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For posting stuff about my OC. beware of poor use of full stops and paragraphs. xD

Entries in this blog

My OC moves (kill it with fire!)

I made a thing! and it moves! i'm so proud of it XD   made with a template made by pauliewx.deviantart.com   http://battybovine.deviantart.com/art/Dumb-Running-Lyra-356495958   i'm THAT proud of it XD



Malinter & Monster Hunter Ultimate 4 (Demo version)

I've never done a game review before but Monster Hunter is a game worthy of going out on a limb for and this is really my opinion of the demo and how it holds up to the previous titles of the series.   What is Monster Hunter? Big evil monsters which you appropriately beat the living hell out of with equally big and evil weapons. Show them no pity because they will give none to you, especially as you progress to the third tier of difficultly. One shot, instant death territory XD.   First off,



Malinter in Legends of Equestria!

Just been on Legends of Equestria. I've been interested in this game for quite a while so it has been a great experience to play it for myself.   Visited all the places i wanted to see tho my comp is old and doesn't feel like playing the game long.   Anyone who has played this before should really check out the Everfree, it has been completely overhauled and looks fantastic!  



Malinter: Changes and Chances

Malinter Changes and Chances       The normal serenity of sweet apple acres was being disturbed by a terrible racket coming from the barn. It was this loud racket that had woken Granny Smith from her nap and forced her old bones to come out and investigate. She called out for Big Macintosh but he wasn’t in the house, and if he were in the barn he probably couldn’t hear her shouting.   Noisy little whippersnapper, Big Macintosh should know that she naps at this time. No doubt t



Malinter: Fancy Mathematics

Malinter Fancy Mathematics     The day I stepped out of that hospital I was a whole new pony with the scars and the cutie mark to prove it. I had decided on becoming one of the Royal Guard. That meant I had to really push myself. I needed to smart. I needed to be strong. That meant exercising every day, studying every day.   And for the rest of the Semester that is exactly what I did. It made my teachers very happy but it also got me a lot mean looks from the under-achievers whe



Malinter: Just a Hypothesis

Malinter Just a Hypothesis     I had been in the hospital a few weeks now even though I felt fine after the first few days. They told me they were just taking precautions. More surgery was performed during the last week of my stay to take out a few more pieces of the timber shards from my body. They had brought in some fancy doctor all the way from Canterlot to oversee the final operation. Seemed a bit much for a little earth pony like me. Once I was awake the nurses brought him



Malinter: Trees, Wolves and Cutie Marks

Malinter Trees, Wolves and Cutie Marks     Imagine a small colt who is a little bigger than most of his classmates, with a nice brown coat that looks like the mahogany equivalent of fur, with a messy green mane and tail. Blue eyes, white hooves, a slight nibble on the left ear from a fight with another pony. Nice teeth if I’d smiled enough to show them. That was me, back then.   My name is Malinter.   My mother died giving birth to me and my father could never be located, I lea



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