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Hey guys long time no see

ive been at /mlp/ all this time and my veiws have changed on this fandom....in a bad way...

first I think the "love and tolerance" is BS and Seth and whoever started this "brony hasbro commerical thank you " is really stupid. /mlp/ and ponychan do N0t like this at all .And IN FACT THEY HATE IT! Why? go to /mlp/ and ask why they will give you smoe pretty good reasons. and in genaral this fandom Is way to big , to many weirdos (cloppers ARE NOT THEM) people who go like "LUV AND TOLERATE HURR DURR " love and tolerate was a joke on /co/ such as counter trolling.But people took it serisuly, and they think its what the bronies stand for ... WTF ... anyways just my opinion ... come to /mlp/ and you will agree with some of the stuff im saying ..

/mlp/ is a reality check for this fandom...

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  • 1 month later...

I've never been one to do the whole, "love and tolerance" thing, and generally stay away from the more sketchy parts of the fandom. There will always be sketchy parts of any fandom as well, so just avoid them if you don't like them.

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Hey, I harbor resentment for brightly colored canon-breaking OCs and terrible roleplay too! They ruined entire swathes of ponychan months back. The tide died down, but it was pretty touch and go there. All the hilarity and fun got sucked out when every thread got hijacked by four people simultaneously RPing the entire front page.


Also, "Love and Tolerate" is less a joke, and less a way to squeeze entertainment out of trolls. It is a legit technique, and even useful when you run into "real life trolls" but as words to live by? Rubbish.


Also, Seth is what he has to be. The face of the fandom, to parents of teenage bronies, to small children, and to the media. He also sold his soul to WLF, so saying really negative things is against his contract or something.


I can see where he comes from Hatesteed, and where you do, but there are people who exist far, far away from you and you can point and laugh at, and then there are =][=REDACTED=][= who come in, ruin your fun, and then refuse to leave or leave be. If you have personally have had your jimmies rustled day in and day out by them, you might understand.


Also, /tg/ is best g/



I just normaly just go to /b/ and /mlp/ but once in a while I got too /v/ and /g/

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Because some of the things we are not going to tolerate are poor manners and hateful comments.

I hope you're being sarcastic.


As much as I am aware it may come off as sounding like that, I was being quite literal. Those that are part of this fandom for the troll aspect, are going to find themselves not welcome.

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lol, your self righteous attitude gave me a good chuckle. People like you are my least favorite part of the fandom, I'm not mad though. OC Donut steel always gives me a hearty giggle and you just don't know how to handle it. you spend too much time on 4chan, always complaining that the old stuff was better. Hipster. I've been a part of the herd since December 2010 and it hasn't changed all that much too me, maybe it's because I just soak in the content 24/7. I'm sorry Rainbowcrash messes with your headcannon, he is just trying to have fun and you should feel bad for refusing to let him play pretend in peace. I love Seth, I was one of the first 100 hits on EqD and I have checked it every single day. I've been featured on it couple times too.


Please do us all a favor and stay on 4chan. I know it got popular there, I was there, but you don't have to express your buttmad everywhere you go. We are trying to have a good time and you are making it slightly more difficult.

well then is this fandom really what it thinks its become?


http://vimeo.com/42481478 password (fluttershy)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I honestly see nothing wrong with any of those videos. They're all just a few guys goofin' around which is what happens when you're around other bronies. They just everything how it is and make makeselves into the biggest dorks possible to have some fun. Is that bad? Absolutely not. It's what everyone does with their friends. At least their good friends they don't have to hold back in front of. If you think that's bad for a group of people to do, you might not want to go to Everfree.

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I honestly see nothing wrong with any of those videos. They're all just a few guys goofin' around which is what happens when you're around other bronies. They just everything how it is and make makeselves into the biggest dorks possible to have some fun. Is that bad? Absolutely not. It's what everyone does with their friends. At least their good friends they don't have to hold back in front of. If you think that's bad for a group of people to do, you might not want to go to Everfree.


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i smell a troll.... :lol:


ya know what..a fandom is just that..its all walks of life all creeds colors race and ideals...and your going to get the best the worst and all of it.....hell look at WOW or starwars...starwars is a good display of the ebb and flow that a fandom can go thru as well as the crazyness and outright asshattery that can come with it...and WoW is a good one to look at as to how it can repopulate and turn itself around and pull the good out of the bad media


in a fw years the trolls will have settled down and found something new to troll or have come to realise were not so bad...cause ya know what...even a troll doesnt realise how much input they are consuming daily by trolling weather they like it or not LOL

The wolf has the strength of a man but the mind of nine men



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