Today, I'd like to talk about something slightly different. Rather than rant like normal, I'm just gonna set up my next entry. That's right, an entry just to tell you about my next entry. Oh, I'm such a loser. Anyway, tomorrow I'll be at the Canterlot Gardens convention, and on either Sunday or Monday I'll post an entry just sort of generally talking about what goes on, sort of sharing my experiences with all of you. Just kinda talking in a laid back sort of way. After that, I'll return to my re
Today, there shall be Blogception, for I shall post a blog entry, talking about other blogs. Enjoy this bending of the space-blog continuum.
Anyway, there's something that I've been seeing a lot of, just on different sites, different blogs; the blogger doesn't have anything to talk about, so they post an entry, asking other people what to talk about, and then talk about it the next day. Now, I'm sorry to anyone who does this and may be offended by my saying so, but that just seems horrible t
Today I'd like to talk about something that's making me very sad. Some of you may remember my talk about Call of Duty, in which I mentioned that the series completely lacks any innovation from title to title, instead being content to rehash the same experience with some added features and gameplay hooks. Sadly, the same seems to be becoming more and more true of the New Super Mario Bros. series. Now, I've always held the Mario franchise in high regards, as all of its core games did a good job of
Hey everypony, today I'm gonna talk about people's misconceptions about my opinion on Call of Duty. Now, I personally do not like the series at all, as there is little to no innovation from game to game, and, in the Modern Warfare series in particular, each game feels like a map pack of the previous one. The fact that it's got an expansive online community, essentially guaranteeing that you'll always have someone to play with, doesn't do anything to sway me because I don't like online multiplaye
Hey everyone, it's time for another positive rant! Today I'm going to rant about the sugar-coated ball of goodness that is Viewtiful Joe!
Alright, so, many of you probably don't know this, but one of my favorite development studios is Clover Studios. They are responsible for both the Viewtiful Joe series, and the Okami series, two of my all-time favorite game franchises. I personally prefer Viewtiful Joe, but both series are amazing, and they also have many similarities in both art style and
As I'm sure some of you have figured out by now, I am a gamer. Now, when I say this, I don't mean I spend all my time playing FPS's online, I mean a large portion of my life in general is devoted to or otherwise related to video games, and I also mean that I have little interest in physical sports of any kind. In short, I'm a complete nerd. Now, I have no problem with people who don't share my affinity for games, nor do I have any problem with people who enjoy watching and/or playing sports. Wha
Okay, first off I wanna tell you guys I've changed the name of my blog from "Nilkad Speaks" to "Nilkad Rants." This is for two reasons: 1) I suddenly had an epiphany and realized just how stuck-up and egotistical calling it "Nilkad Speaks" made me sound and 2) "Rants" is more accurate. Anyway, I now return you to your regular scheduled ranting.
Today, I decided that I should rant about something positive, because I'm feeling pretty overall positive today. So, I was wondering
One of the things that annoys me the most is when a game reviewer lets personal bias get in the way of fairly assessing a game. A prime example of this is the episode youtuber JonTron dedicated to the game Starfox Adventure. Now, I thoroughly enjoy JonTron's videos generally, and feel that he is a very entertaining and talented youtuber. But, in this video, it was obvious that he set out with the purpose of making this game look bad. He completely focused on the worst aspects of the game, such a
Hi everybody, this is my new blog, where I talk about whatever happens to be on my mind. Now, firstly, I'd like to sort of lay out what this blog will be like; I present my my topic, and my opinion on it, generally in a rant format. This is all my opinion, and I don't intend to force my opinion on any of my readers. (Assuming anyone bothers to read my blog at all.) I'd like you to exervise the same decency; I have no problem with you expressing a conflicting opinion in the comments, but do not b