic. It's been very difficult to write and I'm having trouble continuing it. The past three poems I have written have been inspired by my experiences as a brony. Photography- well, that's confined to the real world.


I have tried drawing. I tried drawing Twilight Sparkle last summer. I "ragequitted" about 15% into the drawing and haven't drawn since then. I am going to re-attempt music production once I've got my "studio" set up.


I imagine I've made a fool of myself by now and I don't know what I'm doing still sitting here at 2:00 A.M. typing this post while listening to internet radio. "Final Frontier" by Juno Reactor is playing now. I don't know what I'm doing here on MLP Forums. Maybe I am investigating. Maybe I am conducting an experiment. Maybe I am on an adventure. Maybe I should just prep myself for termination and run away.


Nodes and antinodes. Wavelengths and frequencies. Hertz.


Ok, I really just need to shut up and go to bed now.

Edited by Jeric
  • Brohoof 3
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Hallo Static!!


Welcome to the adventure of a lifetime. I really hope you will like your stay "investigation/experiment" herehappy.png



Nightmare Nights

I did not even know something like that really existed! We don't even have Halloween in SA.


For being here on your wonderful adventure i now present you with....






I don't know what I'm doing here on MLP Forums

You will find out soon "enouth" Hope you will be making friends in know time at allyay.png

  • Brohoof 1



Vriende is die rykdom van my lewe. Sonder vriende/familie vaag jou lewe vinnig weg. "my personal motto"

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Make a fool of yourself?  No, I wouldn't say that you've done that at all.  In fact, this is perhaps one of the most well thought-out welcome posts I've ever seen.  I remember being in your shoes, not knowing what the hell I was doing making an account on a pony forum...  I assumed that my account would just sit there, dead and rotting.  Now here I am, almost a year later.


Anyways, it sounds like you're quite the creative guy, so I'll point you in the direction of Octavia's Hall for all of your creative needs, both pony and non-pony related.  Finally, hello and welcome to the forums!  I hope to see you around!

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Made a fool of yourself? Pffff-hahahah! If I worried about making a fool of myself I don't think I'd ever post! But an up-and-coming artist/writer/musician like yourself will love it here. The community here is really nice and supportive toward new blood talent! Nobody is just automatically good at something, it takes dedication and determination! You gotta thrust out your hoof toward the wild-blue yonder and scream to the top of your lungs, the desires that you seek most dearly; and once they are in sight, GRASP THEM with all of your being and NEVER let go! "Practice makes perfect?" ...Well yes, that too; if you'd like to be that black and white about it. (Party pooper.)


Aniki offers up a big brotherly welcome to the horde forums! If you've ever a desire to move past the static, big brother will show you the way. It's a way filled with plenty of cake. Promise.

The cake is a lie.


  • Brohoof 2


~Signature by my awesome sibling @Armchair Adventurer "Som"~

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Yay for Netflix having mlp:fim!!! I've read quite a few introductions from ppl who said they watched it recently on Netflix :) I love your username and I enjoyed your intro! U seem like a guy that will make lots of friends here fast! Check out the art forum sections and prepare to be amazed and inspired!! Happy you found us friend! Now go and start your epic journey into the depths of mlpforums!!! You won't regret a minute of it! :)

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Oh my...lots of responses. I might just have to flee now.


Nah, I'm going to continue my investigation.


Unfortunately, I am not quite the artist I may have portrayed myself to be. I do not spontaneously, regularly generate works like some artists tend to do. My work takes a long...long time to marinate and generate. It requires much pruning and is born in moments where I synchronize with a deeper part of myself. It requires focus, isolation (not necessarily always physical isolation) a balance of mindsets, etc.


I dunno. Maybe I'm just freaking out and getting overwhelmed like a certain purple pony. Maybe I'm not in the right mindset to be posting at the moment. 


But yeah. Thanks for the welcome, everyone. I begin my sojourn. 

