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Where I post my random crap. Less thought provoking things will go here. Average IQ = about 85

Entries in this blog

Srsly best skyrim modz

Liek srsly you guise. Throthgar knows wut modz r best     I fuggin love this guy. It's an old video but if you haven't seen it yet, it's gold.



If spiders could talk.

If you haven't got to know me and my ungodly fear of spiders, then now's your chance to know...I FREAKING HATE SPIDERS!!!   They can all go die in a fire.   But, you know, I get the feeling that if spiders could talk, I'd be a whole lot less afraid of them. Like, we could talk it out and maybe make a compromise. At least he could let me know when he's about to drop form a web right next to my face...   I imagine it would go something like this:   It's 7 o' clock in the morning, and I'm f



It's always pleasant in Florida. WTF you guys?!

Really you guise. Every time I check the weather, it's never over 9,000 degrees or balls to the wall cold in Florida. Like, do they wear bikinis in winter too? They probably are. Just to mock the rest of us.   In my Oklahoma town, the current temperature is 13°F. The warmest it's been is 14°F. That's a lovely day [if you live at the South Pole] :okiedokielokie:



I found the world's first clopper!

This guy....     It's now my firm belief that this guy was the world's first clopper. And he was doing it 14 years before there were ever G4 ponies.   Why do I think this?   Exhibit A:     And Exhibit B:     He really likes Rapidash. And Twilight = Rapidash. And based on what this guy says about his Rapidash....   Now please gather the scattered remnants of your mind



The Oklahoman man's blizzard (This is for you, Daring)

Holy shit! People, this is some bad stuff! The roads are icy and driving conditions are extremely dangerous! My advice is to stay in your home and don't go out!     We've got bad snow all over the roads and conditions are treacherous! If you find yourself stranded, my word of advice is to dig a hole in the snow and get in it! If you want to get fancy, build an igloo!     Don't get ballsy and drive in this.   This is a typical "blizzard" in Oklahoma



Professor Twilight Sparkle will just have to use...MATH... (like my video)

Don't know if someone's already done this before me but I had an idea and decided to execute regardless   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdbUeVuJM9Q&feature=youtu.be   And yes, I did just make this. So if you would please be so kind as to go to the YouTube page and drop me a like, it'd be appreciated. That way I know people actually enjoy the crappy videos I post on the internet



Marshmallowey Proof

Last time I checked, ponies and horses are hard as rocks. Not all soft and squishy like Rarity.   Verdict: Rarity is a marshmallow.   Which explains her phobia of microwaves.



Awkward, but awesome moment with neighbors

So I just had the most awesome awkward moment ever.   I'm sitting on my couch, funning around on MLP Forums (of course...because where else would I waste hours upon hours of my life?), when all of a sudden, I hear this noise. Imagine an injured child crying his lungs out. That's about what it sounded like to me at first.   So, puzzled and kind of worried, I opened my door and stepped outside to figure out what the hell was going on. Turns out it was a cat   But I kid you not, the instant I



Jam toothbrushes in the eyes of the world's happiest toothbrush holder :D

I'ma do a twofer today!   This is my roommate's toothbrush holder. Well, until he gave it to me. I have loved this little thing ever since I saw it because it looked like a big ol smiley face. It was at that point that I named it the world's happiest toothbrush holder!     Check out the meme I made on Cheezburger! Help my meme get featured




I'm right there with you, Pinkie Pie.     I made it for the lulz.



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