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Entries in this blog

Closing The Blog

I can't really call this my blog anymore, being employed and such. So This blog is Fin, for now. Bye Guise. I would start another blog but, sadly I have no will to write a blog anymore. I'm still on the forums so see ya around.

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuesday, I think.... Nope. Wednsday

How sad. I actually look at my computers calendar to find out the day. I am really tired today. For about the last week, I have been nonstop with errands. It feels like I haven't really been online in a month. Time is flying. I wish I could slow it down. Man, this whole unemployed thing is kicking my tail. I traded in a few games for TTT2. I have been waiting for this day since I bought Tekken 2. (I know I'm old school.) Idk. I am seriously wondering what I am going to do if I cant find work.

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

Thursday Mo(u)rning, with a night of uninvited subconcious thought

Reader, I normally post to you as a young, respectable person with understandable problems. Therefore I feel that I must warn you. This post will contain whining, a little self pity, and other factors that will diminish the appearance of my maturity. Here we go   Reader. I had troublesome sleep last night/this morning. hence the post before seven am. It's no secret that I have relationship issues, due to my low standards, and my overly-trusting personality. So, naturally, I normally drea

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuesday, of much confusion and inner turmoil

So, he interwebs is being slow tonight, and I don’t know why. Makes me wanna smoke. I bucking hate technology. It never works. Crummy I guess, never imagined that my day would run so slow. No entry on the other blog yet, I don’t really feel all that up to it. Maybe tonight. Hey artsy types? You ever have those slumps that you aren’t able to do much in. Yeah. Those. I think I am in one. I haven’t been in one for a while, and I haven’t been able to in the last few days. Is this jumble of thoughts

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

Obligatory Weekend Post

Hello everyone, I do apologize for the lack of entries on both blogs. For the unemployed do occasionally get busy, and busy I have been. Housework doesn't do itself you know. Anyhow I will hopefully be more regular with my entries, See ya later readers!

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

Friday, and a thought on ethnic history

So As Its friday, and I haven't wrote in a few day, I feel like I owe you an entry before the weekend. to let the dedicate reader know, this hasn't been the best week, but I cant say It was a total waste either. Much got done, and I became successful in most of my quests. I don't know. anyway I broke down and started an online dating profile again(man I hate filling those out) Idk Later forums     A side note. I (b)ucking hate racism. To me skin color is no reason for violence. Although rac

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuesday, of the strangest days

With luna's alter ego dictating my sleep, I woke up way late and way tired. So I slowly put the bed away. Take my lap around the property, and do the dishes. The dishes are so tall..... why is there always more dishes when I have to do them... Anyway, I will likely be on the forums for the rest of the day, cause my boring life will be boring for awhile. Thats okay, much movies and tv to watch anyway. Yay for the other blog. I want to draw alittle too. so yeah, expect art over the next

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

Catch Up, or My Lazy Flank

So I have been ridiculously LAZY this weekend, and other than cooking (I grilled some boneless fillets after experimenting with a dry rub. it was freaking amazing), cleaning,and moving my new bed/couch thingy into the house, I haven't done anything at all these past three days. I am so ashamed. No ponies, No anime, and no real tv. Just sleep. I love my new bed. Nyan, I am so spoiled. only 350$ for the entire furniture set. 50 bucks over budget, but a recliner, and small couch more than expect

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

Day five, a Saturday

This week has been nothing short of odd. Starting with some outdoor chores, this morning followed suit. I watered some of the plants outside, and other chores. Catnapped all day. Unproductive. Uneventful. Maybe tomorrow will be better. see ya'll later

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

Friday Night Special Entry!

Woo Hoo! 100 views for both blogs!!! This calls for a confetti GIF. Thank ya'll! I admit I'm still waiting for the first comment, but thats okay. I am so excited!!! :wub: It is certainly an accomplishment that was totally unachievable without you. Idk who really looks at my blog, but I am rather thankful. I would live to give each and every one of you a hug. My last blog, after twenty days, and thirty entries, had three views. If you have any suggestions for a reward for your loyal

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

Friday, the only Monday in my week

Busy, busy. It's a long day folks. Its hard to believe its Friday. Between moving boxes and preparing to move shelves around, I haven't really been online all day, No anime entries yet either. But I found time for a trip down memory lane though. I found some pictures of my parents, and some pictures that my friend's drew for me. It seems like forever ago we studied Gandhi. heh Call me sentimental, but I actually kinda miss school. Makes me look like a hermit. Idk. I promise at least one post

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

The Thursday of Shopping and Sabotage

Morning already, I dont wanna.... fine. Late starts and a visitor shatter my morning plans. I finally complete the speedgrapher synopsis on a good note though. Finally the visitor leaves, so i can shower and prepare for the day. I plan to go to Walmart this afternoon in Truth or Consequences. (Its the closest one) and get groceries with my ever depleting living fund. maybe I will finish the synopsis for x before I go. today's is short being as I did close to nothing I will write when I

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

A Day Known as Wednsday

A new day begins as I arise from my slumber. but wait, darkness still blankets the sky. Hath Nightmare Moon crossed over into our plane? Is my dream of joining the New Lunar Republic to become reality? No, Its juts 4:30. I'm just early. Maybe i should return to my restful sleep? Not yet, for my stomach yearns for nourishment. A piece of cake, and back to bed. I am awoken again at six by my mother leaving for work. I move again from the couch to the bed,cat napping till 8. I have a feeling I forg

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

The First Entry!

Welcome to the humble life of Derpypaws/Appleshy/Marcos/Alfonso/Juan/(Insert Other Names Used Here). I will put down my feelings, actions and other relevant matter in this fancy Blog (not that most of you care, however, I am doing it anyway). I will do my best to post something in this place everyday, no promises. I will however, at least force myself to write at least once a week. That being said, we commence.   A normal day has started, the birds were chirping, and all was normal, in t

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

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