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The Word Berears invade Equestria! (Searching for roleplayers)


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The time has come when the word berear armys are spreading across the galaxy and then they found the planet where equestria is located.




Team 1:


Equastrian Forces






Word Berears


Team information:


Equastrian Forces:


The Equastrian Forces are the army of Equastria and it is a army of Pony's with diffrent types.




Earth Pony Soldier: 


This unit is basicly a Earth Pony who serves in the Equastrian army and is capable of taking a human down easily.


Pegasus Soldier: The pegagus soldier is a pegasus pony wich has the ability to fly and is very good when it comes to deepstrike attacks.


Unicorn Soldier: The unicorn Soldier is a unicorn pony as a soldier wich has the ability to use magic and able to do strong magical attacks like a lighting beam.




The Ultramarines are a strong chapter from the space marines and are well known as their leader is Ultramar.




Scout Marine: The scout marine is a scout type unit of the ultramarines and is very fast and good in stealth operations 


Space Marine: The space marine is the standerd soldier of the space marines and has strong armour is capable of taking much damage 


Assault Marine: the assault marine is basicly a space marine with a jetpack and is really good in close combat, is also good in deepstriking attacks. 


Dreadnought: the dreadnought is a strong walking machine that is controlled by a killed space marine and is very powerfull 


Word Berears:


The word berears is one of the strongest chapters in chaos and their base is located in the eye of terror.


Cultist: the cultist is a weak unit but acts like a scout and is capable of using a ability called worship wich is able to worship any of the following gods: Nurgle Khorne Slaanesh Tenzeech and Undivided. 


Chaos Space Marine: The chaos space marine is basicly the same as the space marine but then from chaos.


Chaos Terminator: the chaos terminator is a very strong chaos space marine unit that has way stronger armour then the chaos space marine itself and is equipped with a powerfist. 


Chaos Obilator: The chaos obilator is basicly a chaos terminator but then cursed by the warp and are able to create weapons from their body and they have stronger armour then the chaos terminators




You are allowed to go offtopic but if you do you must post something in your post that let people see you are going offtopic.


You are allowed to use your own oc's as a unit but they may not be to overpowered.


The max unit size of your army is 20 and evry unit has a popcap


Creating your own army:


You are allowed to create your own army in this roleplay but you must choose from a team of team 1


becus team 2 is controlled by the story host and their army will grow once their first armies are killed.

(team 2 has no max army size but i wont make them to overpowered)


Unit Popcap size and choosable weapons for the unit


Earth Pony Soldier:


Popcap: 1

weapons: Spear





Pegasus Soldier:

Popcap: 2

Weapons: axe

2 handed axe





Unicorn Soldier:

Popcap: 3

Weapons: Magical Knife

Magical Powers





Popcap: 1

Weapons: bolter

sniper rifle


combat knife


Space Marine:

Popcap: 2

Weapons: bolter


plasma gun

heavy bolter

Missle Launcher


Assault Marine:

Popcap: 3

Weapons: chainsword

bolt pistol

plasma pistol

power axe



Popcap: 12



Assault cannon

twinked lasscannon


How to get started:


In your post you must make a army of the team you choose and the max popcap limit is 20


team 2 is controlled by me but i wont go to overpowered i will keep it balanced for the story


and you guys decide how it all happens with your team


When this topic reaches 5 post that contain your army then the story will start! but you are still allowed to make armys when you dint made them yet in this topic.


Edited by KRAKELINGCATcarnage
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