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My thoughts, facts, and analyses.

Entries in this blog

Grammar Rant 01

It bothers me when people are imprecise with their writing. Consider the use of the conjunctions OR and AND. You will see sentences of the form: A or B and C or D. Without parentheses this is ambiguous. Let’s examine the various possible interpretations. Let the circle with a cross represent a logic bit that can be true or false. I like to think of it as a normally-open contact, as in a motor control logic. The lines are a flow path. Think of them like a wire in a circuit. Reading from left

Brony Number 42

Brony Number 42 in fiction

A Hearths Warming Evening

The smell of freshly baked bread gently tickled Sandbar’s nose as he opened the door to Sugarcube Corner. The warmth of the store felt good compared to the chill winter air outside. He wiped the snow off his hooves on the wet welcome mat. The jingle of the bell let the staff know there was a customer. A bushy-haired pink pony popped up from behind the counter. “Oh boy, a customer. Oh, hi Sandbar. What brings you here today? Looking for some delicious holiday cookies? Here, try one.” Pinkie

Brony Number 42

Brony Number 42 in fiction

The Whispering Woods - 2022 Nightmare Night writing contest.

Here is my entry. I hope everypony likes it. ---------------------------------------------------------------                Sixty four years ago my grandfather, Golden Nugget, was a gold prospector in the Whispering Woods mountains. The mines and town no longer exist, officially being abandoned only twelve years after it was settled. The official story is that the gold and silver ran out, but many believe the mountains were cursed or haunted. There are many stories of strange activitie

Brony Number 42

Brony Number 42 in fiction

Daring Do And The Mask Of Gymkhana

My entry for the writing contest. It is not a complete story, but I am too busy to finish it. So it is a short story which can turn into something longer. I hope you like it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daring Do pulled the aged lever and gasped. The layers of dust and dirt coating the slab fell in a cascade of fog as it began to move, withdrawing into the wall like a door. Through the dark hallway beyond, a single light show

Brony Number 42

Brony Number 42 in fiction

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