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Hmm. I used to be alot more comprehensive and thought out things out in writing alot like you do before I became a brony. Now I'm just very outgoing in my social life. And slightly a bit "happier" to let people know who I Really Am. Find it pretty cool that you have that aspect with you :D Brohoof thru dah glass window and the 4th wall bro. (Lets remove the 4th wall part depending on what you think about it xD) /)*|_|

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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Seriously. You can hear the drama and whining better over here, than you can over in the corner, like that :3


Greetings to the land of plenty, you shy member you. Unique intro and a very interesting personality you're portraying through these keys. It's great to have you. Even if you may be a tad shy now, I hope you at least find enough reason to stay on board with the pony train till the end of November, when the ponies come home and everyone goes ape-shit crazy tongue.png


I'm CD, a sleep-deprived admin person who enjoys a certain blue pegasi and her fiery Wonderbolt Captain idol, the king of mayhem and chaos, and uniquely enough, ponies with belly buttons laugh.png If you ever need help with something, feel more than free to contact the staff, or to use the Site Questions section to address your concerns.


Here's to hoping you enjoy yourself and have a fun-filled time, here! Good luck to your investigations of this land of colored equines.




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Oh...my... an adminimg-1982403-1-blush.png


I don't mean to purposelessly inflate my welcome thread but.I do have some final statements.


Just a heads up: I'm not a very active member. Don't expect a lot from me. Or...I might not be later on, depending on how things develop.


I'm not sure if I'll be around that long. I mean, I've been an active member of an online community for over a year in the past but that may change- maybe by the end of the year. I may have slowly and quietly slip away from here orrrr....I may end up being a more active member. Imminent, inevitable developments in personal circumstances shall dictate this.


I mean...I've already made a few posts but that's because I'm brand new and discovering this place. I'm also pleased that this site has a blog. It allows me to write in relative solitude and quietude.


But anyway, thanks once more for the welcome, everypony. We'll see how things develop. 


P.S. Did anyone see that my avatar changed? Compare it to the generic "blank flank" avatar.


P.P.S. Oh, and one more question...wait nevermind. I saw the answer to my question as I was typing it. =~= (my Angel face)

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  • 5 months later...

No, I am not dead. Yes, I am still a brony. I have changed since I left this place last year. My brain chemistry has been stabilized for the most part. No, I do not consider myself a member of this community any more. I have found that the smaller and quieter the fandom is, the calmer I am. I just happened to bump into this place again, following a small trail of bread crumbs, so to say. Good night. //Disconnect

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  • 5 months later...

It keeps coming back. It won't stop. It's going to be horrible at the end of this month.  It's like a leech in your brain. You happen upon something you thought you had buried long ago and all of a sudden it's like the shingles- a pestilence that has been dormant in your depths for a long time but strikes back with fury, tearing up your insides with its venomous claws. And you pace back and forth in the room wandering how this is possibly happening all over again, pausing and reflecting on the incidents of last week and their connection to what happened last year. You try to shove it back down into the ether from which it sprang and yet it leeches to you. Before you know it, your soul burns with indignation as you rise from your place in the endless grid and start a fire. Despite your visibility, they don't see you, for you are just a piece of empty canvas, atop which a masterpiece was painted with invisible oil.  You once resided in an exhibit, not different from Exhibit 13, but it was erased. It went up in flames and you made it out alive. You had no choice but to become like Frankenstein and live somewhere in the desolate wasteland, watching everyone else. No one but the one who created you will come looking for you. Even then, you might just destroy everything with your hideous appendages. Just like yesterday, you get up in time to get to work and complete the day; but you sit turning a wheel indefinitely, watching the hours rot on and your bones get sapped of their strength.  The dormant has become dominant once again. Even if it's for an hour or two, that dormant splinter will drive you to atrocities until you burn to ashes... ...or fall asleep...and await its reawakening.

Edited by Jeric
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