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Nevermore's Poetry Corner


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I had another poetry thread here awhile ago, but I think it would count as thread necromancy if I brought it back so I'm starting a new one. (My usual name is Nevermore, and I plan on changing back soon from Slenderman)


I hope to update this thread every once and a while with new poetry from my collection and new poems I come up with.


So I'm just going to post some of my poetry randomly, if you have any comments or critiques please feel free to share them! :)


Note: Even though I write a lot of dark poetry I am generally a happy person, so please don't worry about me or anything. I just find that letting feelings out in poetry helps me feel better when I had a bad day, nothing more than that.


If you like what you see I have a whole gallery over at DeviantArt (a little bit of shameless self-advertisement never hurt anypony): http://shadowysilenc...rt.com/gallery/


The Cloud


This cloud above us

Grey, bleak, dead


Drains us of life

Turns words to ash


Emotions run dry, and

Friendships wither


We are left as husks

Simply wandering


Shadows of who we once were

Dead, even with veins beating


No hope, no chance

Just a dull routine


We turn our heads to the sky

Wishing, always wishing


Remembering the sweet

Sunlight and cool spring air


Trying to grasp who we once were

But all attempts are in vain


Those persons are dead

Grey, bleak, dead...


The Joke's on Me


In every joke,

Every smile


Lies the fear

That truly no one is there


The irrational terror

That on this world


I am alone,

Laughing at myself


The eternal fool

Undying and shattered




My deepest fear

Is not tangible


No mere phobia,

No easy explanation


It is a beast

That can be fought


But never slain, for

It will rise again


This monster

Tailor made for me,


As all monsters are

Perfectly molded


From our own fears

And dark hearts,


Chases me down the

Corridors of my mind


Bringing with it the

Cry of the lonely


The horrid sound that is

Suffering imbued in song


The Aroma of Flowers


Sitting, thinking

Here at the edge of

This world so dark


Hearing the cries

And from this perch

The miserable thorns are seen






Yet here and there

Flowers, flowers...

Beauty unsurpassed


Growing and flourishing

As the dark vines

Roil round their forms


Sentinels and

Denizens of a world

Which abhors them


Smile even when hope is dead

For the breeze brings with it

The aroma of flowers

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Very thought-inspiring. I'm not very good with poetry, but I love to analyze it. I think my favorite here would have to be 'The Joke's on Me', because it makes me think about the isolation one can feel, even when surrounded by friendly faces.

I've got an idea! No..... No, wait; it's just a concussion....

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Very thought-inspiring. I'm not very good with poetry, but I love to analyze it. I think my favorite here would have to be 'The Joke's on Me', because it makes me think about the isolation one can feel, even when surrounded by friendly faces.


Thanks! :)


That was the exact feel I was going for with "The Joke's on Me"

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I just noticed the DeviantART link up top. I added you to my watch a few minutes ago. Looking forward to reading more! :)

I've got an idea! No..... No, wait; it's just a concussion....

