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Just a place for general information regarding my MLP:F activities.

Entries in this blog

On Roleplays And Lore (updated)

July 2016 update: All of this stuff is still valid. I will write a fanfic one of these days, and my companion site should be up before I return to college on August 22...assuming I don't keep breaking flash drives and having to redo all of my OC vectors.   The original post follows.   -----   Writing fanfics is hard. Writing college papers is hard. Coding projects are hard. Exams are hard, and I'm still not done with them. Websites take time to build. Man, I wish days had more than 24 hour



Roleplay and OC updates: Busted USB drive edition!

Yesterday, I had an unfortunate accident involving my USB flash drive: it broke. After six years of honorable service in everything, from random files to school documents, it is gone. May it rest in peace with all the other SanDisks in the sky.   The good news is that nothing important to my daily life was on there, so I can simply get a new drive.   This post will outline the bad news, and what it will do to my OCs, roleplays, and lore, for my old flash drive held a lot of that information.



Port Impala Factbank: Media

Since the Opening fifty years ago, Port Impala has maintained a complex, diverse, and free media, operating with essentially no interference from the government.   pre-Opening media situation The autocratic National Alliance governments that ran the country before the Opening engaged in vigorous censorship of the media. Newspapers were mostly government-controlled and acted as little more than mouthpieces for the state; the few private newspapers - like the Peninsula Daily - saw many of their



Port Impala Factbank: Basic Info

In the OOC thread for my new roleplay, Life in the Big City...State, I said that I'd essentially dump all the facts on the setting in my blog, so as to keep clutter in the OOC thread down. Here's the first of a series of posts on what Port Impala is, and what it's like. _______________________________   Basic Information*   Official name: Commonwealth of Port Impala   Demonym: Port Impalan   Languages: Equestrian is the sole official language, and is spoken by 88% of residents in the cit



Regarding my three month absence, roleplays, and OCs

Hey MLPForums, it's been a while since my last login in early April. Season five of MLP:FiM is airing, the site continues to get new users, and many interesting developments have occurred in real life, both positive and negative!   Understandably, my last departure was quite abrupt. At the time of my last login on April 6, I was participating in two roleplays (MLP Nations and Equestria Forward), had profiles for several OCs on this site, and had more developments in the pipeline. Unfortunately



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