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Just my random thoughts about random subjects.

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It's my new favorite pastime (Other than the internet, of course.) For those of you who don't know (Which is probably all of you), Powerbocking is the sport which utilizes jumping stilts. The name is derived from the inventor of jumping stilts, Alexander Bock. Jumping stilts are stilts that let you jump up to six feet high, run at twenty miles an hour, and take strides up to nine feet. This is the most fun I've had in a long time. The feeling of being able to jump that high is indescribable. It'



The End of an Era

When I'm alone, my mind wanders. When it wanders, I usually end up getting depressed, because my mind drifts to my memories of the late '90s, which I like a lot better than now. As I sit here, my mind aimlessly meandering throughout my memories of life, it becomes alarmingly apparent that the end of an era is upon me. Eight months. Eight months is all I have left before I graduate. Eight months before I graduate, much too short a time.   Graduation has come far too quick (Partly my fault for b



Half-Life: Full Life Consequences: A Readable Version

You may have read the Half-Life fanfiction "Half-Life: Full Life Consequences". It sucks. Sure, it's hilarious how bad it is, but the fact still remains that it's terrible. I liked the story though, so I decided to rewrite it in such a way that it's actually intelligible to human beings.       Half-Life: Full Life Consequences         John Freeman, Gordon Freeman’s oft forgotten brother, had just arrived for work at the office. As he did every day, he sat down in front of his desk



Stupid Usernames

I just have to get this off my chest: I hate lazy usernames. I can't stand them. They annoy the crap out of me. Usernames like "(videogame)fan123(or any random set of numbers)" are just the laziest, most retarded username you could ever come up with. I mean, come on! Be creative! I know that my username makes a reference to Zelda, but at least I came up with a username that was somewhat clever!   Even usernames with numbers at the end irritate me. If you have numbers on the end of your userna



Strange Occurrences

Something quite strange happened last night. I had thrown my dog outside because she barfed all over my room. About half an hour later, I went to go bring her back inside. When I called her, I did not hear the pitter-patter of little feet. Instead, I heard *whump... whump*, the long stride of a very large creature on the road. It wasn't a deer, nor a moose or an elk, because they are (obviously) quadrupeds. Their footsteps (hoofsteps?) would have sounded more like *whump-whump... whump-whump*. T




I just realized something kind of sad. My life consists of nothing more than waiting for packages. Everything I do online is basically just wasting time until my next package arrives. I'm pathetic...



Finally, a Cloudy Day!

I can finally get some good shots...   A foggy hill next to my house:   A panorama of my neighboorhood:   Only two months until I can use this mountain as God intended:   A barrel sitting behind my house:




They're just sitting there... in my freezer... and I can't eat 'em yet...  



Testing Out My New Camera

I just bought a GE X500 Ultra Zoom camera for school. I haven't had any assignments yet, so I've basically just been goofing around with it. Here's the first couple of shots I've taken:           If only it was a cloudy day, then I could get some REAL shots...




The wretched pillocks who work at the ACT HQ neglected to inform me of my ACT scores. I have no idea what they are, but I must have done pretty well, seeing as how I've received upwards of ten letters from colleges. All of them have granted me premier applicant status. I'm kind of surprised by this, seeing as how I just bullshitted my way through the entire math section (For example: My rule of thumb when it comes to quizzes is "When in doubt go with B. If B was the answer to the last question,



Purchasing a Toy

Tomorrow after work, I'm going to go to my local supermarket and buy a Fluttershy figure. Although I'm a public Brony, it's still going to be a bit awkward. I'm going to try to slink around into the toy aisle ala Solid Snake. I hope to God my friend's older brother isn't there when I buy it. He'd never let me live it down...



Concerning Me

Looking at my family, I realize how weird and different from them I am. My family members are all normal, fitting the stereotypes of what a 40+ year old man, 40+ year old woman, and a teenage guy should be. They engage in the normal activities, my parents dieting, exercising, my dad chopping wood, mowing the lawn, and other such menial tasks. My brother hangs out with friends, goes longboarding, works at a part time job, etc. They dress normally, act normally, talk normally, they are as normal a



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