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Discord is the best character seasons 1-5

I got more excited than i expected from the stats of the MLPF world cup so I decided to look up the polls on the Show discussion topics https://mlpforums.com/forum/3-show-discussion/ there from all the episodes and calculate a score to each character based on the score the episodes got from those polls. What i did was to get score for each episode the polls had 5 choices so every vote in lowest option was -2 points then -1, 0, +1, and best option +2 points divided the total by the numb

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碇 シンジン

Purple MLP Forums 2.0

I decided to redo the old skin I did for the site though its merely just a recolor but i guess its good enough if you like purple =)  If some one wants to check it out https://userstyles.org/styles/141649/mlp-forums-purple-2-0 to use it you need download stylish from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylish-custom-themes-for/fjnbnpbmkenffdnngjfgmeleoegfcffe   Original version  

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Raritys tail deserves more love

Her tail so beautiful sculpture of her skilled hoof of fashion beautifully styled perfect lovely wonderful creation of divine angel artist fashionista pony lovely princess jewel <3<3<3<3 Rarity <3<3   Her tail is so unique magnificent and lovely absolutely darling to look at soft silken huggabble smooth warmth feeling <3<3 Lovely purple shade of royal elegance and beauty shining inside <3<3 emerging from her endless source of inspiration her lovely burning gener

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Rarity day Rarity Rarity

Rarity day Rarity Rarity   Rarityavatars.zip   RarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarityRarit

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Rarity, you're so wonderful a beautiful sight to behold, such divine beauty<3 lovely delicate angel wings on your back, magnificent wonder <3 Lovely princess you are my dear sweetest creature in existence, flying around with your lovely wings of pure bliss and radiance <3 You my angel protecting me <3 guiding me to the right path <3 your radiant divine beauty shining from far guiding me in dark <3   You true princess of beauty, fashion generous lovely ambassador of true fabul

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angel kiss

It is late cold night, I'm walking deep into this darken forest. I'm looking for something, i want to witness her with my very own eyes, the rumor says that Deep into this darken deep forest of wood there is a beautiful nymph like angel creature wandering around helping the lost people who cant find their way back home themselves.   The tale also says that this creature holds such radiance and the essence of beauty in her that you cannot withstand in front of her long. Her lovely gaze towards

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looking her from far, out of reach lovely pony cannot touch so prettty yet so far distant small why im not closer to you my dear who are these others i run fast quick im not getting any closer the shadows fall on m, im still looking at her cute eyes round jewels seeing her shine from the darkness, i look around its darkness everywhere dark scary figures moving there   Im so afraid i turn back to my angel lovely beauty elegant pretty see her shine i go closer dark figures fade away in front o

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Rarity you're so lovely tiny pony, beautiful absolutely adorable little angel, such sweetie kind hearted generous, delicate gorgeous pony <3 A real jewel you are a rare beauty so fluffy little pony <3 <3   I give you everything you coul ever ask for and everything you ever wish for my lovely queen <3 I pamper you <3 groom your silken pony coat <3<3<3 and brush your beautiful curly purple wonderful radiant shining mane <3 So sweet you are my little jewel <3 So pr


Her eye, lovely , so beautiful and fantastic, like a whole new world of blue crystal ocean stunning and captivating shining star absolutely fantastic and incredible how so much beauty can compress in a such tiny and small area of her flawless body <3<3   Truly a sight to behold, looking in her eye like looking into a window blue sapphire like round pearl like smooth perfect window, inside you will something magnificent something so lovely, you can almost feel the sense of warmth and lo

New suit

Rarity you're such a sight to behold, lovely looks elegant poses beautifully curled soft purple hair, walking towards me a simple stallion, you the most magnificent and gorgeous being ever to exist . Looking at me over your red cute tiny designer glasses. Smiling little your lovely eyes move over to my body, beautiful blue sapphire like jewels.<3 Black long sexy lashes and the light blue diamond shiny eye shadow <3   Glowing horn blue magic color the most magnificent magical abilities


Summer break was over, back at the school. I opened the door to the main hall, new school new faces. Everything was new. many students there going around, running lots of noise talking, somehow I managed to squeeze myself through the people and to the birst class before bell started ringing . The geography class.   I was first there in the class, the bell rang and other students started coming in, in the first group of girls that came in the class I saw something beautiful, something so rare

Mane 6 + Spike Words, Lines, Episodes, Sentences

Alright lets compare these 7 characters with some of these stats: Press images to view full size Lines said in total   Twilight Sparkle 3 029 Pinkie Pie 2 096 Rainbow Dash 1 981 Applejack 1 842 Rarity 1 707 Fluttershy 1 453 Spike 1 357 Words said in total   Twilight Sparkle 36 768 Pinkie Pie


