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A blog where I review all the seasons of Power Rangers one episode at a time.

Entries in this blog

PRfan93 Reviews Power Rangers: MMPR S1 E12 - Power Ranger Punks

Introduction   'CAUSE IIIII WANNA BEEEEE A POWER RANGER!     The Episode   The Rangers are at the park, playing volleyball, when Baboo and several Putties show up, unnoticed. Baboo has created a potion that will turn the Rangers into punks when consumed. After spiking the team's drinks, Baboo leaves. Kimberly and Billy decide to take a break, and then become angry after taking a few sips. They knock the other drinks to the ground, thereby sparing the other Rangers.   Meanwhile, Rit



PRfan93 Reviews Power Rangers: MMPR S1 E11 - No Clowning Around + AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT

Introduction   By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes...     The Episode   Our episode begins with the Rangers enjoying a town carnival. Trini is babysitting her cousin Sylvia, who is fascinated by one of the clowns, Pineapple. She asks Trini if she can stay behind to play with him, but Trini reminds her they're supposed to stick together. She promises that when they finish watching a gymnastics demonstration, they can return to Pineapple. However, all is not t



PRfan93 Reviews Power Rangers: MMPR S1 E10 - Happy Birthday, Zack

Introduction   This entry is actually a special one, seeing as one of my friends' birthdays was today. So, I'm dedicating this one to you, yayayayayala! THIS IS MY B-DAY PRESENT TO YOU! :3   The Episode   Our episode begins in the Juice Bar (...HGHTHBGFHFHFHFHFHFHAAAAAAAAAAANOTAGAIN!...Oh, wait, they actually have a legit reason this time...), where the Rangers aside from Zack are setting up a birthday party. Ernie has his suspicions about the Rangers, so the gang tells him that the Ranger



PRfan93 Reviews Power Rangers: MMPR S1 E9 - For Whom the Bell Trolls

Introduction   ...Ticklesneezer?   The Episode   The episode begins in the Rangers' English class, where Hobby Week is taking place. Trini's hobby, oddly enough, is collecting dolls. Bulk and Skull mock her for it, while the Rangers demonstrate what they like to do for fun: Billy enjoys science, Kimberly enjoys gymnastics, Zack enjoys surfing, and Jason enjoys bo staffs. Bulk and Skull decide to screw around with Trini by playing keep-away with her favorite doll, Mr. Ticklesneezer. Billy



PRfan93 Reviews Power Rangers: MMPR S1 E8 - I, Eye Guy

Introduction   ...Eye Guy? Ay yi yi yi yi...   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pwYVB046PI   The Episode   Our episode begins in the Location-That-Must-Not-Be-Named, where Billy is helping a young genius named Willy at the science fair. Willy's invention is a virtual reality machine, which is actually very impressive for a kid his age, let alone the '90's.   Rita, meanwhile, wants to capture Willy for his intellect (so Rita's acknowledging her stupidity? Surprising...), along with the



PRfan93 Reviews Power Rangers: MMPR S1 E7 - Big Sisters

Introduction   GO, GO ZYURA-oh wait, wrong side of the pond.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heOFKhFwaUs   The Episode   The episode begins in the Juice Bar (...GRRRRAAAAAAANOTAGAIIIIN!!!) where Kimberly and Trini are asking around, looking for a little girl named Maria, who they have become Big Sisters for the day to. They find Maria (or, should I say, Anti-Social Little Devil), who has deliberately turned off the hot water in the Bar, just to troll everyone. Trini and Kim admonish h



PRfan93 Reviews Power Rangers: MMPR S1 E5 - A Different Drum + MMPR S1 E6 - Food Fight

Episode 5 - A Different Drum   Introduction   So, in our first (and only, for now) Double Feature Review, I will be looking at the 5th and 6th episodes of Mighty Morphin'.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2cx3O_EXjY   The Episode   So, our episode begins (oh dear God, not again...) in the Juice Bar, where Kimberly is teaching a dance class. Billy, being the unlucky nerd he is, quite literally rolls into the class, causing a bit of havoc. Kimberly's deaf friend Melissa, meanwhile, is



PRfan93 Reviews Power Rangers: MMPR S1 E4 - A Pressing Engagement

Introduction   Thank you, Nuke, for being my number one (and so far, only) fan. AND BY GOLLY, I WILL GET MORE VIEWS!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj5oxRxmfp8   The Episode   So, the episode begins where else but the Juice Bar, where Jason is attempting to beat a benchpressing record. Unfortunately, his friends keep distracting him and he fails at another attempt. Well, it turns out that Bulk's record is the one he's trying to beat. When Jason finds out about this, he considers givin



PRfan93 Reviews Power Rangers: MMPR S1 E3 - Teamwork

Introduction   ...Why is Nuke the only one reading this? Anyways, our feature presentation:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFQsxwxVW4Q   The Episode   So, the episode begins with the Rangers at school (they actually go somewhere that isn't the FREAKIN' JUICE BAR? ), where Kimberly and Trini are trying to promote the importance of recycling. Their principal, Mr. Caplan, congratulates the two on promoting a good cause. And then our favorite Neanderthals, Bulk and Skull show up. They



PRfan93 Reviews Power Rangers: MMPR S1 E2 - High Five

Introduction   Greetings, everypony. PRfan93 here with another Power Rangers review. Today, we're going to be looking at the second episode of Mighty Morphin', High Five! Watch along with me!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dyvow-pG0U   The Episode   So the episode begins with the Rangers at Ernie's Juice Bar (Big surprise there... ), where Jason is attempting a rope climb. Trini, who has a fear of heights (which doesn't seem to have been mentioned until now, seeing as she could JUMP



PRfan93 Reviews Power Rangers: MMPR S1 EP1 - Day of the Dumpster

Introduction   Hey, there, everypony. PRfan93 here with my first blog. Every day (or every so often, if I can), I am going to post a review of every single Power Rangers episode ever, from Mighty Morphin' to Dino Charge, with pop culture references and snarky humor abound! So sit back, relax, grab yourself some popcorn and those old MMPR-era action figures you never play with, and enjoy the show!     The Episode   After listening to that iconic theme song for the first time, the first



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