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Pokemon Challenge: Unused Typings!

So, a while back I was chatting with my friend and he mentioned how, out of over 800 Pokemon, not one of them was Electric/Fighting type. Curious, I looked it up and found that there were in fact 24 type combinations that had never been used before (excluding ones only used by Legendaries and Mega Evolutions.) Then I thought, "What would Pokemon with those typings be like?" and thus this simple, self-imposed creative challenge was started, where I try my best to come up with original Pokemon usi



My Perler Bead Collection Part 2

Hello again! My latest order of Perler Beads arrived a few days ago, so I've been busy making a bunch more crafts to add to my collection. No pony stuff this time, sadly, but I hope to change that pretty soon. To start, I made the box-art legendary for Pokemon Sun, Solgaleo, and a Pokeball stand to go along with it.    Last time I showed off the four ghosts from Pacman. This time I added the title character to the mix. A pair of more Emblems from Megaman Battle Network,



My Perler Bead Collection So Far

Hello! So, about two weeks ago I started getting back into the hobby of making Perler Bead crafts, something I haven't done since I was a kid. Since then I've finished a few projects and felt like showing them off. For my first project, I decided to recreate the cutie mark for my Pony OC, Gallantry. A few of the beads didn't fuse properly and ended coming off, but for a first try I thought I did pretty well. Next up, I made yet another cutie mark, this time of one of my absolute



The Legacy of Friendship is Magic.

In this day and age, it’s becoming rarer and rarer for a form of media, especially television, to have a definitive and conclusive finale. Many will either be left to sprawl endlessly until it becomes little more than a shadow of its former self or unceremoniously canceled in the middle of the story and forced to rush the endings.  So, it is with an odd mix of sadness and relief that it’s been finally confirmed that Season 9 of Friendship Is Magic will be the final season. While I will cert



One of my dogs is very sick... and I'm worried

This is Charlie, an 11-year-old Maltese/Poodle Mix. Charlie is a troubled dog. He lived in an apartment with his original owner for the first two years of his life, so he has a bad habit of peeing around the house rather than ask to be let out, he has a bevy of medical issues like frequent ear infections we give him drops for and special food he eats to prevent crystal forming in his bladder and is a very irritable dog from time to time, with a history of biting when angered. Desp



Explaining Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

My family gets on my case all the time regarding my OCD, like I do this on purpose just to piss them off, so in my frustration I tried coming up with someway to make them understand what it's like living with mental illness like OCD or other anxiety disorders. Here's how I experience it:   Imagine you're sitting in a chair in the middle of a room. The state or appearance of the room doesn't matter. except that there are two buttons in front of you: one red, one blue. You are then told to not t



A Glaring Flaw with Marvel's Captain America: Civil War [SPOILERS]

Ok, let me just preface this by saying that I loved this movie. It’s a movie set in the Marvel cinematic universe, so that’s not a hard thing to do mind you, but even compared to the movies that were used to set this film up like Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron, this film still manages to stand on its own and deliver a thrilling and action-pack experience.   However, with all that being said, there are two issues that I had a problem with. The first is a minor t



Gripes of an Editor

So, if the title wasn’t a dead enough giveaway, I like to fancy myself an adequate editor/proofreader. I know no one’s perfect so mistakes are bound to happen to even the best of writers, and helping find and fix those mistakes is something I’m good at, that I enjoy doing as a hobby, that I would love to turn into a profession one day and, were I a pony, I might even go so far as to call my special talent.   With that being said, I have encountered a recurring issue that still bugs me:   “He



Open World Vs Linear Progression

I was reminded of this while watching a podcast recently. More and more games nowadays are touted as being Open-World/Sandbox games that gives players the freedom to go almost anywhere they want in the world and that they can literally waste tens, if not hundreds of hours in without once progressing the main story, games like GTA, Witcher 3 and Fallout for example   I'm come to find that this kind of game kinda terrifies me in a weird way. I love exploring in games, but without any invisible w



Happy Canada Day from the land of the Maple Leaf!

Happy Canada Day my fellow Canadians of MLPForums! Let's all celebrate Canada's 148th birthday by feasting on large amounts of Tim Hortons, poutine and Mac N' Cheese! Just remember to lock your igloo behind you when you go out, dress in case of snow and be weary of traffic while driving your dog-sled, those "polar bear X-ing" signs are there for a reason, eh?



