You guys may have been wondering why I haven't posted at all lately, despite me saying that I would be active come the late Spring after I returned from my first leave. Well, besides the obvious reasons of work and college studies taking up my internet time, there is a reason that goes beyond that.
I have become disillusioned with the entire Brony community in general. I have been a fan of the show ever since the end of the first season and during that time, I've met some really nice people
I'll be inactive from around New Years to January 22nd because I won't have a stable Internet connection for a while.
Now, hold back those tears, folks! I'm sure you guys can handle an period without an Aegis like myself for a while!
I'll try to post here and there when I can.
This is just to keep track of what anime I've finished and are currently watching.
Finished Completely
Neon Genesis Evangelion (INCLUDES End of Evangelion and first two new movies)
Elfen Lied
Cowboy Bebop
Fooly Cooly
Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Ball GT
Fullmetal Alchemist/FMA: Brotherhood
Yu Yu Hakusho
Samurai Champloo
Lucky Star
Currently Watching/Not Finished
Excel Saga
Future Diary
Waiting Line
Ghost in the Sh