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Taking down a nefarious essay...

Without further adue, here I go.     Having to complete two novels, Midnight’s Children and The Satanic Verses written by the author of Salman Rushdie, one has come to a sure conclusion Yes! Totally ! There is without a doubt that what I am about to tell you is the absolute, undeniable truth about his books .   that his works are in purpose of a certain goal he is trying to achieve in his world, You don't f***ing say?? I can't stop . and of those who read


DubWolf in review

Toy Story 4

Putting this in a blog since status updates are much easier to be missed and forgotten (and hard to find).   Finally saw Toy Story 4. 4 years after, so not too bad. I jokingly protested watching it since I considered the 3rd to be the "final movie" of the Toy Story arc (I procrastinate watching movies), but sincerely the 3rd did "satisfy" me from watching another sequel. Yet. If the first three movies are like a well-written letter, the 4th is a very well-written "PS". -I lik


DubWolf in movie, spoilers

College advice from an unemployed engineering graduate

I mean to say I'm not and have never been employed as an engineer but that's besides the point. I've had a lot of reflections on my personal matters and shortcomings and I feel like it would be beneficial for people to see what I've thought of. Bear in mind because I have no such professional experience, this is a limitation on my thoughts. I'll skip a few basic obvious ones. 1. Know your job. Do you know exactly what your job is going to be or do you only have a vague idea of what it


DubWolf in college advice

Just a curious thing..

He who views this thread will acknowledge that Sunset Shimmer is best pony by posting here  . He who ignores thinks they're the worst, if they've read up to this part  . @Splashee      



Net Neutrality....

The internet is a medium which allows one to GREATLY express oneself in so many ways. To put people at a disadvantage or unable these forms of communication, our freedom of expression is being hindered, THUS, doing away with net neutrality should be considered unconstitutional. It would basically be like starting a poll tax; while some can afford to pay it to vote, many cannot, hence this freedom is being limited to only the privileged. If America REALLY wants to call itself a country of "f



A not so wonderful essay at all!

I wrote this for my senior year English AP class. Spoiler alert, it is really horrible .   @Wind Chaser   As requested by fellow class mates. I didn't bother indenting paragraphs since that would take me more time. Score: 89/43 = 66   Having to complete two novels, Midnight’s Children and The Satanic Verses written by the author of Salman Rushdie, one has come to a sure conclusion that his works are in purpose of a certain goal he is trying to achieve in his world, and of those who read or



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