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A blog by Flutter to the Shy. Best blog you will ever read.

Entries in this blog


Hows everyone else feeling? I don't feel so good, I feel sick. But, anything interesting happen to you guys happen lately?

the musty book

the musty book

I'm leaving the website... Most likely.

Hey readers, Sir Flutter Dash here. So, this MAY be my last blog entry. See, I don't have much time for this website anymore, so I've decided to leave. Unless, of course, you guys REALLY don't want me to go. I'm sorry guys. I'm gonna miss you guys a lot, I really liked this website. Sorry guys, don't have much more to say. Love you guys, goodbye.

the musty book

the musty book


Hello loyal readers, welcome back to Elyon's life. Yes, Elyon is my real name. Elyon is also the name of a character from a show called W.I.T.C.H... Oh well. So, today, I was playing BLOPS with my cousin, when he had to go. So I started playing with my other friend, and we played zombies. We played at Kino Der Toten, and I was upstairs taking on all the zombies while my sister and friend guarded two windows downstairs. A whole mob of zombies, but I managed to turn them into crawlers (if you play

the musty book

the musty book

What I like about the Mane 6

Hello readers! Today, instead of giving you news on my life, I'm going to give you what I like about each of the Mane 6. Here we go!   Twilight Sparkle: She's an alicorn, and I admire her knowledge. She's also kickass for beating Ursa Minor.   Rainbow Dash: She's epic, awesome, cool, funny, courageous, brave, and blarf all mixed together.   Fluttershy: She's sooooo awesome with 'The Stare'! Plus, she's really pretty and can be brave when she wants to be. She's also really kind and nice, an

the musty book

the musty book


Early entry. Yeahhhhh... Whatever. Anyway my loyal readers, this summer hasn't been... the best. You see, this Saturday, I was going to hang out with my childhood friends. But now, we can't. You know why? One of my friends' friends just passed. You know what from? Cancer. D- damn cancer! Why? This person was my friend to, and I can't even put in words how much I wished cancer didn't exist. If you read my second entry, you would see I alos lost someone else to cancer. Damn, just... DAMN IT CANCER

the musty book

the musty book


Hello ladymares and gentlecolts. Sir Flutter Dash (Flutter to the Shy) with my day, broadcast to pony lovers everywhere. First, watch the three episodes of The Nature Channel, Black Ops 2. I almost died of laughter. Anyway, I went to my friend Jenna's house, and we played Black Ops 2 all day on XBOX (she doesn't have a PS3, what r u gonna do. ). We are like best friends, and she gave me the most epic My Little Pony charm bracelet. It has all the ponies on it, and the logo. I'm going to wear it f

the musty book

the musty book

Got tickets for JT in Ferbuary! EEEEE!

Hello readers! As you may have been able to tell, I'm excited. I bought JT tickets for me in my friends for his concert in February with my allowance. I'm so excited! I LLOOOOVVVEEE Justin Timberlake. NSync broke up a little while after I was born, when I was 4 or 5. My friends and I were freaking out this morning, fangirling for about 20 minutes. Then, my mom said that she would come with us so we could take my Ferrari and my friend's Jeep. So, look out Justin, I may just jump onstage. JK, I re

the musty book

the musty book

Oh Buck...

Hello readers. How are you today? Well, that's great. My day was AWESOME! My dad brought me to Ferrari to get my car. As a sixteen year old, I have my permit, trying for my license. Now I have an orange Ferrari to back me up. On our way home, we stopped at Steak 'n Shake. Yum! I'm at home now, my sister's are playing Mario Kart on our old Wii, and my mom and dad are both making sure my car is okay. Watching a Filipino television show called, "Be Careful With My Heart." Good show, just saying. We

the musty book

the musty book

My boyfriend broke up with me 2day... but I'm ok!

Yo readers, what's the haps? Flutter to the Shy here, and I'm here to tell you about my IRL relationship. I have a boyfriend named Logan, and he's a dick. I mean, my mom kinda picked out my boyfriend. We are not rich, I prefer, extremely not poor. My mom's friend is not, so she thought if our families were connected, they could share the money. My dad doesn't want her to share the money, unless the families were connected. So, classic cliche story, but its true. My mom wants us to stay together

the musty book

the musty book

Call Of Duty: Smosh Ops

Hey readers! How's everyone doin? Well, I'm feeling great, just had a chicken salad (which was awesome!) and played some CALL OF DUTY!!! All my soldiers say, "WORD!" When I play Black Ops, I like to be on the team, Black Ops. I just hate Spetsnaz for some reason, and I just really like being on Black Ops. I also hate big places. Not enough killing for me. JK. Death isn't good. o_o. Anyway, I've also been watching Anthony Padilla and Kalel Cullen's YouTube channel... SQUEE! They are so cute tofge

the musty book

the musty book


Okay readers. Hello to you, how are you, blah. What I wanna talk about, is my sister. She is soooooooooooo annoying. She posted one status update on my account, and she makes my life a living hell, but today, she crossed the line. Last night, I stayed up watching all the seasons of Psych. I fell asleep on the velvet red couch in my room, in front of my HD TV. So, my sister snuck into my room during the night. She put whipped cream in my hand, and took a feather in hers. You can guess how this en

the musty book

the musty book

Sorry *sniffle* guys... Needed somewhere to cry...

Unfortunately, on June 23, a close family friend of mine lost his fight against cancer. he was a beautiful singer and dancer, and my sister's godfather. He would tend to our every need when we were at his house, at would always give me what I wanted. He had a one year old grandson, who now, may never remember him. Sure, I try to be strong, but I'll admit, at the funeral I cried harder than a newborn baby. They sang the song he used to sing all the time, he sang it to me to get me to sleep, when

the musty book

the musty book

Flutter to the Shy: The DEFINITION. Of epic.

Hello readers! Welcome to the insanity known as, *gasp* "My Life.". Yes, I have a life. Surprisingly, It isn't that bad. So, I'm a die hard gamer (PS3. *sticks out tongue at Microsoft*) and some of my favorite games are: Infamous, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F, Playstation Allstars: Battle Royale, Injustice: Gods Among Us, and Dust 514. PM me for my username, only a certain number of people get it, don't want too many friends XD. So, I'm Filipino, but I like American food

the musty book

the musty book

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