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Some moar poetry! :P


Off Kilter


You claim my

Mind is off kilter


Yet is my current

State not improved


Over the hate

And death it has replaced


I would never return

To those dark days


When my thoughts

Whispered like shades


Controlling me

Not I them


You may not like

What you see


But please,

Consider this


Let me revel in the

Light of a new age


Rather than die slowly

Alone in the dark


Cheap Wine


Impassioned spirits

With a tang of greatness


Tastes more like

Cheap wine to me


Those Who Know Nothing


Held so lovingly

Or is it a death grip

In ignorance is warmth

But not warmth of the living


In the unknowing we find peace

Not the peace of life

Instead peace of mind

For a mind without thoughts holds no war counsel


The first rule of knowing

Lies in understanding

Thus those who know not

Understand all, for they know nothing to understand


But then what do we understand

Does our own belief

In our knowledge only prove our condemnation

As those who know nothing


The Canle and the Shadow


Shared by all

Held by none

Free above

Oh bright sun


To you I shout

The lies I spun

All the dark

Ties come undone


My foolish ways

Forever I mourn

The candle

Must the shadow scorn


Where once was taint

What had been torn

Now a new soul

Waits unborn


Alone, I Wandered


Alone, I wandered

Traversing my mind


Fighting for survival

Leaving darkness behind


Demons stalked my every move

Hoping my lost soul to bind


I kept on

Slow, resigned


Yet the torch burned

And the path was still clear


I lifted my head

And shouted for the demons to hear


Look at you cowards

Hiding in shadow as you jeer


I won't die, hear me

I refuse to lose myself here


The monsters were no more

The dark did fade


For all their trickery

I not once have strayed


The light of my friends

Cut the fog like a blade


To them I owe a debt beyond measure

Thanks to them I am no longer afraid


Look Again


You fall

Are there no answers

Not here

Alone in the dark


But look again

The light isn't

Always bright

But you are not alone

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"Cheap Wine", to me, says so much in so few words. It would be my favorite, but I can't choose between it, and "The Candle and the Shadow".

I've got an idea! No..... No, wait; it's just a concussion....

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I love dark art, these poems are awesome



That was only after first post, after second post I'm feeling inspired and have developed a dark narrating voice, let me give it a try


Inspiration, Inspiration

calling out to me

Inspiration, Inspiration

to me, spells free

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  • 4 weeks later...

"Cheap Wine", to me, says so much in so few words. It would be my favorite, but I can't choose between it, and "The Candle and the Shadow".


It is funny how more people seem to like "Cheap Wine" than some of my longer poems. :P


I love dark art, these poems are awesome



That was only after first post, after second post I'm feeling inspired and have developed a dark narrating voice, let me give it a try


Inspiration, Inspiration

calling out to me

Inspiration, Inspiration

to me, spells free

Thanks! :D


Narrating voice for the win!


Here is some more!


Empry Prayers


Every step taken

The footing shifts


Once a safe haven

Now death's abode


The pillars of Eden

Mockingly portray life


All that remains

Is but a meager respite


Always,continuing on and on

Whispering empty prayers


The Moon Rots (my take on pessimistic ideology)


The closest we can

come to understanding


Is through the lies we tell

ourselves as we cry to sleep


Value, a farce

Worth, a fantasy

Morality, a dream

Life, a cruel game


The stars don't weep

and the moon rots from within





Do not shun it, but

Take it for what it is


A sparking current

Jumping along

Electrifying, powerful


A gift to those

Who know how to wield

Such a tool


Teaching us

Virtues which simple

Victory cannot


For every failing

Something learned

A profit beyond value


For in the deepest

Caverns lie

The brightest jewels


Value Every Second



Sifting through fingers


We should Value every second

Like a diamond


Hold it long in embrace

As though it were a close friend


Remember the texture upon your hand

And recount how beautiful it felt


See in that second a light

So grand your very soul is put at ease


Only letting go when you must

And with joy welcome the next


For when the sands are washed away

By the sea of this existence


You will only have memories of

Those jewels that rush through your fingers



Here is another new one! :D


Beholden Within a Dream


Beholden within a dream

A visitor of sorts, one could say

In this land where dirt does gleam

And all feet don't tread the same pathway


I came to a wood, quaint and tired

A disposition not uncommon in forests

They spoke to me wonders, but mired

For all sang only lies in their chorus


Then an old man met me in the road

His grin was a devil, skeletal and mad

He offered me a cloak of golden silk to ease the cold

But before my soul was stolen, fallen to dust it had


At long last I came to the mount

The path wound shrinking all

Ever rising, to the soul pleasing fount

I had not a clue it was my funeral pall


As I lay down to rest, in this dream of dreams

And heavy eyelids sink and close

I know so little and so much of life it seems

As the beating of my heart, it slows

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Here is my most recent one, haven't really written much lately, I need to write more! >_<


The Smile Factory


Up here in my mind

Always working,

Spinning, daily grind

Flailing, whirling


The machinations never stop

Producing more and more

Always meeting quota's top

The smile factory does out-pour


Thousands of smiles,

Trying to cover

Any of the small trials

That all day hover


Floating and flitting

About my being

Trying to make me admit

To what I'm not seeing


If I ignore what is there

There is no trouble

I won't have to care

As my eyes see double


The little worries

Bubble and boil

Marking a time to hurry

So that the smiles don't spoil


But one wrench in the cogs

And the factory grinds to a halt

And so let loose the sobs

All coming down to my own fault


Perhaps if I just kept smiling

It would make others happy

Perhaps I'll keep smiling

To keep others happy


Always smile

Then no one will ask

Always smile

For the world wants you masked

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