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Social Media and Depression

Insert obligatory suicide joke here.           Okay, so...hello everyone. You're probably wondering why I of all people would be writing some melodramatic entry regarding depression. Because, essentially, I've exampled that my philosophy regarding "cyberbullying" or whatever is to have fun with it. When someone tells me "kill urself faggut", my go-to response (conceived by my current bandmate many eons ago) is "one would desperately want to kill themselves after one glance at you." I try n



Revoking Opinion on "Simple Ways"

On August 28th, 2014, I wrote the first review for my on-going comedy/analysis blog series for MLP, PrymeStriker's Episode Reviews. This was, as of yesterday, two years ago, and I started it all with what I had perceived at the time to be the worst episode of the whole series, "Simple Ways". That was a long time ago, and both my dispositions and points of criticism have changed. That review was poorly written altogether, from the corny jokes to the repetitiveness of the rants, and I'd like to th



So I Finally Watched 'The Legend of Korra'

Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the greatest TV shows of all-time, and to this day stands as my absolute favorite series. It has outstanding characters, the most amazing story, and it's achieved a perfect balance of action, adventure, drama, and comedy. Mix this all in with a teaspoon of cactus juice, and you've got the makings for a damn-near perfect show. I was first introduced to this show, ironically, thanks to the piece of shit fuck-up that is M. Night Shyamalan's theatrical addition t



Top 20 Beatles Songs (Part 2 of 2: #10-1)

It's time to conclude my Top 20 Beatles Songs list with the final part: the Top 10. If you would like to read about the previous 10 slots, the first part can be found by clicking on the word "douchebag." Otherwise, in the first part, I've established "Within You Without You", the Abbey Road Medley, "Come Together", "Lovely Rita", "Because", "She Said She Said", "I Want You (She's So Heavy)", "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", "Love You To", and "Helter Skelter" as slots 20 through 11 respectively,



Top 20 Beatles Songs (Part 1 of 2: #20-11)

Two blogs?   I'm batshit insane.   Anyways, since I don't have anywhere else to do this shit, welcome one and all to PrymeStriker's Editorials. This will be a less sarcastic, less crude, less frequently active blog where I just sort of write things that I feel like. There's no schedule, no objective, and no sodomy. Just good 'ol freedom. Since I've seen people do random shit on a blog around here, I thought, "hey! I can do that too!" And thus, PrymeStriker's Editorials were born. Now, you ma



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