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Adventures in blogging with an obsessive Rarity fanboy.

Entries in this blog

The Impact of Music.

You know, I've been feeling pretty nostalgic of someone in my life; one gone but never forgotten.   I'm speaking of my father; he's done more for me in my whole life, even today.   Here's me and my dad, New Year's Day, 2007; we had just gotten back from a Boy Scout Camping trip together and stopped to pick up some fireworks on the way back home.     He passed on in a car accident around 2 months later.   Now, I don't grieve for him anymore; I remember him warmly.   He raised me al



Rarity doesn't Abuse Spike.

Source: S04:E08 - Rarity Takes Manehattan   This is a point I see trying to be made very often that I don't quite understand; I felt a need to put this out there for anyone who feels that way to see, because, quite frankly, it is HIGHLY misinformed. I posted this, and I'm bringing awareness to how she isn't abusive of Spike.  



What I did during the Outage

What? Everyone else is doing it!!   - Watched Rarity Takes Manehattan 4 times yesterday I have it on my computer now, for safe keeping   - I broke my personal record for the amount of times I clo...I'm going the stop right there   - Other than that, whined and cried endlessly about the sight being down   Yep. That's it



Response: Hey guys

http://mlpforums.com/blog/1025/entry-9067-hey-guys/   Unfortunately, the points made in this blog are entirely false.   I just wanted to correct these mistakes, to make sure any and all confusion is avoided:   I am glad there is understanding here, and may everyone have a fabulous day.



A short Hiatus.

I've thought about this for a while now, and I decided to take a short break from using these forums, and I thought I'd bring attention to this fact, so it won't feel as if I'm abandoning anyone.     By no means am I saying "I'm leaving the site and I'm never coming back."   I just need a short break; a week, tops.   I just got pushed over the edge tonight, when I couldn't even go to a contest meant solely for fun and just get hatred of my best pony spewed on me.   That pushed me over



I was about to put this as a status update, so be thankful :D

I can't believe that Hypno Pony shit worked...I got lucid and broke my concentration and I'm ghost again, but being unable to feel your toes and fingers and not caring and realizing how cheap the gem in your class ring actually is was kinda freaky o_O I'm going to bed...I dunno. I feel like I like Rarity even more now, if that were possible It was a REALLY freaky experience, but I want to do it again tomorrow night!! It felt really relaxing...it was awesome, but weird o_O   Yeahh, that was t



My Journey on MLPForums (at least, the first 2 months of it)

I've been incessantly rambling about how proud I am of, well, myself, for accomplishing what I have since joining this site on October 24th, 2013, for the past week.   I cannot believe that I forgot about today being my 2 month anniversary of joining this site!     Well, regardless, here's been my journey and experience on these forums so far, since joining 2 months ago today.   So gather 'round, chillun. Story-time.   I remember the first day I joined



Songs that leave an Impression!

Brace Yourselves.   I'm posting a positive, non-"This isn't right, and this is why" blog entry.   GASP.   Anyway, when I'm not fanboying over Rarity, making Bono-esque efforts to change things through blogs, or playing the role of Phoenix Wright against Rarity hate, or whatever else I'm known for around here (Which, whatever it is, it's probably true ) I do 2 things:   1. I write.     2. I play guitar.       So, even though I've tried on numerous occasions, I cannot turn my



Something everyone needs to know about me...

I always use all lowercase letters in my username.   No one forget that.     Alright, now, before I go to bed, I'm going to do something I've been meaning to do that requires very little energy.   You know, once the holidays are done, I'm going to need to change 2 things:   1. My avatar, obviously   2. The (second) greeting banner on my profile. (The one I have right now is Rarity in the snow with socks and a scarf on.)   I dunno what to choose, though...so I'd like some second



ghosty's List.

I'm just going to blog this list out, the list I use when I defend Rarity in the Show Discussion sub-forum, so I can just link this over there and not take 6000 characters of space up by posting this behemoth   Also, if this gets bumped to the top, I was fixing it up since the site crashed and took this down with it. Sorry if it does.   Rarity is Generous:   S01E01: Friendship is Magic   Gives Twilight a free makeover after Rainbow Dash messed up her mane.   S01E02: Friendship Is Mag



Why complaining about "over-analyzing" is wrong.

Well, hey dudes!   On to war we go!!     Nahh, just kidding.   I'm just going to address something I feel has been a bit of a problem between users on this site as of late, and give my take on it, because seeing all this complaining and fighting is beginning to wear me out, as well as others, I'm sure.   I keep seeing people complain about how people will over-analyze the show, often saying things like "they don't enjoy it" and "it's just a kids show," while citing that they need to



Scary things happen when ghost can't sleep.