It is Friday morning, I couldn't sleep last night, feeling so nervous. Going to my closet searching for my finest attire. It is a special day today Clock is ticking it's almost time, I hear a car sound driving to my yard. She is here, already. Closing my eyes trying to breathe calmly and calm my excited feeling I go out of the door.   I open the car door, a true beauty awaits inside happy smile ready to drive me <3 It is my first date with her the lovely lady Rarity <3 Blushing I step

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Most refined elegant, pure, shiniest and precious of all the crystal jewel gems, lovely so rare, so valuable so stunning and beautiful looking. Lovely sapphire eyes lovingly gazing my way the pony with the most radiant shining purple mane ever imaginable most sexy looking attractive flawless white pony body covered in the most silken and velvet soft fur ever to be touched was right in front of me.   I didnt know what was happening her creative shining burning lovely bright beauty sparkled m

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Polished lovely beautiful, elegant divine, cute unicorn pony, just magnificent, pleasing to look at <3. Such a stunning appearance, ultimate radiance emerging from her loving passionate generous heart <3 , Styled amazing pony walking near, everypony looking her. Such lovely sight cannot be from this world , more pretty and beautiful than anything could ever be or has ever been <3   Existence itself can't handle such amount of shine and beautiful radiance that emerges from her pretty p

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碇 シンジン

Rarity analysis (stats)

So Rarity the white unicorn pony has said 1700 lines and 3149 sentences in the show so far. She hast spoken at all in 20 of the episodes=) So she has spoken in 81 episodes. Lets see some happy stats   Seasons rank following by the lines per episode average:   1. Season 1 is best season of Rarity so far she said about 23,15 lines per episode and had only 3 episodes without a line. She also spoke 44,65 sentences per episode in that season. A glorious season for the Jewel Butt pony

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Lovely blue, shining like the stars on the dark night sky. Big wide captivating beautiful like the finest of the round pearls, dazzling, wonderful like the radiand sapphire jewel crystals, Deep, mysterious and exciting like the ocean waters. They are the absolute perfection, finest pair of eyes you'll ever wittness<3   Eyes are mirror to your soul they say, but how absolutely gorgeous soul and spirit of hear must she have if her eyes only are like the most refined of gems. Taking a look int

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I woke up late this morning, so tired. Looking at the clock I saw it was too late for me to get to the school by walking, there was this exam today if I'm late I will fail it. I ran fast to the downstairs grabbed some bread and got out of the door. how I am going to make it in time to there I wondered. I didnt really have time to start thinking about it. I ran as fast as I could. After a bit of time my legs started feeling heavy and my breathing was getting more intense.   I wasnt really in

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Rarity listen

Rarity, i been feeling odd in me lately not lot of energy sometimes, but sometimes more knowing that here in forum is ponies help me but i still feel tired because my sleep was low I hug my Rarity plushie last night I feel happy about that you are close to me and I the art of you that I search in internet inspires my mind and it is so beautiful to look at and see so wonderful, such jewels you rarely find and I've found you the Rarest jewel of them all.     I love these images they are not

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Rarity pony happy lay on ground, soft pony silken coat fur<3<3<3 lovely lovely like the soft pillow<3<3<3 Wonderful beautiful hair styled mane sexy <3<3 HEr happy face smile look at me <3<3 I come closer<3<3 walk im so tired <3<3<3 stroke her lolvely purple hair <3<3<3 pet her silken coat <4<4<4 snuggle nuzzle her lovely pony head <3<3<3 feeling her hair on me<3<3<3 feeling the lovely warmth of her body <3<

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碇 シンジン


RARITY   Lovely pony Rarity is a true jewel diamond gem, really stands out from the other ponies. Endless is her lovely beauty her bright eyes are shining with lovely radiance. The radiance will seek its way into your heart, lovely feeling you see the absolute gorgeous beautiful pony in front of you, warm feeling fills you from inside you see the gentel little smile on her pretty pony face little blush<3 walking towards you tiny slow hoofsteps white hooves. making the cute lovely so

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Driving your car on this highway, you driven many hundred miles already getting bit tired. Still trying to stay awake though. Suddenly you see something bright on the road <3 Radiant and shiny like a big diamond, it is a some kind of creature. you stop your car in the bush, and approach this beautiful creature<3 as you walk closer to this beauty os nature you start seeing her lovely blue pearl like jewel eyes captivating and shine lovely unicorn horn, flowing curled styled elegant purple

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Raritys dresses are the most beautiful pieces of garment ever existed, perfext sense of fashion dress on her curvy sexy body lovely colors and designs, absolutely divine and elegant fabric that she of course crafts by her hoof so silken smooth shiny velvet lovely perfect garment gfabric most lovely dress ever to be made by living creature in all of existwence ever no one will ever reach the beauty and the amazing lovely level that she is on   there are dresses and then there are Raritys abso

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