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An analysis and review blog with a philosophical spin

Entries in this blog

My Full Thoughts on New Pony [spoilers]

Just want to offer my full thoughts on Princess Flurry Heart, who is surprisingly not being discussed as much as I would have originally thought.   First off, the books are considered canon by many now more than ever, because all of the writers of the books have now written for the show, and the books are officially licensed. Stories made by people who work for the show count as canon.   That said, here goes the main arguments.   1) The show makes it very clear that Alicorns are supposed t



On Destiny in MLP

~Introduction~ So, the notion of destiny is one that I have always found interesting, due to the fact that my motto “Everything happens for a reason” pretty much reflects this idea- the idea that all things a part of a predetermined causal chain which is leading to something greater than any one of us. I first realised that this tied to MLP after watching Digibrony’s discussion of free will. Digibrony’s videos sparked some ideas in my head. And I also decided to watch Bionicle on a whim one



Power Ponies Review & Analysis

Ahhh, Power Ponies. The hype was strong for this one. Was it worth it? Personally, I don't think so. In fact, in my opinion, this episode was, well, not good. But it seems like everypony else liked it. Why not me? Well, there's a few reasons. For starters, we will discuss the humour, because that was pretty much the purpose of this episode. It was a fun romp, just like Castle Mane-ia. Or at least it was supposed to be.   This episode was not very funny in my opinion. The laughs I emitted were



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