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No matter how many times people tell me this show is for little kids i will keep fangirling on

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Nervous writer

As of recently a lot has happened in my life that has changed. Conikiblasu and I decided to just break it off because we hardly spoke and if we did it wasn't for very long. However, that hasn't stopped him from giving me some control over finishing our final fanfic together. Our regular writing process of writing fanfics was he would write them in Spanish and I would write them in English. With finishing this last fanfic that process has now changed because now I have to write out the chapters i



My Bittersweet Frienemy

My bittersweet frienemy is not my friend or enemy; he's neither all bitter and at times he's sweet. He's a bit of both and that's unique. Around him I can be myself; but why just him and no one else? That's just a thing I do not know but I can't help but let my feelings show. He makes me giggle, he makes me laugh, he knows what I've been through, he's been down that path. He can be a jerk at times, but he's in my lyrics, he's in my rhymes, he gave me a reason to stay alive. He's my inspiration,




Don't is just like won't but never give up hope. Hope is there you have to dare to be different so you can't be compared. Hope is the feeling when you try to be friends with an ex even though it's been forever since their last text. Hope goes down, pain comes up you think your efforts aren't enough. Hope goes up and pain goes down, heart could get silent, never making a sound. To the west and to the east hope can help you to defeat; all your demons, all your dragons, take the sword and you can




It's hard to act like everything is fine when it's not, but I do it all the time so they can't see through my facade. Sitting here, in my room crying over something that won't happen ever again or soon. I know I said it doesn't hurt but I lied, I lied when I told you everything was fine. I lied so you wouldn't feel bad about knowing I cried. I didn't want to bother you with my emotional burden, but please try to understand when I tell you I'm hurting. My heart is on fire, my feelings aflame, the



Awoken and unfolding

I know it's only been a few weeks but every time I talk to you the corny words can't be released. You're realistic and it's something I like about you. You're simplistic and I love the way you make me feel like I'm brand new. Yeah you've awoken what was frozen for so long. I've begun unfolding brightness in this world of dark. It feels so good to love again, so pure and aweseome, never changing and always blossoms. Even though it contains holes, you make my heart be full with more love than it c




It's the time of year when the earth is reborn. When the ground is a little greener than it was before. It's when plants poke their heads out from the dirt. And mother nature celebrates in their rebirth. It's when babies are born after their 9 months of slumber and the world becomes filled with happiness and wonder. Days become longer and warmer, nights are still cold but now shorter. Snow slowly melts and becomes water, parents play outside with their toddlers. Winter coats and boots are put aw



Book Of Life review

After seeing the book of life I have to say, it was a cute movie even if it was about dead people. I recommend watching it. There were several plot twists in the movie but for the most part it was pretty easy to follow. People do die in this film but it's ok because then they come back. Basic story of three friends, two boys one girl, only one of them gets the girl. There were a few feely moments in the movie but they didn't really last long. Although it takes place in Mexico, few Spanish words



Awoken and Unfolding

I know it's only been a few weeks but every time I talk to you the corny words can't be released. You're realistic and it's something I like about you. You're simplistic and I love the way you make me feel like I'm brand new. Yeah you've awoken what was frozen for so long. I've begun unfolding brightness in this world of dark. It feels so good to love again, so pure and aweseome, never changing and always blossoms. Even though it contains holes, you make my heart be full with more love than it c




I know it seems like when I blog all I do is complain which is mostly true I won't deny it. But there are sometimes when you just need to let it out. Anyways, recently I found out from an ex that he himself is dating this one girl who is just overall a bad person. I want to tell him that she's only using him and that sooner or later she'll hurt him but I'm scared he won't believe me. Now I don't still love him but I do care about him as a friend. I just recently got back on good terms with him,




I know it seems like when I blog all I do is complain which is mostly true I won't deny it. But there are sometimes when you just need to let it out. Anyways, recently I found out from an ex that he himself is dating this one girl who is just overall a bad person. I want to tell him that she's only using him and that sooner or later she'll hurt him but I'm scared he won't believe me. Now I don't still love him but I do care about him as a friend. I just recently got back on good terms with him,



What I learned In College

There were a lot of factors that made me hate the college I chose but the main one would have to be I let a bully tell me who I was. She told me a lot of racist comments but not to my face but people around my floor told me she was running her mouth saying racist things and it did not help that i was the only mexican american on the floor and that they were directed towards me. She made fun of me for being a pegasister. She's self racist so that didn't really help. She got expelled for robbery b



Secret fashionista

For a while now I have been keeping this a secret. It's not like it's embarrassing but most people wouldn't understand. I like to design clothes and outfits and sometimes jewelry in my spare time. I've sewn quite a few outfits including several weddings gowns. The only thing that's not so normal for who i design is that i design clothes for well...dolls. Yes I still play with dolls. but I'm hoping to use that skill and become a fashion designer for real. I am so ready to take on the fashion



College Dropout

Last year i thought the greatest thing ever was to go to college. The only problem is I never pushed myself hard enough to try. I was so confused, I didn't understand anything most of the time. The subjects were pretty easy but I barely understood the work. It was too much, I couldn't organize my time wisely, I stayed in my room half the time.College was just so lonely. i just hate myself so much for not trying hard enough. I was too scared to even ask questions in class because the professors a



Proud to be a Pegasister

So every time I watch My little Pony Friendship Is Magic, my parents and even my brothers will tell me that this show is for babies, it's for little kids. I don't let negative comments like that get me down. I mean, yes they don't understand but i did manage to turn my sister into a pegasister and even a few friends into bronies. I love this show, I love the characters, I love the fanbase, and I love love love the shippings. I also love all the love and support on this site.



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