I just stumbled across this new video series "The Trotting Dead". Basically it's a zombie movie acted out by ponies.
It is well worth your time to watch. They packed an amazing amount of suspense into such a short video. There is only the one episode in the series so far but hopefully it will be expanded upon in time.
I really enjoyed it and think you will too.
In case you didn't know, Greg from FimFlamFilosophy, the creator of Rainbow Dash Presents and the original Mentally Advanced Series, has started a new "negative" Mentally Advanced Series on Youtube. This time around he is doing both the voice acting as well as the animation. The art is admittedly course and simple but he is slowly improving as an artist.
He just uploaded the 4th episode ( episode -3) today. If you haven't seen them yet I highly recomend you go back and watch episodes 0 throu
To start off I don't know this person and am not associated with their channel in any way.
I just discovered a brand new female commentator on youtube that is starting a new blind reaction series on the show starting at the very beginning of season one. She dose a pretty good job and seems to be going into the show with no preconceived notions and a fresh perspective.
If watching blind reactions to the show from someone that knows next to nothing about the franchise sounds interesting to