do any of you play videos on xbox 360 live or steam because i'm bored and need some friends to play on xbox and steam if you want to add me my xbox live name is DemonMaster 500 and my steam name is DarkJon235 but i only play on dota 2 or left for dead 2 on there but xbox i play a lot more so your call. ps i'm a fun and nice person to play video games with too okay peace.
you know what means the most to me my family and friends mean the most to me they mean more than everything else in the world more then money more than all of that crap so ya that is it by.
Hi you all ready know my name but this is a story about the real me. My name is jon I was born in a town of thunder bay ont on a monday of nov 13 1989 my life was fun i had some friends but not much when I was i kid people were mean to me in school when i was little but i did not let it get to me then when i was 12 years old me and my family moved away from thunder bay ont to the city of Winnipeg MB no one was mean to me a mayed lots of good friends same as in high school as well and were all s
hello round one this is a story of person named Jon AKA ME he was always on his lab top trying to find things to do when he was bord he tried music and that worked but something told him that it was not helping his bordum very much so he went on his xbox to play some games with his friends it was fun but still was not helping so back on the lab top then he went to youtube to watch some movies when he saw something that changed his life it was called MLP first he was like no i'm not watching tha
hello peeps I hade a great day today I got the new cod game for my xbox it is fun if any of you want to play it with me i'm DemonMaster 500 on xbox live so besides that this was a good day talk later my peeps bro hoof
Well only good thing that is happing to me is my 24 b day this coming wesday on the 13 of nov of 2013 besides that I do not got anything cool too blogg about by. ps sorry if some of my spelling is bad I forget sometimes okay were is that book to help me with that.
some people say whatever I say what is up as some of you might know i'm the new blood in town right now i'm watching some tv and on my lab top updating my Facebook page. on there the notes that I get drive me crazy sometimes I mean Dragon do this Dragon do that I mean come on i'm just one guy i'm not a office person like really now i know how spike feels when he has to right all those notes man like good lord lol i'm just kidding i'm chill right now but I do get streast out sometimes in real l
yes chilling with the bronys is awesome there fun people I have been a brony for almost three weeks I could not beleve it when I found out that i like MLP now I really like the show I have lot's of ponys that I like in the show I can't name them all so i'll give you one of them it is rainbow dash how I became a brony well it was that fan story called my little dashey what a sad and awesome story I did read all 4 parts of it man sofar the brony peeps have been awesome to me thank you to my brony