What's up? This is a new part of my blog I'm doing, called "An Insomniac's Musings," as sleep deprivation has been a problem for me for some time now, and it leads me to have random thoughts I often try and preserve in my personal journal. These are the ones I feel will make the best entries. I'm going to do this whenever I feel I have a few good ones to share, as pointless as some may be I'm copying these word for word out of my journal, and then just throwing pics and purple over it, so yeah



The death of ghostfacekiller39.

This video killed me.     I've been following Cr1TiKaL on YouTube for over a year now, but this is his best video yet, and believe me, I've watched them all I mean, I watched this when it was uploaded last night, and I hurt my chest laughing.       Dat voice though



Alright, no.

No.   I'm tired of this.   Pretty.   Damn. Tired.   Call me what you will for pointing this out, but there's gotta be a bazillion topics on here of people trying to destroy and demonize Rarity's character.   I'm just going to lend you all some advice:   1. Know that it's alright for you to have a negative opinion towards a pony. Any pony.   2. Before you go starting a topic/posting on a topic, ranting about said pony, make sure you know what you're talking about it. I've seen it s



For the first time, I related to Rainbow Dash.

I'm going to type in purple in my blogs from this point forward.   Deal with it.     *A-HEM*   So...today's episode...     I think it's safe to say it's earned one of these from me   I really liked Rainbow Dash in this episode. I really did. You know why? Because I, personally, have let my own personal preference for Rarity get in the way of me looking much into her character, and only her character; based solely on the principle of how she gets worshiped for her flaws, while



Another Questionnaire, Part III

Have you ever: 1. Skipped class? - Yeahh; it was only Athletics, though. Nothing academic. 2. Done drugs? - ...yes. Just pot, though...muy bueno, but it's so hard to get it in my town. Plus job. I haven't smoked it since Sophomore year. (Well, the other night I found a dried up dimesack I had hidden under a floorboard....blehh.) 3. Self harmed? - ... 4. Drank? - goddammit, stahp. 5. Shoplifted? - This is making me feel like a juvenile delinquent. 6. Gotten a tattoo? - I will get a few lat



Faith in the show = Restored

I HATED season 3.   I'll say it. I can hardly watch most of the episodes.   But, any of you who know me should be pretty accustomed to the favoritism I have for Rarity, so I hope it's visible why.   Anywhom, Season 3 treated my best pony like dirt. It did. At least, I feel it did.   However, even without this bias, I feel it was the worst season yet; it had its high points (One Bad Apple, Magic Duel, and The Crystal Empire are 3 of my favorite episodes) but it had lower low points than



Another Questionnaire, the Sequel.

1. Do you have any regrets? - Yeahh, sure I do. Just can't think of any at the moment. 2. Do you have a deep, dark secret? - Yeahh...I don't tell people because I'm embarrassed of it, I just don't want them to think I'm going for sympathy... 3. Have you ever hurt someone? - Yeahh. 4. Have you ever self-harmed? - ...yes. 5. How would you like to be remembered? - I dunno. Don't care. When I'm gone, fuck 'em. 6. Who are the three most important people in your life? - NJ, Mickey, and myself.



Another Questionnaire.

I saw my good friend Afterwards do this, and I've got time to kill. 1. Any scars? - Two perm. ones. On my chest, and up and down my right forearm where I accidentally cut myself on a sharp pencil that was sticking out of my backpack. Both of those are here to stay. Still there 4 years each. 2. Relationship status? - Single 3. Crush? - Eh. Don't like the word "Crush" to describe someone. 4. Kissed anyone? - Yeahh. 3 people. 5. Coke or Pepsi? - Pepsi. I drink it like water. 6. Someone



A fear of which I cannot control.

This is gonna get locked, I just know it.   But, honestly...   ...I'm scared of the mods and admins here.   I just read a blog about someone who got banned wanting to make an apology.   ...but it got locked, because "It was made public" or something. Couldn't stomach reading the whole reason.   I have a great friend on here who never wants to come back onto these forums...   ...because of the extreme bias the staff holds.   A staff member even told her that the staff thought lowly



It's been awhile.

11/25/2007.   6 years ago today.   It's hard to believe it's been 6 years since that date, or even the year 2007, as the scars left by the twists and turns of that year have been etched by flame into my memory.   11/25/2007 is a much happier day, though; it was the high point of an otherwise traumatic year.   Today, I'm celebrating my family: NJ and Mickey.   They saved my life in a sense, 6 years ago today.   Before you can understand the true meaning of today, at least in my life,



The Sound of Your Heartbeat in the Dark

I'm typing this sentence at 3:53 a.m. on the morning of November 23rd, 2013.   I've been up all night. I haven't slept since...I'd like to think my 4th period Journalism class, as that's just another blow-off elective where you just sit in class and do as you please.   I've worked since then, and today was an especially hard day at work, the only good thing about it was it being my payday, and about how I found out I got raised from the bare minimum to $9.25 an hour. Not too shabby, for a pa



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