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Just my random thoughts about random subjects.

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Entries in this blog

Just Something I Need to Say.

I'll start this off by giving a blanket thank-you to the entire forums. Whenever I'm feeling depressed, you guys always manage to cheer me up.   That being said, however, I need to make one thing crystal clear: While I am truly thankful for all your support, nothing can stop me from doing what I feel I have to do: Commit suicide. I've made up my mind. I'm probably not going to do it anytime soon, probably not until at least 2014. You may be sure, however, that my life is going to be a short on



Zoop and his Ancestry

I just discovered something: Zoop is actually a strange ape-like hybrid creature:     If it wasn't abundantly clear, this is just a joke. Please don't make like Tartarus and bring the ban-hammer down upon me.



What Happened On "The Walk"

I made a video record of what occurred during my failed death hike. Here it is (Warning: Exorbitant amounts of swearing. If you're easily offended by that kind of thing, go away.):   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgtoHoEd-9U&feature=youtu.be



Thank You.

Thank you to all the people who commented on my last blog.   Thank you, RD92. Thank you, Dismajo. Thank you, Zacharias. Thank you, Vicke. Thank you, CloudFyre. Thank you, SonOfTheNorthe. Thank you, Octavia's Cellozoid. Thank you, EarthbendingProdigy. Thank you, Twiliscael.   I still feel like shit, but it helps to know that maybe some people truly do care about me. Thanks for putting up with all of my bullshit. Thanks for persisting, even when I'm acting like a hard-headed asshole wh



A Walk

I'm leaving for a walk into the forest. There's about a 50/50 chance I'm never coming back. If you never hear from me again, consider this my last memorial. And if I do come back, I may bring pictures or something. Who can say? See you later... maybe.



Bustin Jieber "Mistletoe" Abridged Parody

WARNING! If you're easily offended, go away.   This is what I do to keep myself entertained at work: Come up with weird parodies to songs.       If you didn't get it, the basic plot of the song is that Justin Bieber is a troubled homosexual, so troubled, in fact, that he had to be institutionalized. He escaped from his cell, and is now proceeding to kill all the doctors and other employees of the mental hospital.   (Please don't accuse me of being insensitive to the LGBT community. I'm



Nice to Myself

You guys keep saying that I'm too much of a douche to myself, so I decided to try and make a blog in which I say nothing but nice things about myself. This is not going to be easy...   1. I can eat a lot, but I always remain thin.   2. I suppose I have a decent family life. My dad's annoying, and my mom's a moron, but at least they leave me alone. And my brother's pretty cool, I guess.   3. I'm a decent snowboarder.   4. My hairdo looks like Severus Snape's, which is always nice.   5.



What I'm Thankful For

"But HT!!! It's not even Thanksgiving!" Shut up, melvin. I'll make a blog about stuff I'm thankful for whenever I damn well please...   Look! A blog in which HT might actually be nice to himself! Whoopee! (Spoiler: He's still a total douche to himself.) Now I've never really been one to count my blessings, but today, I figured I might as well find a couple things that I'm thankful for.   1. I'm thankful for my family, who leaves me alone most of the time. If they didn't leave me alone, I'd



HT User Manual 1.0

Herein lie instructions on how to operate and deal with HT.   1. How to tell if HT is joking:   IF HIS SENTENCE IS ALL IN CAPS, he's joking.   IF HS SINTUNCE IS AL IN CAPS ND MISPELD, he's joking.   he's joking.   If he's being unnecessarily mean, he's probably joking.   In all other instances, assume he's being serious.     2. HT does not do any kind of art. Ever.   3. HT is #1 (male) Twilight Sparkle fan.   4. HT hates himself. It's nothing to get worked up over, and you sh



Today's Swag

(LOL my last blog entry was my most popular one ever. I should make more entries delving into my shattered psyche...)   I mean swag as in items I received today, not how much street cred I got with my homie D's. I ain't no swagfag.   So first up is the 5" plush of Twilight Sparkle by Hasbro. I have one word to describe this: Eeeh. The quality's alright, and it looks decent, I suppose. For the price, it's better than any fanmade stuff I could have gotten.     Next is this lanyard. The so



