Before reading this, make sure to put on your glasses, because crap is about to get real.
Rarity is a marshmallow.
Marshmallows are used in S'mores.
S'mores are made in the summer.
Summer is 6 letters.
Rarity is also 6 letters.
Let's go on.
There's 3 fillies in the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
One of them is Sweetie Belle.
Sweetie is 7 letters
Belle is 5 letters
Sweetie Belle is 2 words
There's 5 letters in Sonic.
Before watching this, make sure you have your life jacket, because we're about to fly into some serious crap.
Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow is the color of her mane.
I think it's a bit of a coincidence that Rainbow Dash's mane is rainbow and Rainbow Dash has the word "Rainbow" in her name, don't you?
You sounds like U
Wii U..
Wii U is an 8th gen console
Console fans are called "Console Peasants" by PC gamers.
What does PC mean?
Possession's Crap
I said crap earlier.
Before reading this, make sure to hide, because this will be 2spooky.
Twilight Sparkle.
Twilight Sparkle is 2 words
Twilight is 8 letters
Sparkle is 6 letters. (It's actually 7 but the E is silent!1)
6 + 2 + 8 = 16.
16 sounds like 6teen.
6teen is a mediocre TV Show on Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network has cartoons.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a cartoon.
Twilight Sparkle is the main character of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Coincidence? I don't think so.
Warning: Before reading this, make sure to have a napkin, because crap is about to get real.
MLP Forums
The first three letter in MLP Forums is MLP.
You know what has the initials of MLP?
My Little Pony.
I think it's a little suspicious that MLP is the initials to My Little Pony.
Pony starts with P
Possession also starts with P.
Possession has 3 syllables
My username, Skarloey, also has 3 syllables.
I am using MLPForums right now.
There are 3 sides to a triangle.
Triangle has an "
Rarity hates green.
You know what's green?
A dollar bill.
Let's look at the back of a dollar bill.
You know what it contains?
That's the symbol of the illuminati.
Green = Illuminati
Huh, that reminds me of something..
>Sega Saturn is released
>Not doing well
>Bernie Stoller says it's not their future and starts working on Sega Dreamcast
>Dreamcast is released 2 years later
>Lots of third-party companies are lost
>Sega goes bankrupt
>They discontinue the Dreamcast
>They become a third-party company.
Yeah, not sure that's a good idea.