My look at Episode 100, "Slice of Life"

Let me just start by saying that when this episode was first announced last year, I wasn’t exactly hyped for it. Even with what little they revealed, it was obvious that the episode would be nothing but fan-service and pandering of the highest order and that to me smelled like the perfect recipe for disaster. I’m pretty sure most people still remember the debacle that ensued after Derpy’s speaking role in “The Last Round-Up” and I just pictured it being like that, only on Red-Bull. I tried to be



PoisonClaw's Top 10 Part 3: Least Favorite

Finally, we have the ten episodes I don't much care for. Surprisingly, this was much easier to write than the first two, I guess it's just easier to put into words why you don't like something than it is to say why you like it.   10. Lesson Zero   Twilight is prone to freaking out, that’s a fact. However, I have a hard time believing that even Twilight would lose her mind to this degree. Even before the sanity slippage even begins, most of Twilight’s antics take her OCD and cranks it



PoisonClaw's Top 10 Part 2 - Favorites

#10. Luna Eclipsed   Bronies love Luna. That is a fact, and while you’re free to not like Luna you can’t deny that her debut episode after her brief appearance in the series opener was met with resounding cheer and applause. With numerous fan theories of Luna’s personality already established, no one was expecting her to be PRINCESS LUNA, SOVEREIGN OF THE CAPS LOCK AND NO INSIDE VOICE!   Outside of Luna though, this episode is also one of my favorite from a technical aspect. Very few epi



PoisonClaw's Top 10 Part 1: Runner Ups

I've been meaning to do this for a while now, but I've finally worked up the effort and motivation to put out two Top 10 lists for my personal favorite and least favorite episodes of Friendship is Magic.   Though while compiling the Favorite list, I realized that I have a lot of favorite episodes to the point I could have made it a Top 20 and still not had enough room. So I'm starting by getting a few of the episodes that just barely missed the list by the smallest or margins out of the way!



I know this is probably fake...

...but you have no idea how desperately I want it to be true.     Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is, bar none, my absolute favorite game of all time. But with every Paper Mario game after TTYD being lackluster at best, my hopes for this series weren't looking up. But if Nintendo decided to port TTYD to 3DS like they're doing for Xenoblade Chronicles...I would be in line to pre-order on day 1.



Griffon Designs

So, I noticed something while looking for references for a possible griffon character. It’s common knowledge that while ponies use the same body shape (baring a few exceptions), there are noticeable differences between genders, namely muzzle shape and eyelashes/lack there of. Thing is that these differences apply to griffons as well.   As of the end of Season 4, a total of five griffons have appeared on screen. The first was obviously Gilda in “Griffon the Brush Off”, The second was Gustave



Fans in the wild

In the last few years, I've been able to attend three separate fan conventions and recently a showing of Rainbow Rocks…and even after all that it still mystifies me whenever I encounter a fellow fan of anything in person.   Take just a few weeks ago when I attended a one-day comic con with a friend. While there I saw Daleks, Weeping Angels, Xenomorphs, a six-foot plush dragon, a ludicrous number of Power Rangers and hair in just about every color of the known rainbow (literally in some cases)



Doctor Who S8E4 - "Listen" Review

[be forewarned: Massive Spoilers await!]   Doctor Who is no stranger to psychological thriller episodes, one of the most well-known being the Tenth Doctor episode “Blink”, which, while mostly Doctor-less, managed to instill a deep seated fear of stone angels that likely lingers even to this day. However, this week’s episode instead focuses on a more primal fear: fear of the unknown. I really hope you weren’t planning on sleeping afterwards, because this is “Listen”.   Get used to hearing tha



Something that Grinds my Gears

No one will probably read this, but this has been bugging me for some time…   When it comes to literature, especially the kind on the internet and whether it be original or fan fiction, there are certain things that tend to get on some people’s nerves, myself included. This could be overly colorful and long-winded descriptions that only serve to pad out the word count, commonly misspelled or mistaken words like lose and loose or even something as insignificant as writing in the “wrong” font. B



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