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Just bigger posts about my life and things that don't belong anywhere else...complete with emotional screencaps.

Entries in this blog

So, I've decided to give up posting my Fruits Basket fic...

...Because the fandom could give two craps about it.   I am currently in the middle of working on a long-arc Fruits Basket story that takes place post canon and revolves around Akito. I am determined to see this project through, as, I have had a bad habit of starting and never finishing fics in the past. So, I will be completing it, especially since I have a full timeline worked out for this one.   But, the fandom will never get to know the ending. I don't know if anyone else had ever had th



And so, this shall be my last semester...And I'm not even finished yet!

So...I have ONE more final to take...at NINE AM tomorrow. And then I don't have to work until two...so, WTF school?   Speaking of school, since I'm almost done, I should be like this, right?   Um...No. I'm actually a mix of this:   Why? Because even though I've grown to like my school and the classes, I have to drop out for financial reasons. I just cannot afford to go to school right now, and am SOOOO sick of fighting with financial aid, only to be told, "but the numbers say "no." T



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