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  1. Thanks for adding me as a friend! I really appreciate it! :D

  2. Thanks for adding me as a Friend! *hugs*

    1. -Inactive-


      *special hugs ^^*

  3. Just as I found a reason to cone back here (for all the things you do to make this place great) you're gone... Which I guess you have your reasons, And they all add up. You shall be missed.
  4. I love these ^^ great artwork, some of the best artwork I've seen recently
  5. Ah, so today is your Birthday! :D Well, Happy Super Luper Kuper Birthday to you buddy! ^_^ I hope it is all awesome for you. :D With a delicious cake. :3

  6. Who needs a special somepony when you can just cuddle Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow, AJ, Flutters and Twilight? <3
  7. I think over a barrel (one of my favorite season 1 episodes and most watched) was the episode when I thought "yeah, looks like I'm in for the long run". From the first episode though (once I skipped the intro) as the episode ended I just rushed to the next before thinking "I love this show" and just watched more and more, all started because I was bored one night after going through all my youtube subscriptions (and because I was playing pony mods of games loads before hand and seeing the show has some really cool lore).
  8. headshop she'd could be a traveling sales person or something, selling remedies to people, stuff like that. or a chemistry teacher as other said, something either sciency or mystical.
  9. Eh... I wouldn't enjoy it that much, I ain't too into action, I sum up the second half of season 4's finalie as Twilight fights tirek for about 10 minutes, then fix it with laser rainbow. and, yes it was memorable, but the part that made that episode good to me was about Discord being good, the action was more just background noise in my opinion, so to do that with a whole movie? yes, have some action, but highly action oriented movie? no, and if it took away from our special girls (like change their personalities to be... more fitting for action) then I'd probably go as far as to class it as non-canon in my mind. I want mah girls, not more explosions. As for ruin the series, no, it couldn't, even in my mind it wouldn't make me not want to watch it because I'd forget that it was even mlp.
  10. Welcome to the forums! ^^ Gotta love Rarity, she's so darn cute Enjoy your stay oh yeah, I hug ponies a lot *hugs*
  11. As much as I disliked their videos I still believe in the right to be able to make fan videos and support that. Time to get a terabyte hard drive and store all my favorite pony videos on that in case any get taken down.
  12. Welcome to this fine and dandy lil' forum (well not that lil'), you uh... sure do love your trombones, I've never actually played a single wind instrument in my life (even if you include just picked one up and messing around) but I digress, welcome *hugs* enjoy your stay
  13. Spoilers for -The Siege Of The Crystal Empire -Fiendship is Magic #1 -Reflections okay, so let me start, the comics seem to follow each other (fiendship is magic issue one is my reason to believe this), and if this is true then after Reflections, the ponies found the other reality in which King sombra was good, and this was the pony Celestia fell in love with (yeah, take that you shippers), but in TSOTCE Sombra is brought to the light by his love Radiant Hope, so in the other reality, wouldn't King Sombra be brought to the darkness by her (in a reality in which the mane 6 don't cause the balance, as Sombra is now good in the Reflections world and the events of our world have passed with Radiant, and we all know this is possible to access if the infinite reality theory is present)? if you think about it each action would need to make sense, so Radiant was bad from the start... then became... bad? see, the characters seem to switch from good to bad in that world (as we can see from Princess Luna of the Reflections world having been good for a bit but bad again) and Radiant hope didn't go through a change, if anything she became bad for a bit... so Radiant would have become good? if a timeline was to be made where would she fit into all this? Radiant hope is a key character for Sombra's point of view... would she be the queen of Equestria of the reflections world? but then she would be bad, correct? there are many other things which would be a major change since The Siege Of The Crystal Empire flipping the villian from bad to good. But then again the other world's difference could be something far from the good being bad, as there are other factors which could change this (see the bad mane 6). Another great point is that in the other world the King would have actually been taken to the darkness by Radiant Hope instead of the light maybe, there are almost an infinite amount of comics that could be produced from the simple change. Anypony got any errors with my idea or any bits to add?
  14. Mount them on my wall, and keep them in mint condition (as long as I was sure that there was no way to Equestria with them, if I could some how build a portal to Equestria... then I'd use them for that ASAP) plus I only have 3 friends close enough to use the elements of harmony with me around here... so they couldn't even be used for their main rainbow attack
  15. Baby cakes (yes, I'm gonna bash on the episode everypony has already bashed on many times) doesn't show what the show really showed, if you understand what I just said, I think episodes that weren't as character based and more... cheap comedy were the bad ones, because we all love our colourful gals ^^ and if they ain't "the gals with love" then it feels weird. I think if they were to become a person who watches mlp then some comedic bits go well, but in my view a brony is seperate from a person who watches it by the emotional connection to the characters, but that's just me, and I am the iron silly pony! but my episodes to show to non-bronies are always from season one, you gotta see the characters from the start to the finish and look and how they've grown and it makes it feel so much more special Edit: seeing Slive of life mentioned actually does make sense, the references they made were very brony based
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