Why I Hate Myself

Excerpt from "How Much of a Jerk is the Poster Above You?" forum game:       You're right. I'm a total asshole to myself. But why? Simple, really: Why would anyone like a lazy, insane nerd with an IQ of 134 who manages to squander every single one of those IQ points by pissing his life away playing video games? I have no skills, I'm terrible in school, and I have no ambition whatsoever. I'm not athletic, but I'm not particularly good at anything computer-related that I could build a career



A Typical Day at Work

Want to get inside my mind as I go through an ordinary work day? Too bad, because I'm going to tell you, whether you like it or not!     12:01 am: I'm finally go to sleep. I was going to go to bed at 10 pm, maybe even 9, but one thing led to another, and here I am, past midnight. Oh well, no matter what time I go to bed, I'm always miserable when I wake up. Might as well enjoy the precious few hours I've got left...   6:00 am: And there goes the alarm clock. Sometimes, I'm so tired, I forge




...Party like, like it's 2012... Except that the world, actually didn't end, so this song's, a bit pointless now, so go eat your own face... Whoaoooaaa, go suck on my fat... thumb...   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Okay, terrible parodies aside, this year has been... strange. (Congratulations, Mr. Understatement.) Let's see, what was the first notable thing that happened this year...   Oh



My Mental Issues

So tonight, my family went out for dinner. Nothing special, my mom just didn't feel like cooking on this particular evening. As our dinner progressed, I began to notice something: I hated my parent's guts. I have no idea why, there was no particular reason for it, for some reason, I just all of a sudden despised them. I could barely stand even talking to them. I have absolutely no idea why it happened. I have no real reasons to hate them, sure my mom's a bit of an idiot, and my dad is kind of an




Whoopee. Thanks for reading my random, stupid, and pointless wittering. As a present... I have nothing to give you. So just listen to this song instead:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9DpPOsWNdQ&list=FLx2zUdvSLthdxWftPQG-27Q&index=2     (This won't be the last time I use this song in a blog. OOO! Foreshadowing!)



Why I Don't Want a Girlfriend (or Boyfriend, You Never Know...)

It seems like all the time, be it here on the forums, on Facebook, or any number of other sites, I see people who have been completely destroyed by a break-up or some such similar circumstances. (Unintentional Alliteration FTW) My brother recently broke up with his girlfriend, whom he had significant feelings for. She didn't return them. The break-up hurt him a lot. Everywhere, I see an ever-increasing number of broken relationships, and I just don't need that.   I like being a loner. I don't



Goofing Around With My New GoPro

It does fairly decent slow-mo, so I just made a couple clips to test it out. If you're wondering about my choice of music, I was basically just trying to use the least appropriate song I could find.    



My First Pony Sketch

Ugh. I don't think it turned out all that well. It's alright, I guess, but not really very good. (That smudge on the left eye was a lot less noticeable on paper. Gosh dangit...) Technically, it's my second, not my first, but this is the first one I didn't want to burn in a fire because it sucked so bad.     I'm conflicted about this piece. Part of me despises it for being so sucky, while the other part kind of sort of enjoys it.



Leaving... For a Bit

Uh, yeah. Because of the events that have transpired over the last 24 hours or so, I feel the need to leave temporarily. I just need to... clear my head; get my thoughts in order. I'll probably be back in a couple days, maybe a week or two. See ya.



An Apology

For those of you who didn't see #1 Flutterfan's status, I basically had a complete mental breakdown tonight, and I need to apologize to a few people because of it.   First off, I'm sorry to #1 Flutterfan. I'm sorry for going completely insane over a somewhat trivial, albeit terrifying, matter. I should have exercised better control.   Also, I'm sorry to lightning strike. I know you were trying to help, and I was just being a total asshole about it. I'm truly sorry for that.   And lastly,



Photography Assignment Choice Photos

So I had to make a portfolio of twenty pictures for my final assignment. Here's my favorites:   A tree.   A play-fort.   Beware the Bed-Creeper.   My favorite photo out of the lot.     You may have noticed a theme with the pictures. All but one of them depict snow. It just snowed this morning, and I'm freakin' stoked! It was about damn time it snowed around here...



The Christmas Party

So, tonight I had a Christmas party with my youth group. We began with a nice ham dinner, and then went into a Christmas trivia game. From there, we split into two teams, chose a team representative, and dressed him up as a tree to see which team could make the nicest looking one. It was a tie. Then we did a little once-over of the Christmas story.   But as we all know, the highlight of a Christmas party is the White Elephant gift exchange. At first, I got a stupid piggy bank, but I paid some



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