Let's see, I haven't made a post lately, so here goes nothing...
So first a topic...
Should I choose something controversial, so there is stuff to talk about, yet not have the subject be taboo...
Or something about my daily life or a recent event...
I'm going to go with my life, seems more easy.
Now we need an event.
How about writing this, that seems like fun.
So I'm writing about writing a blog...
So currently it's almost 3:00 A.M. Here, I realized no one would car
So I was playing Battlfield 3 when I got someone's Bad company dog tag, then later when I was looking at it I noticed there was a Battlefield 1943 dog tag...yet I didn't have it unlocked even though I've played 1943 a lot.
So I looked it up online, tried things, nothing worked so I finally went to their help page and asked for some help, surprisingly they actualy fixed the problem so now I have my awesome Battlefield 1943 Dog tag. Felt like sharing that.
Now you can keep up with all my stupidity and randomness that is completly unrelivant, but good enought to the point in which I don't get banned for just being a menace to these forums even thought I'm surprised I didn't get banned like months ago, because really there is no point of having me in these forums.
Tl;dr: I made a blog that you shouldn't waste your time with.